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Dr. Antranik Ashdjian Announces His Candidacy

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  • Dr. Antranik Ashdjian Announces His Candidacy


    GIBRAHAYER e-magazine
    Sept 12, 2005

    [email protected]_ (mailto:[email protected])

    The largest circulation Armenian
    online e-magazine on the WWW

    Dr.Atamyan's candidacy expected to follow Gibrahayer September 12,
    2005. A prominent community activist - a dentist by profession -
    with an impeccable track record in community affairs is bidding
    to become the next Armenian representative in the Cyprus House of
    Representatives, in the by-elections that will take place on Sunday
    October 9, 2005.

    Besides his current position as Chairman of the Armenian National
    Committee of Cyprus - a post which he has continuously held for the
    past eight years - Dr.Antranik Ashdjian has been on the Editorial
    Board of the Artsagang Armenian language monthly since its founding
    ten years ago.

    He has on many occasions participated in conferences, seminars and
    discussions in Cyprus, Armenia, Brussels and elsewhere, addressing
    issues concerning the Armenian nation, the Armenian Cause, the Armenian
    Church, and the Armenian Community in Cyprus as well as minority
    rights. Together with the late representative Bedros Kalaydjian, he
    played a key role in formulating the Armenian community's positions
    and visions regarding its status in a post-solution Cyprus.

    He has written numerous articles on these issues which have been
    published in Cypriot (Greek and Armenian language) and Diaspora

    Dr.Antranik Ashdjian - a graduate of the Semmelweis Medical University
    of Budapest - speaks and writes Armenian, Greek, English and Hungarian

    With his perfect knowledge of the Greek language he has - on numerous
    occasions over the years - appeared and advocated on Armenian related
    issues on national TV and all local printed and electronic media.

    In 1998 he was ordained a Deacon in the Armenian Apostolic Church of
    Cyprus which he has been serving since childhood.

    Dr. Ashdjian has been a member of the Diocesan Committee for the
    1700th Jubilee of the Proclamation of Christianity as State Religion
    in Armenia and numerous delegations of the Catholicosate of Cilicia
    in Ecumenical meetings and conferences.

    He has also been active in the Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) and
    served for several terms in the AYMA/HMEM committee.

    In AYF's first International jamboree held in Armenia in 1997, he met
    his wife Aline - a Kuwaiti Armenian whom he married in 1999. Aline
    works as an IT professional in PricewaterhouseCoopers, and is an active
    member of The Armenian Relief Society (HOM) of Cyprus, Hamazkayin
    Oshagan Cyprus Chapter and The Nareg School Parents and Teachers
    Association. Their daughter Alik aged five, currently attends first
    grade in Nareg Armenian School.

    Dr. Ashdjian has been instrumental in the publication of the coloured
    tri-lingual album titled "The Armenian Apostolic Church in Cyprus",
    as well as the Armenian-Greek-English booklet containing the Armenian
    Liturgy aimed at bringing non-Armenian speaking families closer to the
    Church and the community. He is also responsible for the publication
    of "Keghart" - the periodical of the Armenian Prelacy of Cyprus and
    assists in the publication of "Ardziv", a literary weekly published
    in Lebanon.

    Although no other official candidacy has been announced to
    the press to date, it is speculated by community circles that
    Dr. Ashdjian's candidacy will not be the last. Nareg School's Committee
    Chairman Dr. Vahakn Atamyan's name is certain to join the name of
    candidates. Dr.Atamyan is the President of the Ararat AGBU Futsal
    team and has served for several years on the School Board of the
    Melkonian Educational Institute.


    A top ranked 15 year-old tennis player, Zaruhi Harutyunyan from
    Armenia has landed in Cyprus.

    She has decided to stay in Cyprus and travel the tennis circuit. To
    that end, community officials offering assistance to the talented
    girl have already arranged for her to train with the Cypriot National
    Tennis team at the Federation's National Tennis center and work is
    under way to arrange issues related to her accommodation and support
    team who are going to help her make her mark on the tennis circuit.

    Harutyunyan decided to stay in Cyprus after the Aphrodite Cup - a
    world ranking Junior tournament - in which she lost to -three years
    her senior - world number 228 Zuzanna Likhova of the Czech Republic.

