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Eurasia Insight: Armenia Lessons For A Molokan

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  • Eurasia Insight: Armenia Lessons For A Molokan


    Onnik Krikorian 9/13/05
    A EurasiaNet Partner Post from Transitions Online

    It's not often that you encounter a village that makes you feel like
    an "outsider" in Armenia but this is one of the few that do, and in
    every sense of the word. It's not that the residents of this
    ethnically homogenous village made up of Russian Molokans don't like
    visitors. It's simply that their presence is not considered essential
    for Fioletovo to survive and prosper.

    The Molokans are Russians that split from the Russian Orthodox Church
    in the 17th Century. Fioletovo, a village inhabited by less than 1,500
    people, is the largest community outside of Yerevan. Their total
    population in Armenia stands at just 5,000 although 14 years earlier,
    when independence was declared, there were approximately 12,000
    Molokans living in the republic. Since then, most have left.

    To call the community "closed" is not too far from the truth. Apart
    from venturing out of Fioletovo and nearby Lermontovo to sell their
    famous sauerkraut at market, the village resembles a traditional
    Russian enclave cut off from the rest of Armenia. You might even be
    forgiven for thinking you had entered a settlement somewhere deep in
    the heart of Russia.

    Many consider the Molokans as something akin to the Amish in the
    United States.

    True, the Molokans use motorized vehicles but otherwise, alcohol is
    forbidden as is marriage outside the community. And, for the more
    strict adherents to the faith, so is television. Streets are
    impeccably clean with every other house sporting a fresh coat of
    paint. The men wear long beards that haven't been cut in years while
    most of the women cover their heads.

    Their fiercely blonde and blue-eyed children are unable to communicate
    in any language other than Russian.

    And herein lies the problem. As idyllic and refreshing as the scene
    might be, the situation in terms of education is just the opposite. In
    fact, according to a recent survey of education in national minority
    communities by the Hazarashen Armenian Centre of Ethnological Studies,
    "Molokans continue retaining [their] virtues over education and thus,
    the inertia of perceiving education as secondary continues."

    The report, conducted for Armenia's education ministry and the
    National Statistics Service was made possible through the financial
    and technical support of UNICEF. It follows a generic survey on
    education in Armenia held during 2001. Then, UNICEF discovered that
    school drop-out rates for national minority communities, in addition
    to those made up of refugees, were twice the national average.

    As a result, one of the recommendations from that 2001 report was to
    conduct a new assessment but specifically focusing on national
    minority communities. Although Armenia is considered a largely
    mono-ethnic country, 2.2 percent of the population comprises ethnic
    groups such as Yezidis, Assyrians, Russians and Jews. The report chose
    to focus on the three largest in the republic - the Yezidis and Kurds,
    the Assyrians, and the Russian Molokans.

    "We discovered that there were no problems whatsoever in the Assyrian
    community," says Marine Soukhudyan, UNICEF's Education Project
    Officer. "Historically, as well as culturally, the Assyrian community
    values education highly and does everything it can to ensure that
    their children receive a normal education. Of course, there is still a
    problem with the availability of textbooks and this is a serious issue
    for every minority community in Armenia."

    Like the Molokans, the Assyrians receive much of their own education
    in Russian but the textbooks that exist are mainly left over from the
    Soviet era and do not comply with the requirements of the new
    curriculum. There is also an insufficient quantity of teaching
    materials in minority languages, but Soukhudyan says that the National
    Institute of Education in Armenia is currently contacting
    intellectuals within each community to address this problem.

    However, she says that there are more serious concerns. "For example,
    during the last 15 years, only a handful of children from minority
    communities entered higher education," she explains. "We also
    discovered that in Yezidi communities, children attend school for two
    to five months on average per year. At first, we thought this was
    connected to poverty but later, we discovered that this reflected an
    attitude within the community towards education."

    "With the exception of the Assyrians, the Molokan and Yezidi
    communities prioritize labor," continues Soukhudyan. "There is also a
    great difference between attitudes towards education for girls
    compared to boys. In many communities, grade 8 is considered the end
    of the education cycle. This is mandatory under Armenian law but the
    real picture is hidden away by many other factors."

    Children from national minority communities are instead expected to
    tend the fields and shepherd livestock rather than attend school. The
    UNICEF-funded report also noted that some Molokan families have even
    been known to pull their children out of school as early as the second
    or third grade.

    "Parents think that 3 years of education is enough for a child to know
    how to sell milk, cabbage and count 10 eggs, which means that the
    child will be able to earn money," says the report, summarizing the
    attitude of Molokans in Lermontovo towards education. "Having a full
    stomach is better than having an education."

    Education in minority communities is therefore seasonal and governed
    by the agricultural calendar. At the same time, because teachers in
    rural communities are also engaged in farming, they have no interest
    in recording low attendance figures because they too are
    absent. Soukhudyan calls it a "mutually beneficial situation for both
    teachers and the families of schoolchildren."

    Indeed, when the survey team for the report visited Lermontovo in
    August during harvest time, there was not a single child in the
    village. Even pre-school children had been sent to help their parents
    in the fields. Every year, they work there until mid-October and
    sometimes, the beginning of November.

    Even so, school work is still marked as "satisfactory" although
    children have learned little or next to nothing. In some cases,
    especially in Yezidi communities, pupils and teachers cannot even
    communicate with each other. In these communities, while the teachers
    are Armenian, each new intake of children from Yezidi families can
    hardly understand anything other than their mother tongue.

    "Textbooks are also in Armenian but it takes two or three years before
    Yezidi children can understand the language," says Soukhudyan. "Until
    then, the child's development is frustrated and, actually, prevented.
    There are some Yezidi teachers, of course, but as they generally come
    from other villages, there is also the problem of transportation,
    especially during the winter months."

    Armenian teachers sometimes use body language instead of words to
    "explain and impart knowledge to students."

    And while adverse socio-economic conditions faced by rural
    settlements, as well as the poor upkeep of village schools, are
    detrimental to education, the main problem is cultural. This is
    especially true for females. "There are those who even consider
    education dangerous for a girl," says the report. "They reason that an
    educated woman may have ideas and not be as obedient to men."

    However, despite these obstacles, there are children in minority
    communities that would like to enter higher education. In the Yezidi
    village of Zovuni, for example, one girl cries as she tells of her
    inability to study French when she finishes school. Another Yezidi
    girl says that if given the opportunity, she would like to study, and
    later teach, Armenian language and literature.

    Key to effectively addressing this issue, however, will be to launch a
    public awareness campaign highlighting the importance of education
    among national minority communities. The governor of the Aragatsotn
    region in Armenia has already committed himself to supporting UNICEF
    in this endeavor. In particular, there will be a specific focus on
    teaching Yezidi and Molokan children the Armenian language from an
    early age, especially in pre-schools.

    UNICEF will also supply 100 schools in five regions of Armenia with
    "school in a box" kits that contain essential supplies to meet the
    needs of 8,000 schoolchildren. The kits will also be supplied to
    vulnerable Armenian communities, especially those situated in
    depressed border regions.

    "It is my dream to become a doctor," says one girl in Lermontovo, "but
    how can a Molokan enter university? We can't receive a higher
    education because we don't know Armenian. Nobody here does."

    Editor's Note: Onnik Krikorian is a journalist and photographer based
    in Yerevan. This article first appeared on the website of UNICEF

    Posted September 13, 2005 © Eurasianet