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Local Self-Government Election - Not A Priority

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  • Local Self-Government Election - Not A Priority

    Diana Markosyan

    | 18:33:38 | 10-09-2005 | Politics |

    Two wings of the parliamentary opposition will not take part in
    election to the local self-government. Justice bloc will take a
    passive part to suuport its candidates while the National Unity will
    press for fair and transparent election.

    Justice faction secretary Victor Dallakyan conditioned the passiveness
    of the party by the passiveness of the nation. "The main goal of
    the opposition in to establish the legal power, while the people
    pay special attention to presidential or parliamentary election
    only. To our remark that the occupation of the posts in the local
    self-government by opposition members V. Dallakyan reminded of the law
    "On the local self-government" according to which the authorities
    are free to dismiss any community head. "It does not mean that the
    opposition will fully refrain form participation in the election. Our
    party will nominate its candidates and we will support them", he noted.

    Over the passiveness of the opposition the authorities use the local
    self-government bodies as an instrument and the system is politicized
    as an administrative instrument for electoral falsifications as it was
    during the presidential and parliamentary election in 2003. "Democracy
    is based upon two main principles: the formation of powers via fair
    elections and the rule of law", V. Dallakyan noted.

    National Unity faction secretary Alexan Karapetyan informed that they
    will not take part in the election/ "The incumbent leadership distorted
    the notion of election thus the participation in such election can
    easily cause a military collision. It is inadmissible for our party."