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"Jews Are News"

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  • "Jews Are News"


    Maclean's, Canada
    September 12, 2005

    Why does the Nazi Holocaust preoccupy us more than any other genocide?

    In this excerpt from Beethoven's Mask, heavily condensed by
    Maclean's, Toronto-based author and journalist George Jonas refutes
    the popular notions -- articulated, among other places, in Daniel
    Jonah Goldhagen's book Hitler's Willing Executioners -- that the
    Holocaust was a unique event, and that it arose from a peculiarly
    German kind of anti-Semitism.

    I SPENT the first 10 years of my life in Nazioccupied Europe. My
    immediate family and I survived the war by hiding. Since I kept no
    diary, had the Nazis found me as they had found Anne Frank, I would
    have disappeared without a trace. This would undoubtedly have made
    the Holocaust a singular and unique event for me. I am less sure
    about the Holocaust having been a singular and unique event in world
    history. To me it seems that it was one of many horrifying holocausts,
    albeit of immense proportions. I also doubt that the Holocaust was the
    inevitable result of anti-Semitism, and especially that the Holocaust
    was inevitably caused by a singular and unique type of anti-Semitism
    peculiar to Germany.

    Goldhagen's thesis is that the Holocaust could never have happened
    without the participation of ordinary Germans, who participated
    because they were virulently anti-Semitic. This is true enough as far
    as it goes, but it does not go very far. Saying that Hitler could not
    have killed six million Jews without the participation of many other
    people, and that people who participate in the wholesale slaughter
    of Jews are likely to be virulently anti-Semitic, is saying something
    singularly self-evident.

    Goldhagen contends that German people and culture were anti-Semitic in
    a unique way that he calls "eliminationist." For proof, he documents
    the historic existence of German anti-Semitic ideas and policies
    exhaustively and convincingly. But he offers no proof of its German
    singularity, or that "eliminationist" anti-Semitism can be taken as
    a precursor to, or at least a portent of, genocide.

    Proof would be hard to come by, for history shows no inevitable link
    between anti-Semitism -- or any other type of racial, ethnic, class, or
    religious prejudice or hatred -- and genocide. What's more, traditional
    German prejudice against Jews, though widespread and intense, was
    less acute than traditional Polish prejudice, and not significantly
    more acute than French prejudice. Before Hitler's time, Jews often
    emigrated to Germany to escape worse discrimination elsewhere.

    Was German anti-Semitism before the Hitler era materially different
    from anti-Semitism in other times and places? I believe it was not.

    Modern anti-Semitism developed side by side with nationalism, as
    older organizing principles of the social order weakened. Ironically,
    it came as a by-product of the Enlightenment. As the dynastic and
    religious systems by which groups used to define themselves were losing
    their grip, people were gradually beginning to think of themselves as
    "Russians" rather than subjects of the Czars, or "Germans" rather than
    subjects of the Hohenzollern emperors. The one-time vassals of the
    Bourbons were turning into the Gallic sons and daughters of Marianne,
    the emblematic figure of the French Revolution. The pilgrims and
    warriors of Christendom or Islam were evolving into "Italians" or

    Such definitions inevitably put a premium on ethnic identity.

    Suddenly Jews were no longer patches in the colourful tapestry of
    empires, but alien and potentially baneful cells in the bloodstream
    of nations. As national identities assumed greater importance, a new
    type of anti-Semitism was born.

    But these modern, populist-nationalist-racist elements existed in the
    anti-Semitic laws and opinion of all contemporary cultures, not only
    in Germany's. The "Jewish question," so-called, was raised by almost
    every nation from the mid-19th to the mid-20th century. Raising it
    was regarded as legitimate.

    Why, then, did the Holocaust occur in Germany and not in some
    other country? There is a danger of replying to this by attributing
    some peculiar evil to Germans as a group -- i.e., as a "race." To
    his credit, Goldhagen takes great pains to avoid it. The problem is,
    unless we postulate evil, there is little in German history or culture
    to provide an alternative explanation. Germany's traditions were
    no less rational, no less civilized, no less chivalrous, than other
    Western traditions during the same period. Her public laws and civic
    morality, the personal habits of her citizens, their ethical precepts,
    their customary religious beliefs, were not markedly different from
    those of the citizens of other European nations.

