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Nork Children's Center Performers to Tour 8 North American Cities

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  • Nork Children's Center Performers to Tour 8 North American Cities

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (E.)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Chris Zakian
    Tel: (212) 686-0710; Fax: (212) 779-3558
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Website: <>

    September 12, 2005


    Eastern Diocese & AGBU Co-sponsoring "A Mosaic of
    Music, Dance & Performance" to Honor 1600th Anniversary of Armenian Alphabet

    * * *

    This fall Armenians in North America will be treated to a glimpse of
    the promising artistic future of their homeland, when a troupe of more
    than 60 young performers will tour the eastern U.S. and Canada. The
    young artists, ages 10 to 19, will bring to life a variety of Armenian
    art forms--song, dance, instrumental music, dramatic recitation,
    gymnastics and acrobatics--in what has been called an "Armenian Cirque
    du Soleil."

    The gifted youth from Armenia's AGBU-sponsored "Holy Etchmiadzin Nork
    Children's Center" will visit eight North American cities under the
    sponsorship of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    and the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU).

    Billed as a "A Mosaic of Music, Dance and Performance as Vibrant as
    Armenia," the tour will debut in New York City's Town Hall on Sunday,
    October 9, and will then proceed to performances in Richmond, VA;
    Washington, DC; Chicago, IL; Racine, WI; Boston, MA; and Montreal,
    Canada (for two performances); before concluding in Toronto, Canada,
    on October 30. (Tour details appear below.)

    The Diocese and AGBU are sponsoring the Nork Children's Center
    performers to commemorate the 1600th anniversary of the Armenian
    alphabet. Co-chairing the organizing committee are Hrant Gulian (for
    the Eastern Diocese) and Anita Anserian (for the AGBU), with officials
    of the Canadian Diocese organizing the tour's final leg through their

    The young performers are already well known in Armenia, where they
    play to enthusiastic capacity crowds, and have won awards in European
    festivals. This will be their first exposure to American audiences.

    With a combined enrollment of 3,500 students, ages 7 to 19, and an
    administrative staff of 300, the three Children's Centers in Yerevan
    provide a constructive, after-school environment for young Armenian
    students to nurture their talents and broaden their knowledge in
    courses unavailable to them at overcrowded public schools. With daily
    instruction in music, art, crafts, dance, computers, language, history
    and gymnastics, the centers have truly had a positive impact on a new
    generation of Armenians. The centers are funded by AGBU and run by the
    Holy See of Etchmiadzin.

    The following performance dates and venues for the "Mosaic of Music,
    Dance and Performance," featuring the Nork Children's Center
    Performers, have been confirmed. See individual listings in the
    Armenian press for further details. Please be aware that itineraries
    are subject to change.

    October 9--Town Hall, 3:00 p.m. For info/tickets
    contact the Eastern Diocese, (212) 686-0710, or AGBU, (212) 319-6383.

    RICHMOND, VA: Wednesday October 12--Short Pump
    Middle School, 7:00 p.m. For info/tickets contact
    St. James Armenian Church, Fr. Hovsep Karapetyan,
    (804) 282-3818, [email protected].

    WASHINGTON, DC: Friday, October 14--Rockville
    High School, 7:00 p.m. For info/tickets contact
    St. Mary Armenian Church, Fr. Vertanes Kalayjian,
    (202) 363-1923, [email protected]; or Louisa
    Baghdassarian, (301) 468-7669, [email protected].

    CHICAGO, IL: Sunday, October 16--Regina Dominican
    High School, 4:00 p.m. For tickets contact (Search: MOSAIC) or
    (800) 838-3006. For general info contact St.
    James Armenian Church, (847) 864-6263.

    RACINE, WI: Tuesday, October 19--St. Catherine's
    High School, 7:00 p.m. For info/tickets contact
    St. Mesrob Armenian Church, Fr. Yeprem Kelegian,
    (262) 639-0531; or Abraham Ouzounian, (262) 880-1277, [email protected].

    BOSTON, MA: Friday, October 21--Watertown High
    School, 7:00 p.m. For info/tickets contact St.
    James Armenian Church, (617) 923-8860; or Holy
    Trinity Armenian Church, (617) 354-0632; or Garo Salibian, (781) 439-2762.

    October 23, 7:00 p.m., AND Monday, October 24,
    8:00 p.m.--Salle Claude Champagne. For
    info/tickets contact the Canadian Diocese, (514)
    276-9479; or AGBU Montreal, (514) 748-2428.

    TORONTO, CANADA: Sunday, October 30--time and
    location to be announced. For info/tickets
    contact AGBU Toronto, (416) 431-2428; or Salpi
    Der Ghazarian, (416) 754-0218; or Lena Ouzounian, (416) 441-6763.


    E-mail picture available on request.

    PHOTO CAPTION: More than 60 young artists from Armenia's Nork
    Children's Center will present "A Mosaic of Music, Dance and
    Performance," touring eight North American cities from Oct. 9 through
    30. The tour is being sponsored by the Eastern Diocese and AGBU, to
    honor the 1600th anniversary of the Armenian alphabet. Confirmed
    stops include New York, Richmond, Washington, Chicago, Racine, Boston,
    Montreal, and Toronto.

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