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Hundreds Rally at White House for "A Day for Darfur"

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  • Hundreds Rally at White House for "A Day for Darfur"

    Political Affairs Magazine
    Sept 9 2005

    Hundreds Rally at White House for "A Day for Darfur"
    By Political Affairs

    To mark the one-year anniversary of the Bush Administration's
    declaration of genocide in Darfur, Sudan, hundreds of activists
    joined leadership figures at a rally outside the White House today to
    denounce the continuing failure of political leadership from
    President Bush on this crisis. The death toll in Darfur now stands at
    more than 400,000 people, with a further 2.5 million people displaced
    and left homeless as a result of the ongoing government-sponsored

    Salih Booker, Executive Director of Africa Action, said today, "As
    Americans struggle to cope with the President's failure of leadership
    on the domestic front in the horrific aftermath of Hurricane Katrina,
    we must also condemn the President's failure of political leadership
    on the international front, where he has failed to act to stop the
    ongoing genocide in Darfur, and the death toll continues to mount."

    Speakers and activists at today's event emphasized the urgent need
    for protection for the people of Darfur, and called on President Bush
    to take every step necessary to ensure an immediate multinational
    intervention to support the African Union and provide security to

    Ruth Messinger, President of American Jewish World Service, said, "As
    Jews who understand the consequences of silence and indifference in
    the face of genocide, we must respond to the crisis in Darfur and
    increase pressure on the international community to end the violence
    and suffering. No-one can stand silently by."

    Rev. Dr. Robert W. Edgar, General Secretary of the National Council
    of Churches, said, "It is unacceptable for us to sit idly by as
    people die. This is true whether it is in the Deep South or Darfur,
    Sudan. This genocide is one of the greatest horrors of our day. We
    urge people of conscience everywhere to call on our leaders to take
    action now before events force us to one day have to confess our sin
    of negligence and complicity."

    Today's event also saw the release of a petition signed by many tens
    of thousands of Americans, calling on the President to act urgently
    to provide protection to the people of Darfur. Across the country,
    citizen engagement on the crisis in Darfur continues to grow, as
    Americans raise their voices to emphasize that genocide cannot be

    Rev. Jim Wallis, Founder an Editor-in-Chief of Sojourners Magazine,
    said today, "People of faith are united in their call for bold and
    immediate Presidential leadership in order to restore hope and
    security to the people of Darfur. Now is the time to put real meaning
    behind the words 'never again'."

    Fatima Haroun of the Sudan Peace Advocates Network said today, "The
    people of Darfur have suffered more than enough already. It is time
    for international action to stop the violence and bring relief and
    peace to this troubled region."

    David Rubenstein, Coordinator of the Save Darfur Coalition, said
    today, "The Save Darfur Coalition's 134 member organizations
    represent more than 130 million Americans. We call on President Bush
    - one year after he recognized the genocide in Darfur - to take
    decisive and effective action to end the violence that is brutalizing
    innocent civilians in Darfur."

    Today's event was organized by Africa Action, American Jewish World
    Service, Armenian National Committee of America, Evangelical Lutheran
    Church of America, Faithful America, Greater Washington Jewish Task
    Force on Darfur, NAACP, National Council of Churches, Religious
    Action Center of Reform Judaism, Save Darfur Coalition, Sojourners,
    STAND, Sudan Peace Advocates Network, TransAfrica Forum, and the
    United Methodist Church.