    German art, science, industry, and infrastructure were, if anything,
    more advanced. Although the governmental institutions in Germany's
    recent past were more autocratic than those of France and England,
    not to mention the United States, they were not nearly as autocratic
    as many other countries'. In any event, by the time Hitler came to
    power, the Weimar Republic was a democracy.

    Jews in Germany were well integrated -- not only far better than the
    Jews of Poland or Russia, but on the whole better than the Jews in
    many Western countries, including even the United States and Canada.

    Most German Jews were German patriots. Though after their emancipation
    in the mid-18th century, their contribution to music, arts, sciences,
    commerce, literature, journalism and even politics far exceeded their
    numbers (about one per cent) in Germany's population, Germany's
    institutions were not overwhelmed by Jews (though this became a
    frequent explanation offered by anti-Semites for their anti-Semitism),
    not even to the extent that Austria's or Hungary's might have been. One
    looks in vain for a rational -- or even irrational -- explanation
    for a supposed "unique hatred" in the history of the relationship
    between Jews and Germans. The search turns up nothing.

    What, then, is the answer? Why did the Holocaust occur in Germany? We
    can certainly view traditional German anti-Semitism as one contributing
    cause. Hitler himself must be considered a significant factor. A
    charismatic leader is like an ignition source, a spark: utterly
    insignificant in the absence of an explosive mixture, but the direct
    cause of a blow-up in a place filled with combustible fumes.

    In another country -- or in Germany in another historic period --
    Hitler might have died unnoticed in a flophouse or in a mental
    institution. But he was where he was, therefore he did what he did.

    The Holocaust would not have happened without him.

    There were many reasons for Germany being unlike other countries
    in the 1920s. Other countries lacked the shock that follows losing
    a war that the Germans believed they were winning almost until the
    last minute. The national trauma of that unexpected blow is still
    insufficiently understood outside Germany. It was inevitable for
    conspiracy theories to start flourishing after such a traumatic
    event. The soil for Nazism was prepared by German indignation. It
    sparked an immediate search for scapegoats. It seemed natural to
    include Jews in this conspiracy.

    The super-inflation that started in 1922 and lasted until 1924 was
    devastating. The stock market crash of 1929 was undoubtedly a factor,
    but the Depression did not necessarily lead to the rise of totalitarian
    systems elsewhere. More significant was the rare, maybe even unique,
    vulnerability of the Weimar Republic. Conventional analysis often
    blames the treaty of Versailles for the rise of Nazism, but the status
    of Germany as an adolescent democracy was at least as important. This
    almost teenage-like stage in the nation's life probably had more to do
    with the irrational eruptions in Germany's soul than any other factor.

    Mature democracies, such as the United States or Great Britain, with
    solid traditions of both individual liberty and checks and balances
    on the exercise of power, would have been far more resistant to the
    totalitarian nature of Nazism than Germany. Additionally, a class
    society such as Britain's would have been far more resistant to letting
    a party composed of tradesmen and petty officials grab the helm of
    the ship of the state. Social snobbery alone would have prevented a
    corporal like Hitler from becoming supreme leader of England.

    But there is something even more important. The seemingly
    insurmountable hurdle of "Why in Germany?" vanishes if we stop
    insisting on the Holocaust as a unique and singular event. If it were
    unique, we could scarcely explain it, in spite of all the points listed
    above, except by attributing to Germans an inherent, subhuman barbarity
    that comes perilously close, no matter how we try to get around it,
    to the inherent, subhuman malice the Nazis attributed to Jews.

    A race of barbarians with inherent streaks of virulent anti-Semitism
    does not metamorphose into a race of liberal humanists overnight,
    as Goldhagen incongruously insists in his book. The influence of
    postwar education could not achieve such a miracle. If Germans are
    not genocidally anti-Semitic today -- as indeed they are not -- it
    is because Germans were never uniquely or inherently genocidal or
    anti-Semitic. They were just situational murderers between 1933 and
    1945, as many groups have been at one period or another.

    If we view the monstrous tragedy of the Holocaust as only one of many
    such monstrous tragedies in human history, then the accurate question
    becomes "Why not in Germany?" Why could Germans not do evil in the
    same way that so many other people have done?

    "I would suggest that barbarism be considered as a permanent and
    universal human characteristic which becomes more or less pronounced
    according to the play of circumstances." The French Catholic
    philosopher Simone Weil, a converted Jew, wrote these lines in 1940.

    The years since have given us no better insight.

    A different question: If there is nothing unique about the Nazi
    Holocaust (aside perhaps from its dimension), why does it preoccupy
    us more than other holocausts?

    Match it, for instance, with our attitude to the Communist holocaust.

    While Nazi criminals who played a direct role in the murder of six
    million are still hunted down and tried, we rarely prosecute Communist
    criminals of similar degrees of responsibility.

    (Interestingly, almost all the exceptions occurred in Germany, which
    did prosecute some former East German officials after unification.)
    Elsewhere it has been more usual for ex-functionaries of KGB- or
    Gulagtype organizations to receive government positions or pensions.

    The Nazi Party was immediately outlawed in post-war Germany. The
    Communist Party, in contrast, is still the official opposition in
    the former Soviet Union. Ex-Nazi officials like Kurt Waldheim, once
    discovered, became international untouchables. Ex-Communist officials
    like Mikhail Gorbachev are still asked to join think-tanks or lecture
    at Western universities. It would be unthinkable for known ex-Nazis
    to be invited to the same diplomatic cocktail receptions in Western
    countries at which ex-Communists, or even current Communists, are
    honoured guests. And imagine a former Gestapo officer being accepted
    as the president of post-Nazi Germany, the way ex-KGB officer Vladimir
    Putin has been accepted as the president of post-Soviet Russia.

    Why do we react to the Nazi Holocaust and the Communist holocaust
    differently? It is possible to postulate the following answers:

    To begin with, the Holocaust provided people with the initial images
    of mass slaughter as the Nazi death camps were being liberated.

    Cinemas around the world showed -- for the first time in history --
    heaps of skeletal corpses being pushed into mass graves by bulldozers,
    along with mounds of footwear, gold teeth, artifacts alleged to have
    been made of human skin, and charred remains inside the incinerators
    of Auschwitz. No ordinary person had ever seen anything like it. Those
    inaugural images literally shocked the world's conscience.

    The Communist holocausts provided no comparable photo opportunities.

    The islands of the Gulag deep inside the Soviet Union or China remained
    inaccessible to the cameras of the Western media. Their millions of
    victims between the 1920s and the 1980s perished unseen.

    By the time a few snippets appeared on television screens, such as
    the aftermath of the holocaust in Cambodia, audiences had become
    inured to death and destruction through repeated exposure. Pictures
    of slaughter in people's living rooms became commonplace during the
    television coverage of the Vietnam War. By the end of the 1970s,
    photographic images had lost their power to shock.

    Another contributing reason, at least until recently, was the
    contrasting attitude many opinion makers had to Nazism as opposed
    to Communism. Identical as the two intoxicants may have been,
    intellectuals could get drunk on the wine of one far more easily
    than the other. Nazism never "travelled," to borrow an expression
    from viticulture. Communism did.

    There were self-evident reasons for this. It would have been
    nonsensical for ideas of German superiority to become an export item
    for non-Germans, or ideas of Aryan superiority for non-Aryans.

    Marxist notions of the class struggle faced no similar obstacles. In
    addition, Nazism as a social theory could rely on nothing but the
    coldest and most selfish of human impulses to justify its call for
    conquest and slaughter, but Communism could also enlist warm and
    humane impulses of altruism to rationalize its own genocides.

    Next, given that Nazism suffered an abject military defeat within
    a decade of its emergence, while Communism appeared to march from
    triumph to triumph until the mid-1980s, it is not surprising that
    generations of opinion makers in academia, journalism and government
    have been reluctant to discuss acts of Communist genocide in the same
    breath with Nazi acts of genocide. To this day, Communist holocausts
    may be respectably denied in countries whose laws treat the denial
    of the Nazi Holocaust as a crime.