    With limited possibilities and opportunities in Armenia, she is hoping
    that her risks away from home will soon be rewarded.

    As a nine year old, Harutyunyan won the Palm Springs - California Under
    12 tournament and subsequently won tournaments in Bulgaria, Germany,
    Holland, France, England in the under 14 and the under 16 categories.

    Like every community undertaking, this too needs generous community

    With the 6,000 subscribers reading Gibrahayer e-magazine every week,
    I am certain that Armenians from across the globe will offer their
    assistance too.

    Let us all give it to her.

    With her practice schedule and physical training already planned and
    taken care of by interested parties in Cyprus, the community can show
    its assistance in several other ways.

    She will soon go on the world tour. She needs support for travel
    and accommodation, sponsors for clothing, a budget for her initial
    take-off, where she will be attempting to break the tennis scene.

    You would be amazed with the seemingly little things that are important
    right now.

    She is 15 and does not have a driving license and needs rides to and
    fro the practice grounds every day... twice.

    She needs to "replace" her family vacuum, of a widowed mother from
    a car accident, and a four your old sister.

    Take a moment to think about the needs of this brave young girl who
    has given up everything we often take for granted

    With her kind of potential I am certain she will give back to her
    homeland what our homeland is unable to give to her right now.

    Simon Aynedjian - Gibrahayer e-magazine All contributions will be
    publicised in the coming issues of Gibrahayer e-magazine. Email or
    call me on +357 99437073.

    the latest news regarding the Pan-Armenian mobilization against .

    the decision of the AGBU to shut down Melkonian school ...

    OUR OPINION To realise and reinforce the fight to save Melkonian, it
    is important that all parties involved as well as all individuals
    connected to the administration and running of the school and
    decision-making processes of the last decades, come out of their
    shelters and account for the reasons they perceive as to why Melkonian
    was shut down.

    Until today, this has not been done.

    Only blaming the AGBU central board for a decision which was the
    final piece to a puzzle, is both wrong and unethical.

    It also shifts blame to the wrong-doings of the people who in the
    past ran the school as a political bastion, and benefited from the
    funds and leverages the school provided.

    AGBU central board no doubt have their part of the blame. They too
    should account for their wrong doings.

    Who are the brave to stand on the ashes of Melkonian and account for
    the biggest blow on our community after the Turkish invasion?

    Gibrahayer e-magazine - September 6, 2005 â~@¢25 Turkish journalists
    will shortly pay a "working visit" to Yerevan on the initiative of
    the Turkish Foreign Ministry. The Star newspaper (Turkey) reports that
    the visit will take place in the framework of the events preceding the
    Sept 23-25 Istanbul Armenian Conference, an event that is to consider
    alternative opinions on the Armenian Genocide and to establish contacts
    for developing ties between Armenia and Turkey.

    â~@¢A public conference scheduled for September 22 will address
    Turkey's violations of basic rights as it prepares to begin accession
    talks with the European Union (EU) on October 3. Organized by the
    European Armenian Federation, the conference, "December 2004--October
    2005: Has Turkey Changed?" is supported by the largest political group
    in the European Parliament, the EPP-ED--the Group of the European
    People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats in the
    European Parliament.

    â~@¢Cyprus escalated a row over Turkey's refusal to recognize it,
    suggesting on Thursday an emergency European Union ministerial meeting
    just one week before Ankara is due to open membership talks. EU
    president Britain said it hoped to avoid such a foreign ministers'
    meeting, which would leave little time to agree on a negotiating
    mandate before the planned October 3 start of talks.

    â~@¢ The Armenian government approved on Thursday $200,000 in
    assistance to victims of Hurricane Katrina. Deputy foreign minister
    Arman Kirakossian said the money will be released from government's
    reserve fund and will be transferred on a special US government bank
    account early next week.

    â~@¢Armenia's defense ministry denied Azeri news reports that an
    Azeri soldier had been killed in a skirmish with Armenian forces in
    Mountainous Karabagh on September 7. The Azerbaijan ANS channel had
    reported that Azeri army positions near a village in the northern
    section of the frontline around had Karabagh came under 'intensive'
    automatic gunfire from Armenian troops.

