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You Must Spoil Before You Spin, Practice Makes Perfect

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  • You Must Spoil Before You Spin, Practice Makes Perfect

    Lena Badeyan

    | 17:52:07 | 10-09-2005 | Politics |

    The election to the local self-government start in several days. This
    time the Electoral Code which came into force on July 20 will be put
    into operation. However certain faults have been already found.

    According to Emin Yeritsyan, the chairman of Council of Communities
    public organization, the first and principal fault is the order of
    compiling the electoral rolls. "The responsibility is put upon the
    police department on passport and visa. However they failed to provide
    the needed quality", he said.

    Taking into consideration these facts we addressed chairman of the
    Central Election Committee, author of some amendments to the electoral
    rolls Garegin Azaryan, who is convinced in positive outcomes. "The
    assessment of the work is not included in the authority of a
    public organization. I am conviced that the decision to pass the
    responsibility to another empowered body was corrent. I admit that
    there really exist some faults but they will be corrected within next
    40 days", he said.

    Anyway both parties are convinced that no violations will be fixed in
    the course of the election. G. Azaryan noted that during 2.5 election
    to the local self-government were held rather successfully.

    May the reviewed Electoral Code be violated when it's first used? Our
    interlocutors hold different opinion on this question. "The presence
    of several opposite parts supposes that each part will first of all
    look for a loophole", Emin Yeritsyan considers. "Law can always be
    violated and it does not depend on its faults. Tha fact is that our
    candidates do not have proper electoral culture and in case they are
    defeated they try to arrogate their own mistakes to the unsatisfactory
    work of the election committees or the faults of the Electoral Code.

    Nevertheless G. Azaryan is convinced that the laws can be reviewed
    constantly "our Electoral Code gives the possiblity to hold elections
    meeting democratic standards".