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White House Urged Act on Anniversary of Darfur Genocide Declaration

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  • White House Urged Act on Anniversary of Darfur Genocide Declaration

    Sudanese Online, The Sudan
    Sept 9 2005

    White House Urged Act on Anniversary of Darfur Genocide Declaration
    9/9/2005 5:10pm

    White House Urged Act on Anniversary of Darfur Genocide Declaration
    by Abid Aslam

    WASHINGTON - Hundreds of activists descended on the White House
    Thursday to protest what they called President George W. Bush's
    inaction in the year since his administration said that genocide was
    taking place in Sudan's western Darfur region.
    Some 700 people took part in the Washington rally, at which a
    petition demanding U.S. action and bearing tens of thousands of
    signatures was unfurled, said Ann-Louise Colgan, director of policy
    analysis at Africa Action, one of the event's organizers.

    ''As Americans struggle to cope with the President's failure of
    leadership on the domestic front in the horrific aftermath of
    Hurricane Katrina, we must also condemn the President's failure of
    political leadership on the international front, where he has failed
    to act to stop the ongoing genocide in Darfur and the death toll
    continues to mount,'' said Salih Booker, the organization's executive

    Separately, the Sudanese government and two main rebel groups from
    Darfur said Thursday they would attend peace talks scheduled to
    resume Sep. 15 in Nigeria's capital, Abuja.

    Violence in Darfur, now in its third year, has killed more than
    400,000 people and forced 2.5 million of the region's 5.5 million
    people to flee their homes and villages, U.N. agencies and advocacy
    groups have estimated.

    Relief workers also have been caught up in the fighting. The United
    Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) said Tuesday it had received fresh
    reports of fighting between rebel groups and the nomadic Janjaweed
    militia, looting of humanitarian assistance, and attacks on villages.

    ''The combat between the Janjaweed and the Sudanese Liberation Army
    (SLA) has been taking place in the Jabal Moon hills in North
    Darfur,'' UNMIS said in a statement, ''but the situation in West
    Darfur is most troubling, following two attacks last week on
    humanitarian convoys sent in by non-governmental organizations

    The death toll could exceed one million people by the end of the year
    unless bold steps are taken to rein in the conflict between rebel
    groups of African descent and Arab militias that the regime in
    Khartoum stands accused of arming and abetting, Africa Action warned.
    It has urged Washington to push for the deployment of an
    international peacekeeping force and has demanded that Africa Union
    (AU) peacekeepers be given a political mandate to intervene in the
    fighting to protect civilians.

    The fighting started over rebels' claims that the Sudanese government
    had deliberately neglected Darfur, starving it of basic services and
    development money. It has been compounded by competition for control
    of local oil, gas, and mineral resources.

    Even as government and rebel forces implement a peace process in the
    country's south, the Khartoum regime appears to be girding for new
    violence in eastern Sudan, where local populations also are rebelling
    against the government, according to Africa Action.

    In 2000, the group was among the first to warn of what it then saw as
    an impending crisis in Darfur.

    Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visited Sudan in July and urged
    the government to end the violence in Darfur, a region about the size
    of Texas.

    However, U.S.-Sudanese intelligence cooperation in what the White
    House calls its ''war on terror'' and prospects for peace in war-torn
    southern Sudan dominated Rice's talks with President Omar Hassan
    Ahmad al-Bashir and senior government officials.

    Washington also has pledged to help airlift AU troops from their home
    countries to Sudan.

    Even so, speakers at Thursday's rally chided the White House for what
    they said amounted to scant lip service. They renewed demands for
    urgent action to protect Darfur's civilians and to mobilize a
    multinational intervention to support the AU, Africa's equivalent of
    the European Union.

    ''We call on President Bush, one year after he recognized the
    genocide in Darfur, to take decisive and effective action to end the
    violence that is brutalizing innocent civilians in Darfur,'' said
    David Rubenstein, coordinator of the 134-organization Save Darfur
    Coalition, which claims a combined membership of more than 130
    million Americans.

    Thursday's event was organized by Africa Action, American Jewish
    World Service, Armenian National Committee of America, Evangelical
    Lutheran Church of America, Faithful America, Greater Washington
    Jewish Task Force on Darfur, NAACP, National Council of Churches,
    Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, Save Darfur Coalition,
    Sojourners, STAND, Sudan Peace Advocates Network, TransAfrica Forum,
    and the United Methodist Church.

    Anti-genocide activists also have been pressing U.S. television
    networks to increase coverage of the Darfur situation, described by
    the United Nations as the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

    The campaign--run by the American Progress Action Fund and the
    Genocide Intervention Fund--asks networks to ''be a witness'' to the
    genocide in Darfur.

    Organizers said they hoped increased coverage would move voters to
    exert pressure on elected officials.

    ''Television has told us stories of important human brutality before,
    and Americans have responded by demanding action from our elected
    representatives,'' the campaign said in a statement citing examples
    including the civil rights struggles of the 1950s and 1960s and the
    Ethiopian famine of the 1980s.

    Last year, the ABC, CBS, and NBC network nightly newscasts aired a
    total of only 26 minutes on Sudan, according to the Tyndall Report,
    which monitors major broadcasters. ABC devoted 18 minutes to Darfur
    coverage, NBC five, and CBS only three. By contrast, lifestyle
    doyenne Martha Stewart's legal woes received 130 minutes of nightly
    news coverage.

    A U.N. commission concluded last January that crimes against
    humanity--but not genocide--had occurred in Darfur. In April, the
    world body passed a resolution referring cases of alleged atrocities
    since July 1, 2002 to the International Criminal Court.

    U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan then handed the names of 51 people
    suspected of war crimes and atrocities in Darfur to the court. The
    list included Sudanese government and army officials as well as
    militia and rebel leaders.