    â~@¢Raging with its hypnotically dark, dense and arty style,
    "Mezmerize" is System Of A Down's recently released third album and
    perhaps its hardest-hitting effort to date. With their newest album
    already topping the music charts in the United States, Systm f Down
    are looking to unleash Mezmerize in Armenia.

    â~@¢As part of its ongoing objective to develop activities and programs
    that promote the growth of young Armenian American professionals and
    strong leaders, the Armenian National Committee-Professional Network
    (ANC-PN) hosted its inaugural Summer Trip to Armenia. Over 40 young
    Armenian American professionals from across the nation embarked on the
    13-day trip, which traversed the Republics of Armenia and Mountainous
    Karabagh Republic.

    I hear hurricanes a blowin' And I know the end is coming soon I fear
    rivers overflowing I hear the voice for rage and ruin.

    So don't go out tonight It's bound to take your life There's a bad
    moon on the rise.

    Bad Moon Risin by Creedance Clearwater Revival


    Gibrahayer. Nicosia September 12, 2005. An Armenian Cypriot family
    recently back from Australia have opened up an Auto service center
    in Nicosia. The Parikians who moved from Australia after fleeing the
    Turkish invasion of 1974 are back to their homeland and are throwing
    roots in the country they left 30 years ago.

    The Showroom / Autoservice center - Style V - is situated on
    Dimosthenis Severis Avenue (next to Yianopoullos Jewellery). The
    center will be fully operational as of this week, and in October it
    will also engage in auto styling and car sales.

    The Parikians are hoping to bring to their new business the expertise
    they have gained over the years in Australia and are confident that
    the Armenian community of Cyprus will support their repatriation.

    You can reach them for a free consultation at 22 661999, fax 22661955
    and on the following mobile number. 99753232.

    You can also reach them by email at [email protected]_
    (mailto:[email protected])


    LOS ANGELES (AP) -- A federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that a
    judge did not err in granting U.S. citizenship to two Armenian men
    convicted more than 20 years ago of planning to bomb the Turkish
    Consulate in Philadelphia.

    The decision by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ends a long
    struggle by Viken Hovsepian and Viken Yacoubian, who plotted to bomb
    the consulate in retaliation for the massacre of Armenians by Turks
    in 1915. The Turkish government denies a massacre occurred.

    The men, who have been out of prison since the early 1990s, now have
    doctorates, have renounced violence and volunteer many hours a week
    in the Los Angeles Armenian-American community, said Mathew Millen,
    an attorney who helped handle the immigration portion of their case.

    Federal law currently forbids convicted terrorists from becoming

    But anyone convicted of an aggravated felony before November 1990 can
    be granted citizenship if they have been "of good moral character"
    for five years prior to their application, Millen said.

    The men were in their early 20s when they and two others were
    arrested in 1982 after authorities tape-recorded them planning the
    bombing. Authorities at the time said they were linked to the Justice
    Commandos of the Armenian Genocide.

    Hovsepian was sentenced to six years in prison in 1984, while Yacoubian
    was sentenced to three years in prison and 1,000 hours of community

    Yacoubian is now principal of the Rose and Alex Pilibos Armenian
    School in Los Angeles' Little Armenia and has obtained a doctorate
    in counselling psychology from the University of Southern California,
    according to court documents.

    RECOMMENDED SITES TATIANA'S CORNER returns soon ... after Tatiana
    returns from The People's Republic of China This corner is reserved for
    local artist Tatiana Ferahian's comic strips which are amalgamations
    of Armenian-Cypriot social commentaries, painted with her usual wry
    and ironic humour, to stimulate and encourage awareness and interest
    toward our community's everyday happenings.


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    September 8, 2005 LA TIMES EDITORIAL - Orhan Pamuk, arguably Turkey's
    most famous novelist, knew it was risky to ask what had happened
    to hundreds of thousands of Armenians killed during the era of the
    Ottoman Empire. But the threats didn't silence him.

    Pamuk wondered out loud about the fate of Turkey's Armenian community,
    and the more recent killings of 30,000 Kurds in a war against armed
    separatists that began in 1984, during a February interview with a
    Swiss newspaper.

    Seven months later, and one day before European Union ministers were
    scheduled to discuss Turkey's bid to join the union, a Turkish public
    prosecutor charged Pamuk with insulting his country.

    In Turkey, it is a crime to "denigrate" Turkish identity, punishable
    by up to three years in prison. It is up to government authorities
    to define the meaning of "denigration." Pamuk is scheduled to go to
    trial on Dec. 16.

    The timing of Pamuk's prosecution suggests a deliberate attempt by
    conservatives within the Turkish government to derail the country's
    EU negotiations.

    It clearly violates the conditions set for Turkey's EU membership,
    such as guaranteeing free-speech rights.

    In spite of a plethora of evidence gathered by Henry Morgenthau,
    the U.S.

    ambassador in Constantinople from 1913 to 1916, that detailed how
    the Turkish government engaged in the systematic annihilation of
    Armenians, the Turks still refuse to admit culpability. Instead,
    they argue that Armenians who collaborated with the invading Russian
    forces were deported to Syria and that many of them died of exposure,
    famine and disease on their journey.

    Pamuk, whose book, "My Name Is Red," has been translated into more
    than 20 languages, and other Turkish intellectuals have called for
    a public debate on their country's past.

    Last May, Turkish academics organized a conference in Istanbul on
    the fate of Ottoman Armenians. Justice Minister Cemil Cicek postponed
    the conference the day before it was supposed to open.

    These skirmishes are part of a bigger battle between traditionalists
    and those who favor European-style modernization.

    Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan should order a halt to Pamuk's
    prosecution, and his government needs to foster more freedom of
    expression and thought in Turkey. Striking arbitrary laws that give
    the government the right to imprison "critics" of Turkey would be a
    start. So would an open debate on the fate of the country's Armenian
    population in the early 20th century.


    There are three things you can do.

    1.Ask them to visit and

    2.Send them our email address [email protected] and
    ask them to contact us.

    3. Send us your friend's email address and we will send them a request
    to join the largest Armenian e-magazine on the world wide web.


    A theory about coincidences or simultaneous occurrences and infinity

    Professor Hovhanness I. Pilikian is an internationally acclaimed film
    producer, theater director, a classical music composer, a classical
    scholar and social scientist, fluent in many modern languages,
    including French, German, Arabic, Armenian and Chinese.

    Coincidences or Simultaneous occurrences are puzzling phenomena. Most
    people have experienced them, and some on many occasions - when you
    would be thinking of a person, and suddenly he/she appears ("speak
    of the Devil" they say), or the telephone rings and there he/she is
    at the other end of the line.

    Folk wisdom ascribes it to the powers of the Devil, while scientists
    scratch their heads for an acceptable theory.

    On one occasion, I picked up the telephone to ring the London
    Iranian-Armenian poetess, Mrs. Shoghik Minassian, only to find her at
    the other end of the line without the telephone having yet rang... she
    had picked up the telephone to make a phone call herself. In even more
    of a complex and extremely unlikely version of this - I have dialled
    the London based Painter from Armenia, Artour Oshakantsi's number,
    to discover him at the other end of the line having picked up the
    telephone with the intention of telephoning me!

    Coincidences are the chance occurrence of two unlikely events,
    seemingly connected, sometimes the same, happening simultaneously,
    often at the same time, overlapping, and even if not, still unlikely
    to occur, let alone out of the blue, for no logical reason at all -
    it is how Matter behaves at the subatomic Quantum level that scientists
    are still unable but struggling to explain...

    ELIF SHAFAK ARE IN CYPRUS Tel:22665155 [email protected] , ARMENIAN MUSIC By Arek Dakessian in Beirut This
    section is dedicated to bringing Armenian music closer to us, shedding
    light on the Armenian music scene and its history.

    DEREK SHERINIAN His latest album, released on the 9th of November
    2004, features a number of high-profile guests such as Zakk Wylde,
    Steve Stevens, Simon Philips, Marco Mendoza, Brian Tichy...

    Currently he is on tour with Billy Idol Alice Cooper on Derek
    Sherinian: "There are a few people on this world who are born rock
    stars, he is one" Derek was born Laguna Beach Calif. - an hour south
    of LA. He started playing the piano at the age of 5, During his school
    years, Derek got offered a scholarship to the prestigious Berkley
    School of Music in Boston, where - from his junior year on in 1982-
    he jammed with the likes of Will Calhoun who went on to play the bass
    guitar with Megadeth and others...

