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ASBAREZ Online [09-13-2005]

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  • ASBAREZ Online [09-13-2005]


    1) Brent Scowcroft Attacks Armenian Genocide Legislation
    2) Argentine Foreign Minister at ARF South America Center
    3) Second Opposition Youth Leader Detained in Azerbaijan
    4) US, Georgia Agreement Includes Repair of Javakhk Roads
    5) Armenia, Russia Conclude Military Exercises

    1) Brent Scowcroft Attacks Armenian Genocide Legislation

    American Turkish Council Chairman Sharply Criticizes 'Careless use of Genocide
    Language' in HRes316 and HConRes195

    WASHINGTON, DC--Only days before Armenian Genocide legislation is set to come
    before a key US House panel, American Turkish Council (ATC) Chairman Brent
    Scowcroft has warned Speaker Dennis Hastert that even the discussion of the
    Armenian Genocide on the floor of the US House would be
    "counter-productive" to
    the interests of the United States, reported the Armenian National
    Committee of
    America (ANCA).
    In his September 12 letter, Scowcroft, speaking on behalf of the corporate
    members of the ATC, accused Congressional supporters of Armenian genocide
    legislation (HRes316 and HConRes195) of trying to "pull Turkey away from the
    West. He stressed that "the careless use of genocide language provides an
    excuse to do so, delivering a direct blow to American interests in the
    "We are outraged that Brent Scowcroft appears to have so compromised his own
    integrity in pursuit of personal business interests that he finds himself
    enlisted by the Turkish government in its desperate and patently immoral
    genocide denial effort," said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. "We are
    particularly troubled by his baseless comment regarding the 'careless use of
    genocide language'--a hateful insult to the victims of this crime, a direct
    offense to the Congressional authors of this legislation, and a repudiation of
    the US archives, the unanimous judgment of the International Association of
    Genocide Scholars, and the overwhelming evidence documenting this crime
    The ATC has come under scrutiny in recent weeks as the result of a 10-page
    story in Vanity Fair detailing FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmond's reports that
    its officials were involved in illegal efforts to defeat Armenian genocide
    legislation in the fall of 2000. According to the article by contributing
    editor David Rose, Edmonds claimed FBI wiretaps--including those of the
    Embassy and Turkish groups such as the ATC and the Assembly of Turkish
    Associations (ATAA)--reveal that the Turkish government and its allies boasted
    of bribing members of Congress as part of an alleged deal to stop
    of the Armenian Genocide Resolution.
    In a related effort, the Assembly of Turkish American Associations has
    distributed an action alert against both Armenian genocide resolutions. Among
    the factually unfounded and morally bankrupt points raised by the ATAA in the
    space of its one-page alert are the following:
    -The ATAA warns its members: "Inaction on the part of the Turkish American
    Community will compromise U.S.-Turkish relations, encourage more acts of
    harassment, violence and terrorism against people of Turkish and Turkic
    descent, and could potentially lead to territorial and compensations claims
    against the Republic of Turkey;"
    -The ATAA urges its members to tell members of Congress that HRes316 and
    HConRes195 "provide a one-sided, misinformed view of WWI Ottoman history and
    would deal a great blow to the Turkish American community, and furthermore
    inflict damage upon the partnership between Turkey and the United States;"
    -The ATAA stresses that resolutions such as HRes316 and HConRes195 "impede
    dialogue and reconciliation between Armenia and Turkey, discouraging the
    Armenian side from engaging in scholarly examination of these complicated
    historical events;"
    -The ATAA notes that "As the Armenian American lobby acts up again, we have
    only two choices: we can be passive and allow these allegations to go on,
    or we
    can stand up and defend ourselves, our history, and the future of our children
    here in the United States;"
    -The ATAA stresses that its efforts are not "anti-Armenian," explaining that
    "Armenian people are held hostage by the agenda of their country's
    ultra-nationalist government and extremists in the Armenian American, European
    and Middle Eastern communities."

    Text of ATC Chairman Brent Scowcroft's Letter to Speaker Hastert:

    September 12, 2005

    The Honorable J. Dennis Hastert
    Speaker of the House of Representatives
    The Capitol
    Washington, DC 20515

    Dear Mr. Speaker:
    As Chairman of the American-Turkish Council, I am gravely concerned about
    plans to debate in the House of Representatives HConRes195, a resolution
    "Commemorating the Armenian Genocide" and urging the Government of Turkey to
    acknowledge the culpability of Ottoman Turks for it, and HRes316, a resolution
    recognizing claims of "genocide" of Armenians by Ottoman Turks. Together with
    ATC's members, I strongly urge opposition to these resolutions and suggest
    floor deliberation of them would be counter-productive to the interest of the
    United States.
    Whatever people individually decide on the merits of these resolutions, it is
    important to note the real world consequences of their adoption. When the
    French Senate passed such a resolution, it cost France over $1 billion in
    cancelled contracts and lost business opportunities. Enactment of genocide
    language would jeopardize our ability to achieve strategic interest with
    and in the region. Furthermore, it is quite likely that the business interest
    of several of our American members would be jeopardized by passage of such
    prejudicial legislation.
    The American-Turkish Council strongly believes that the events about which
    HConRes195 and HRes316 speak are matters for historians to decide-not
    politicians. Unfortunately, these resolutions express, as matters of law and
    fact, issues that remain widely disputed by scholars, historians, and legal
    experts. Accordingly, we strongly urge you to review the attached letter that
    Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan sent Armenian President Robert Kocharian on
    April 10, 2005, seeking to normalize bilateral relations as well as address
    painful long-standing historical issues.
    Although Armenian President Kocharian rejected his offer, we are encouraged
    that Prime Minister Erdogan and his government, by reaching out to Armenia
    an offer for an open dialogue on difficult issues involving Turks and
    Armenians, are taking an historic step. Turkish-Armenian rapprochement is in
    the best interests of both nations, and the ATC believes now is the time for
    reconciliation. We sincerely hope that President Kocharian and his government
    will take the opportunity to reciprocate the olive branch extended by Prime
    Minister Erdogan.
    Turkey's strategic location at the crossroads of Europe, the Middle East, the
    Caucasus, and the Balkans places it at the center of American's current and
    long term strategic interest. As Turkey stands on the threshold of accession
    talks with the European Union, the US should be doing all it can to encourage
    positive momentum for Turkey. HConRes195, while purporting to support Turkey's
    EU accession talks, and HRes316 do exactly the opposite. The resolutions
    encourage those who would pull Turkey away from the West. The careless use of
    genocide language provides an excuse to do so, delivering a direct blow to
    American interests in the region.
    The ATC believes that legislators should not attempt to resolve historical
    issues by resolution. Historical commissions, fairly staffed, adequately
    supported, and afforded full access to the archives, are better suited to
    attempting the reconciliation that we all support.
    On behalf of the members of the American-Turkish Council, I strongly urge you
    to oppose floor deliberation and adoption of any language that would
    political pronouncements for historical analysis of this highly sensitive

    Brent Scowcroft
    Chairman of the Board

    2) Argentine Foreign Minister at ARF South America Center

    BUENOS AIRES--Argentina's Foreign Minister Rafael Antonio Bielsa, who returned
    from a vist to Armenia less than two weeks ago, was honored at the Armenian
    Revolutionary Federation (ARF)"Armenia" center in Buenos Aires.
    ARF Bureau member Mario Nalbandian, ARF South America Representative
    Haroutioun Hovanessian, and other members of the party greeted Bielsa who
    received applause as he entered the center's restaurant.
    During his visit to Armenia, Bielsa had meetings with President Robert
    Kocharian, Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian, as well as deputy speaker of
    Armenia's parliament, Vahan Hovhannisian.
    A video presentation detailed Bielsa's trip to Armenia, and highlighted the
    Foreign Minister's readiness to help strengthen relations between the two
    Armenia's Ambassador to Argentina, Ara Ayvazian told the gathering that the
    Foreign Minister's trip to Armenia is significant when considering the
    potential for developing business between the two countries. Ayvazian thanked
    Bielsa for backing Armenia on a variety of political issues.
    South America Armenian National Committee Representative Pedro Mouradian
    pointed to the years-long relationship with Bielsa, and the foreign minister's
    lasting cooperation.
    Bielsa outlined his formal meetings in Armenia, preferring to rather reflect
    on the human elements and emotional impact of the visit. He recalled his
    feelings when visiting the monument to the victims of the Armenian genocide,
    and his brief visit with Catholicos Karekin II.
    As a token of appreciation, the ARF South America presented a piece of
    to Bielsa.

    3) Second Opposition Youth Leader Detained in Azerbaijan

    BAKU (AFP)--Authorities in Azerbaijan said Tuesday they had detained a
    prominent opposition youth leader in connection to alleged anti-government
    activity that received backing from a US democracy group and neighboring
    Law enforcement officers detained Said Nuri, deputy head of the Yeni Fikir
    youth movement, on Monday, a spokesman for the prosecutor general's office
    "It is likely that charges will be pressed tomorrow," he told AFP.
    The spokesman said Nuri's detention was linked to the arrest last month of
    Yeni Fikir's leader, Ruslan Bashirli, who was charged with plotting a
    Ukraine-style uprising backed by the US-based National Democratic Institute
    (NDI), a democracy pressure group, and money from Armenia's government.
    Another deputy leader of Yeni Fikir, Fikret Farmazoglu, said Nuri had been
    detained for "preparing to overthrow the government of Azerbaijan and
    funds from groups interested in doing this."
    NDI has denied training Yeni Fikir members to overthrow the government, while
    Yeni Fikir claims the allegations against it are a government smear campaign
    ahead of parliamentary elections in November. However, parliament speaker
    Murtuz Alasgarov, along with representatives of international organizations,
    realizes that the developments that happened in Georgia and Ukraine can't
    in Azerbaijan, stressing that "the crisis in the Ukrainian government and the
    situation in Georgia rule out the possibility of a revolution in Azerbaijan."
    Alasgarov said that during the meetings he held in the United States,
    representatives of international organizations and parliament speakers
    expressed confidence that Azerbaijan's November parliament elections will be
    Alasgarov said that the officials he met with have 'certain views' on the
    forthcoming poll, but all of them believe the elections will be free and
    "The Azerbaijani people know well who they will vote for at the polls," he

    4) US, Georgia Agreement Includes Repair of Javakhk Roads

    TBILISI (Armenpress)--The United States signed a five-year $295.3 million
    agreement with Georgia through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC),
    Georgian media reported, citing MCC.
    US State Secretary Condoleezza Rice and Georgian President Mikhail
    signed the agreement in New York on Monday.
    A portion of the funds, about $102 million, will be allocated to constructing
    roads in Javakhk. Of that, 50 million will go to constructing the
    Akhaltskha-Akhalkalak-Ninotsminda highway.
    "MCC is proud to be Georgia's partner in its efforts to reduce poverty in the
    regions outside of Tbilisi," MCC Vice President Charles Sethness said.
    Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili, who was in New York for the 60th UN
    General Assembly, thanked the United States for its help, saying, "this
    agreement is a partnership between our two peoples who share the same values
    and have the same dreams for their children and believe in the supreme
    value of
    liberty," according to Reuters.
    The agreement aims to reduce poverty and stimulate economic growth in regions
    outside of Georgia's capital, Tbilisi.

    5) Armenia, Russia Conclude Military Exercises

    YEREVAN (RIA Novosti/Armenpress)--The tenth joint Russian-Armenian military
    exercises concluded Tuesday at the Marshal Bagramyan firing range in Armenia.
    Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) secretary general Nikolay
    Bordyuzha, Armenian president Robert Kocharian and a legion of top brass
    traveled to the testing ground some 30 kilometers outside of Yerevan to watch
    the exercises between the 545th Armenian motorized rifle regiment and the
    Russian motorized rifle regiment. About 1,037 soldiers, 294 units of military
    hardware, including missile air defense complex S-300, four Su-25 assault
    fighters, four MiG-29 fighters, four Mi-24 helicopters and two Mi-8
    took part in the exercise.
    The 102nd Russian military base was deployed in Armenia in 1995 in accordance
    with intergovernmental agreements. The base performs combat duty in the region
    within the framework of the CIS joint air defense system, with S-300 missile
    air defense complexes, MiG-29 fighters and some 5,000 military personnel.

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