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Azerbaijan's Democratic Transition

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  • Azerbaijan's Democratic Transition


    The Washington Times
    September 11, 2005 Sunday

    In a recent visit to Azerbaijan as National Democratic Institute
    chairman, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said, "Election
    day is important, but the months leading up to the elections are
    also crucial."

    She referred to the parliamentary elections to be held Nov. 6, when the
    citizens of Azerbaijan go to the polls to elect their representatives
    to Parliament, or Milli Mejlis.

    The Bush administration views these elections as a litmus test of the
    Azerbaijan government's commitment to democracy. The U.S. Congress
    has weighed in by passing a resolution calling on Azerbaijan "to hold
    orderly, peaceful, and free and fair elections in November 2005 in
    order to ensure the long-term growth and stability of the country."

    We are the first to recognize that independence, stability and
    prosperity depend on successful democratic reform. President
    Ilham Aliyev wants an orderly transition, as our last few years
    of unprecedented economic growth would be jeopardized by political
    instability. Toward this end and to conduct elections according to
    international standards, the president issued an Executive Order
    outlining steps to be taken:

    (1) Allowing all political parties to organize rallies free from
    violence and intimidation.

    (2) Welcoming domestic and international election observers. (3)
    Providing access to media, thus ensuring fair coverage.

    (4) And ensuring central and regional authorities create the necessary
    conditions for exit polls.

    Among many provisions of the Order already carried out are those that
    concern participation in the political arena by opposition parties.

    There has been dialogue between ruling and opposition parties, all
    opposition parties may freely conduct rallies and demonstrations and,
    thus far, all opposition activists - including those who called for
    overthrow of the government in October 2003 - have been allowed to
    become candidates if they wish. During his visit to Azerbaijan at
    the end of August, Sen. Richard Lugar, Indiana Republican, said:
    "The opposition leaders underlined that the registration process of
    the MP candidates went well, which is a step forward compared to
    the previous elections." President Aliyev went further by warning
    all regional election officials not to interfere in the old Soviet
    fashion, when ballot-stuffing was common.

    President Aliyev's insistence on free and fair elections in November
    is based on the idea Azerbaijan's secular government can co-exist
    with its Muslim traditions.

    Our vision is premised on the belief democratic pluralism will ensure
    a peaceful outlet for dissent, eliminating the need for violent
    alternatives. Citizens of all ethnicities and political persuasions
    are free to advocate their positions peacefully.

    Today, Azerbaijan is a vibrant, independent state. We have faced many
    challenges in our young country's life: preserving our independence
    in a tough neighborhood; making the transition from a shattered to a
    market economy; building government institutions and an independent
    judiciary; finding a peaceful solution to our conflict with Armenia;
    and developing and delivering our natural resources to world markets.

    Throughout these difficult years, the United States has been a friend
    and ally of Azerbaijan. Our strategic partnership has blossomed since
    the attacks on America on September 11, 2001. Immediately after,
    the late President Heydar Aliyev visited the U.S. Embassy in Baku not
    only to express his condolences but to offer his full support. Today,
    we stand side-by-side in the global war on terrorism. Our troops
    proudly serve in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Azerbaijan's location between Russia, Iran and Turkey, coupled with
    our desire to integrate into the Euro-Atlantic community, requires
    that we conduct a balanced foreign policy fostering development of
    democratic institutions and a strong economy. Azerbaijan has come this
    far without tangible foreign aid and expects to continue democratic
    and economic development, primarily through its own resources.

    According to a recent survey by the International Republican Institute
    sponsored by USAID, an overwhelming majority of Azerbaijanis want
    economic and social development to be their government's priority

    This November, the people of Azerbaijan will elect a Parliament I
    believe will accelerate our transition toward democratic pluralism to
    match the country's unprecedented economic growth. Mr. Lugar told the
    press in Baku: "I sense in Azerbaijan a yearning for building strong
    democratic institutions."

    Hafiz Pashayev is Azerbaijan's ambassador to the United States.