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Nagorno-Karabakh: Viewing The Conflict From The Ground

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  • Nagorno-Karabakh: Viewing The Conflict From The Ground


    International Crisis Group, Belgium
    Sept 14 2005

    Europe Report N°166
    14 septembre 2005

    The conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh
    is the most significant obstacle to peace and stability in the South
    Caucasus. Eleven years into a ceasefire, the parties have been unable
    to sign a single document bringing them closer to a settlement.

    Whatever is being done at the internationally mediated negotiations,
    at ground level resumed war appears a real possibility. There is need
    to counter the hate propaganda and demonising engaged in by both sides
    and unlock the potential for confidence building and dialogue between
    average Azeris and Armenians before the memories of cohabitation fade
    and the divide becomes virtually unbridgeable.

    Nagorno-Karabakh has aspirations for independence and argues with
    some reason that it has a democratically-elected government that is
    meeting the preconditions of statehood. However, it is internationally
    recognised as part of Azerbaijan and is still highly dependant
    on Armenia for its military security and economic survival: over
    half its army are believed to be Armenian citizens, while Yerevan
    covers 50 per cent of the budget through an "interstate loan" that
    is virtually interest free and unlikely to be paid back. Azeris
    do not participate in its political, economic, cultural and social
    institutions. Nagono-Karabakh has mono-ethnic institutions and become
    one of the world's most militarised societies.

    Deprived of the basic right to return to their homes, over half a
    million Azeris displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh and seven adjacent
    districts have become highly dependent on the Azerbaijani state,
    without a clear sense of their future. For years Baku's policies
    toward the displaced were designed to meet short-term needs, with
    the expectation they could return home soon. There was more than a
    hint that efforts to integrate them better were not pushed so as to
    use their plight to score political points. The government's current
    strategy emphasises more sustainable solutions but the displaced remain
    poorer and more disadvantaged than their fellow citizens, struggling
    to increase participation in political life not only to speed up
    prospects for return but also to improve their immediate situation.

    Armenian and Azerbaijani public opinion on how to resolve the conflict
    is as divided as ever. Nothing has been done to prepare people in
    either country for any agreement. Karabakh Armenians' expressions
    of confidence about their independent future, and Karabakh Azeris'
    frustration and anger about their plight as displaced persons are
    deeply at odds. Neither community appears prepared to agree to the kind
    of steps toward resolution of the conflict currently being considered
    by the Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers in the negotiations
    sponsored by the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe

    For many historical, demographical, geographical, and economic
    factors, Azeris and Armenians living in and around the conflict zone
    are dependent on each other. Yet they are deeply divided by mistrust.

    Demonisation of the "other", rising military expenditures, and
    increasing ceasefire violations are all ominous signs that time for
    a peaceful settlement may be running out.

    Parallel processes are needed for a stable settlement. This report
    explores how the Armenian and Azeri communities from Nagorno-Karabakh
    and the surrounding districts live today and view the potential
    resolution of the conflict. A subsequent report will shortly assess the
    OSCE-sponsored diplomacy and attempt to bridge the gap between it and
    the situation on the ground, focusing with specific recommendations
    on both the main issues that must be treated in a peace agreement
    and on what needs to be done to further inter-communal reconciliation.