    World opinion has also been affected by the fact that the largest
    single group of Hitler's victims were Jews. Murdering six million
    members of one group does not have exactly the same consequences as
    murdering six million members of another. Recent massacres of Mayans,
    Moluccans or Kurds have not resulted in the same echo as earlier
    massacres of Armenians. The opprobrium that attaches to genocide will
    vary not only with the slaughter's magnitude, cruelty, irrationality,
    documentability and scope, but also with the ability of its victims
    and survivors to attract attention and sympathy.

    All victims are equal in their desire for, and entitlement to,
    the world's notice, but they are not always equal in their capacity
    to capture it. When Germans decided to exterminate the Jews, they
    picked the wrong group. As individuals, Jews tended to be gifted and
    articulate. As an aggregate, they were well placed to disseminate
    information, especially in the Western hemisphere. Traditional
    Jewish occupations, in addition to science, business and the law,
    included such natural forums as the literary arts, the entertainment
    industry and the media. What's more, the Diaspora spread Jews all over
    the globe. Many rose to prominence in various fields. Jews always
    amounted to a constituency in many key nations, at least in weight
    if not in numbers. "Jews are news," as an eminent Western scholar on
    Islam quipped in a speech in 2002, quoting an old witticism.

    Anti-Semites have often pounced on these characteristics, distorted
    them, or used them illegitimately, mixed with false ones of their
    own invention, to raise the spectre of a mythical "Jewish conspiracy."

    That is poisonous rubbish, but it does not mean that some of these
    characteristics do not exist. It is hardly surprising that Jews were
    traumatized by Nazism and resented being murdered. As they had the
    necessary attributes to attract public attention, they relied on them
    -- especially after the Holocaust -- in self-defence.

    Still, the foremost reason for which we view the Holocaust not only
    as one of many such abysses in humanity's past, but as a unique
    occurrence and the epitome of evil, is probably different. Germany
    was Europe's most cultured nation. It was a nation of Kant, Beethoven
    and Goethe. Even if only a minuscule minority of its Nazis read poetry
    or played Mozart on the piano, the gulf between the cultural history
    of Germany's inhabitants and their barbaric behaviour during the Nazi
    era was incomprehensibly wide. It stunned their victims as it stunned
    the world.

    The scope and barbarity of the Holocaust would have been stunning
    even if carried out by headhunters from Borneo, but it was not. It was
    carried out by Germans. It may be difficult for post-war generations
    raised in the last half century -- during which Germans became
    equated with the Nazi salute, not only in popular entertainment but
    also in political and academic discourse -- to understand the sheer
    bewilderment people felt in the decade between the mid-1930s and the
    1940s as they were gradually discovering the full extent of the vulgar
    brutality of Hitler's regime. It did not seem "typically" German, as we
    might think of it today, but fundamentally un-German. It did not fit.

    At the risk of trivializing a cataclysmic event by a facile metaphor,
    the Holocaust was like a society murder. Society murders become
    notorious because of the contrast between the criminal and the crime.

    Butchery in the slums hardly makes the back pages, but the same act
    committed in a mansion becomes headline news. The crimes of a serial
    killer would be noted in any event, but if Jack the Ripper turns out
    to be the Archbishop of Canterbury, it occupies a unique place in
    the annals of crime. It becomes singular. This, I suggest, is what
    happened in 1945 when the Allies entered Bergen-Belsen and revealed
    the Germans to the world as mass murderers.

    It is the human race that is genocidal, not the Germans. Saying this
    is not to excuse the Germans, but to note a fact. In one vital sense
    we are all Jews and we are all Germans, potentially, depending on the
    conditions in which we find ourselves. Remembering this may reduce
    the likelihood that we will ever be Jews or Germans again as Jews or
    Germans were during one night-marish period between 1933 and 1945.

    Reprinted with permission of Key Porter Books from Beethoven's Mask:
    Notes on My Life and Times by George Jonas.

    For original reprints (with graphics) available