    After three semesters at Berkley Derek felt he had what it took to
    get up on the big stage, and he got a phone call from his Berkley
    buddy Pitrelli, who had just been named musical director of the Alice
    Cooper band, they were looking for a keyboard player... He auditioned
    and got it.

    Then Sherinian played with Kiss and Dream Theater alongside other
    bands, he even formed a band of his own: Planet X, which was supposed
    to be the name of his first solo album. Planet X released four
    albums. Derek himself has released four solo albums... the number
    which is the astonishing one is the number of albums he has been in,
    and as a band member, essential, is 19!!!

    Another one of us who's made it in the big time!

    visit his personal website: SPORTS NEWS
    AND CALENDAR â~@¢ At the US Open Tennis Championships Armenian
    Argentinean David Nalbandian lost to world number one Roger Federer
    3-0, while Andre Agassi managed to win a set in the finals of the
    same event. Federer won US$ 2.2 million dollars for 15 days of work
    on the courts.

    â~@¢In the European Futsal (five-a-side football) competition,
    Tal Grig Yerevan needed an Emil Mesropyan goal, three seconds from
    time to keep them on track for qualification from the four-team UEFA
    Futsal Cup preliminary round mini-tournament. The Armenian champions'
    successful spot-kick ensured a last-gasp 5-4 victory against Dinamo
    Tirana of Albania .

    â~@¢Ararat AGBU of Nicosia are representing Cyprus in the Futsal
    Cup Champions League from 8-13 October, in a round robin tournament
    that will take place in Bucharest. Bidding for qualification are the
    Albanian, Armenian and English teams, while Aramis of Hungary and
    Benefica of Portugal will be teams the Armenian Cypriot team will be
    facing in their Group. Good luck to the Cyprus Champions!

    â~@¢15 tear old Zaruhi Harutyunyan of Armenia - participating in the
    world ranking ITF Junior Championships (under 18) in Nicosia - made
    it to the semi finals of the doubles event and challenged the second
    seed - three years her senior - world number 228 Zuzanna Likhova of
    the Czech Republic eventually losing 7-6, 6-4. In the same tournament
    Harutyunyan defeated Cyprus number one Irene Ketseva.

    â~@¢( )- Larnaca Open Tennis Championships. Dikran
    Bedrossian of London and Simon Aynedjian of Nicosia have teamed up
    to contest the seniors men's doubles tournament.

    g i b r a h a y c a l e n d a r â~@¢AYF weekly meetings continue
    every Monday at AYMA. Next meeting on Monday 19 September at 9:30
    pm â~@¢Badanegan meetings - for children from 7- 12 years old - have
    begun. They take place every Saturday at 4:00 pm at AYMA â~@¢AYMA /
    HMEM Chicco football practices take place every Friday at 7:30 pm at
    AYMA â~@¢Armenian Radio Hour on The Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation via
    real audio on . Broadcast 17:00-18:00 local Cyprus time
    (14:00-15:00 GMT). Armenian news every Friday, Saturday, Sunday and
    Tuesday â~@¢New Year's Eve Dinner and Dance in London on December 31,
    2005. Harout Pampoukdjian and his Band will be performing in London
    at the Royal Lancaster at Hyde Park - London on Saturday 31 December
    2005. Reception at 8:00 pm and Dinner at 9:00 pm. Tickets at 85.00 and
    Stage Tables at 95.00. For bookings contact Janet Mardirossian at 4420
    84221662, Yvette Mankassarian at 4420 79375703, Ovsig Saroukhanoff
    at 88683538 and Alenoush Ohanian at 4420 8998 8048 or the following
    email address [email protected] . Special 99.00 per room rate has
    been arranged by the hotel for overnight stayers. Organised by HOM
    (Armenian Relief Society), Hamazkayin and HMEM.

    Dear Subscriber thank you for your interest in Gibrahayer, which
    is an independent electronic environment, now in its fifth year,
    disseminating news & posting upcoming events about the Armenian
    community of Cyprus, Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora. The
    list also promotes the discussion of issues brought forward
    by its members. The subscription to this service is free. To
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    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress