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BAKU: Parliamentary Delegation Returns Home

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  • BAKU: Parliamentary Delegation Returns Home


    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    Sept 13 2005

    Parliamentary delegation headed by Chairman of the Milli Majlis of
    Azerbaijan Republic Murtuz Alaskarov on September 11 having finished
    the visit to the USA, has come back home.

    At the Heydar Aliyev International Airport M. Alaskarov informed
    journalists that the delegation took part in the Second World
    Conference of the chairmen of parliaments, which passed in the United
    Nations General Assembly in New York.

    In the action, discussed were issues of the role of legislature in
    settlement of the international problems, multilateral cooperation,
    the contribution of parliaments to democracy and other questions

    Speaking at conference, attended by chairmen of parliaments of
    about 150 countries, Murtuz Alaskarov has in detail informed on the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, about preparation for
    parliamentary elections to take place in Azerbaijan in November of
    this year, has carried out a number of bilateral meetings.

    Within the framework of conference, also took place the meeting with
    chairmen of parliaments of GUAM member countries. At the meeting GUAM
    in the international organization, roles of parliaments the exchange
    of opinions on transformation has taken place in the decision of
    conflicts, realization of the project of the frame program between
    GUAM and the USA, etc.

    At airport, the deputy speaker Ziyafet Askarov, the head of Milli
    Majlis Administration Safa Mirzoyev and other officials met Murtuz

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress