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Because Of The Memorial Day

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  • Because Of The Memorial Day


    | 13:48:46 | 12-09-2005 | Social |

    Today the residents of the Buzand street, armed with petrol bottles,
    waited for the officers of the court who were to evict them from
    their houses.

    Till noon not a single court officer came to the Buzand street. The
    residents tried to guess the reason for their absence, and came to
    the conclusion that it is because of the Memorial Day.

    The situation was tenser in the Buzand 15. There are 6 families here
    who do not want to leave their houses. The police are on duty here
    for 24 hours a day. At night there are at least 4 policemen sitting
    in cars.

    By the way, according to the residents, the policemen are very warm
    towards them. "But if there is an order from above, they will easily
    beat us with their sticks", said Nuneh Vardouni.

    The head of the non-governmental organization "Liberty and Democracy"
    lives with her 15-year-old daughter at Buzand 15. Nuneh has decided to
    fight for her rights till the end, and even if she loses the battle,
    she will use it too for her protection. She has decided not to take the
    miserable sum offered for her house and to wait for better days. "I
    do not lose hope that I will see those days, where I will be paid
    more money with which I can buy a house", she says.