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BAKU: PACE Mulls Karabakh Conflict,MP Demands Armenia to Honor UN Re

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  • BAKU: PACE Mulls Karabakh Conflict,MP Demands Armenia to Honor UN Re

    PACE Mulls Karabakh Conflict, MP Demands Armenia to Honor UN Resolutions

    Assa-Irada, Azerbaijan
    Sept 13 2005

    The Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Nagrno Karabakh was discussed by
    the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Paris on Monday.

    Azerbaijan was represented by its delegation at PACE and the
    President's special envoy Araz Azimov, while Armenia - by its
    parliament members and a foreign ministry official at the second
    subcommittee meeting, chaired by the former PACE president, British
    MP Lord Russel Johnston.

    Azeri MP Asim Mollazada speaking at the meeting demanded Armenia to
    implement the four UN Security Council resolutions on its unconditional
    withdrawal from the occupied Azerbaijani territories. He stressed the
    need for accelerating a peaceful, stage-by-stage conflict resolution.

    "But first, refugees must return home, their security ensured, and
    then, communication lines opened and normal relations established
    between the two sides. Only after this, the issue of legal conflict
    settlement may be considered."

    The subcommittee meeting was attended by the head of British LINKS
    non-government organization, the OSCE chairman's envoy, French
    and Russian co-chairs of the mediating OSCE Minsk Group, the OSCE
    PA rapporteur on the Karabakh conflict and the European Union
    representative on South Caucasus.