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A challenge to Islamic correctness

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  • A challenge to Islamic correctness

    The American Thinker
    Sept 9 2005

    A challenge to Islamic correctness
    September 9th, 2005

    Book Review

    The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims by
    Andrew Bostom (Editor); Foreword by Ibn Warraq. 2005. New York:
    Prometheus Books. Price $28 (HB).

    Jihad is now one of the most widely discussed words in the world's
    lexicon. Once regarded as an arcane and academic subject, the 9/11
    attacks and the more recent London bombings have brought the chilling
    reality of it to every home. Most think it is a form of religious
    war, something like the Crusades. This comparison is altogether
    inadequate, for the war is only the beginning. Jihad should be seen
    as a complete political and economic system that often includes
    selective genocide and slavery. All this is presented in exhaustive
    detail in The Legacy of Jihad compiled by Dr. Andrew Bostom. It is
    the one indispensable source book needed to understand the threat
    that the world faces today.

    There is no shortage of experts who tell us that Jihad really is an
    inner struggle against one's own baser instincts - like yoga and
    meditation in Hindu and Buddhist traditions. This `Islamically
    correct' explanation - never followed by the Jihadis - is belied both by
    Muslim literature and by historical experience. Ibn Khaldun (1332 -
    1406), one of the greatest thinkers of Islam, if not the greatest,
    saw Jihad as an aggressive war of expansion with the religious
    obligation to convert everyone. He calls it Islam's `universal

    `The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the
    holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of
    defense... Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.'
    [emphasis added]

    According to Sayyid Qutb (d. 1966):

    `...wherever an Islamic community exists... it has a God-given right to
    step forward and take control of the political authority... When God
    restrained Muslims from Jihad for a certain period, it was a question
    of strategy rather than of principle...'

    We need look no further to understand the so-called `root causes' of

    It is impossible to do justice to such a monumental work in a brief
    review beyond noting its main themes. The author begins appropriately
    with a hundred-page exposition titled Jihad Conquests and the
    Imposition of Dhimmitude. To appreciate Jihad we must understand the
    concept of dhimmitude, the state of mind induced by Jihadi terror.
    According to The Quranic Concept of War sponsored by General
    Zia-ul-Haq of Pakistan, the founder of Talibanism:

    `Terror struck into the hearts of the enemy is not only a means, it
    is the end in itself. Once a condition of terror into the opponent's
    heart is obtained, hardly anything is left to be achieved... Terror is
    not a means of imposing decision upon the enemy; it is the decision
    we wish to impose upon him.' [emphasis added]

    This brings up an important point: terrorism cannot be separated from
    Jihad, and Jihad cannot be removed from Islam. This is the reality
    that we are dealing with. Every Jihadi knows this; it is time others
    did too.

    The book gives a comprehensive survey - many from the primary sources
    going back the Quran and the Hadits. It shows how the orthodox view
    of Jihad has changed not at all. In the section The Law of War: The
    Jihad Majid Khadduri makes the important point that Islam abolished
    all kinds of warfare except Jihad.

    Should one think that all this is in the past and `reform' can change
    it, here is a sobering reminder by Bassam Tibi in his War and Peace
    in Islam:

    `Though the Islamic world has made many cultural adjustments to the
    modern international system, there has been no cultural
    accommodation, no rigorously critical rethinking of Islamic

    According to this worldview:

    `World peace, the final stage reached only with the conversion or
    submission of all mankind to Islam.'

    The book contains a comprehensive discussion of various Jihadi
    campaigns spanning the period from the first century of Islam to the
    present day - from Spain to the Indian subcontinent. A major bonus is
    the set of color-coded maps and other illustrations giving a vivid
    picture of the expansion of Islam at the cost of other nations.

    Several important documents appear in English for the first time.
    These include primary works in Arabic and Persian as well as
    neglected modern works in modern European languages by scholars such
    as Fagnan, Angelov, and Alexandrescu-Dresca Bulgaru. The work is
    particularly valuable in shedding light on the horrific experience of
    the Balkan nations under Ottoman rule. This is valuable in
    understanding the current turmoil in the Balkans where the Muslims
    are invariably cast as victims, while all the blame is placed on the
    Serbs and the Croatians.

    This raises an important but politically incorrect question: how did
    the Hindu civilization manage to survive while the mighty empires of
    Eastern Christianity, Zoroastrian Persia and the Buddhist kingdoms of
    Central Asia crumbled before the onslaught? Even in India, Buddhism
    was all but extinguished, while Hindu leaders rose to defend and
    finally defeat Islam, though at great cost.

    Genocide is often a direct consequence of Jihad though it is glossed
    over by `Islamically correct' historians. The book gives contemporary
    and even eyewitness accounts of various genocides from the time of
    the Prophet to present day Africa. This includes not only the Turkish
    massacre of the Armenians, but also the so-called `ethnic' conflict
    in Sudan, which is the direct consequence of the revival of Jihadism.

    Like genocide, slavery is also an integral part of Jihad. In fact
    most Islamic regimes were based on slave economy. The Legacy of Jihad
    has a sixty-page section on Jihad slavery. It makes for chilling
    reading. Particularly disturbing is the revival of slavery and slave
    trade in Sudan as a direct consequence of the resurgence of Islam and
    the emphasis on Jihad.

    John Eibner mentions one particular slave raid in 1987 in which more
    than a thousand Dhinka civilians were roasted alive in railway box
    cars in the town of El Diein in southern Sudan. (This was repeated in
    Godhra, India in 2002 when 57 Hindu pilgrims, mostly women and
    children, were burnt alive when the two bogies comprising the ladies'
    compartments were set on fire.)

    What is disturbing in this resurgence of slavery is the attitude of
    international agencies, including the U.N. Eibner notes that the U.N.
    Secretary General Kofi Annan has never publicly condemned the revival
    of slavery under Jihad. A decade ago, the Cambodian dictator Pol Pot
    also received U.N. support until his `Killing Fields' became
    impossible to ignore.

    The documentation is so profuse, much of it recorded by Muslims
    themselves, the reader begins to wonder why all this has been kept
    away from the public by Islamic scholars and academics whose job it
    is to inform. As the great Islamic scholar and critic Ibn Warraq (the
    author of Why I am Not A Muslim) asks in his brilliant Foreword: why
    did it take Dr. Andrew Bostom, not an Islamic scholar but a medical
    scientist, to bring out this monumental compilation? Where were the
    Orientalists, historians, Islamic scholars and other sundry

    The answer: Islamic correctness driven by dhimmitude.

    [Editor's note: Andrew Bostom, author of the book, is a contributor
    to The American Thinker. Further information on The Legacy of Jihad
    may be found here. The book may be ordered here.]

    N.S. Rajaram divides his time between Oklahoma City and Bangalore,