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Letters to The Canberra Times

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  • Letters to The Canberra Times

    Canberra Times Webpage
    Aug 6-8 2005

    ******************************************** *************************

    The article about armenian man shot the Pope
    Houry Aguilian
    Monday, 8 August 2005

    Dear Rosslyn,

    I wish you would have investigated a little bit more before writing
    this article of yours, the man who shot the Pope is turkish not
    armenian, and if you know a little bit of history you will know that
    Turks and Armenians are 2 enemies till this day. I would suggest you
    search the google or any documentary before writing any article, to
    avoid such huge mistakes.


    ************************************************** ******************

    Error in Pope John Paul II Article!
    Marie Injeyan
    Monday, 8 August 2005

    Dear Editor,

    Recently your paper published an aritcle "Pope shot by Armenian
    gunman" (Canberra Times - Australasia; Aug 04, 2005), which
    identified the man who attempted to asassinate Pope John Paul II as
    an Armenian. This is an undeniable error!! The man who you identify
    in your article was a Turk, born January 9, 1958 in Yesiltepe,
    Turkey. It pains me, as a Canadian Armenian, to discover such errors
    in a reputable paper such as yours. Please correct this statement to
    clarify the details of this important moment in history.
    Thank you kindly,
    Marie Injeyan
    Toronto, Canada

    ************************************************** ******************

    Mehmet the Armenian
    John Avedian
    Monday, 8 August 2005

    Dear Editor,

    A journalist at your esteemed organization, Ms. Rosyln Beeby made a
    very critical error in her August 4th article "Pope shot by Armenian
    gunman". The Gunman Mr. Mehmet Ali Agcam is, has been, and always
    will be Turkish in origin, blood and citizenship. Armenians, as well
    as Bugarians, Serbs, Macedonians and Greeks were second class
    citizens in the Ottoman Empire. As the first Christian nation in the
    world in 301 c.e. Armenians have always been victims of Turkish
    brutality, culminating in the Armenian Genocide of 1915 in which
    1,500,000 Armenians perished, 8 of whom were my relatives.

    Recently, Pope John Paul II was in Armenia celebrating the 1700
    anniversary of Christianity (2001) and visiting a dear friend of his
    at Holy Etchmiadzin, Armenia - his Holiness Catholicos of all
    Armenians - Garekin II.

    Even the most elementary research (such as a google query) would have
    presented Ms. Beeby with a wealth of information attesting to Mehmet
    Ali Agcam's Turkish identity.

    By overlooking a most standard form of journalistic integrity, Ms.
    Beeby has deeply concerned our Armenian Communities in Lansing, MI
    and abroad.

    We expect an explanation and an apology.


    John Avedian
    Armenian Community Leader
    Michigan State University
    Lansing, Michigan

    ************************************************** ******************

    "Pope shot by Armenian gunman"
    Sunday, 7 August 2005

    Could you please provide a piece of evidence or a proof how can a
    person by the name of "Mehmet Ali Agca" can be an Armenian?

    How could you publish such a piece of garbage?

    ************************************************** ******************

    Amernian error
    Ron Boyadjian
    Sunday, 7 August 2005

    I wonder how the editor of a famous (?) paper can avoid such error.
    It's a obligation to write in your same editorial page to correct
    your professional error and say that Ali Akca is nothing but a muslim
    turk, may be closer to Australians than to Armenians, because all
    Armenians are christians, but not all Australians. This country
    collect more and more muslims and give them australian nationality,
    unfortunately as they do in Europe and North America !!!

    ************************************************** ******************

    Have your say
    Sunday, 7 August 2005

    Rosslyn Beeby needs to replenish her knowledge of history and change
    the sources of her informations before making any elementary and
    serious mistakes in her articles.
    Your paper owes an apology to Armenians concerning this matter.

    ************************************************** ******************

    Not an Armenian
    Caroline Simon
    Sunday, 7 August 2005

    Regarding your article "Pope shot by Armenian gunman"

    The gunman was a Muslim Turk. The name " Mehmet Ali Agca" is a Muslim
    name. Armenians are Christians. How many Christians do you know that
    go by "Ali"? Your editors can't distinguish between the two? The
    gunman had absolutely no Armenian ancestry. This is a horrible
    mistake to make!

    ************************************************** ******************

    No Armenian
    Artin Arzoumanian, MD
    Saturday, 6 August 2005

    In your August 4, 2005 issue, the article "Pope shot by Armenian
    gunman" raises a serious concern about the integrity of your
    columnist Rosslyn Beeby. Even the simplest layman anywhere in the
    world would know that a Turkish born man named Mehmet Ali Agcam
    cannot be an Armenian, let alone the journalist of a prestigeous
    paper in a civilized country. But the disturbing question is, why
    does Ms. Beeby bring up now the subject of the late Pope John Paul
    II's shooting incident 24 years later? What is the occasion? If this
    is a new discovery, what is the evidence? Who is behind this blatant
    racist remark?
    Artin Arzoumanian, MD
    Montreal, Canada

    ************************************************** ******************

    Outrageous Armenian claim
    Seb Z Tashjian
    Saturday, 6 August 2005

    Your article:Pope shot by Armenian gunman of 4 Aug.05
    Dear editor,
    How can a renowned paper such as yours print such an outragious and
    offending article. Beeby should have done her homework much better
    and how come this article was passed through the editing section?
    Mehmet Ali Agca is a Turk and not a christian Armenian. His name is
    screaming that he is a muslim. Please correct this article asap and
    print an apology to the Armenians.
    Awaiting your correction,

    ************************************************** ******************

    ignorant correspondent
    Saturday, 6 August 2005

    Dear Editor:
    Re: article "Pope shot by Armenian gunman" by Rosslyn Beeby (Aug 4).
    How can your correspondent be so ignorant? She does not know the
    difference between a Turk an Armenian? For your correspondent's and
    your readers' information Mehmet Ali Agca is a Muslim name. Mehmet is
    the Turkish equivalent name of Mohammad , the prophet of all Moslems.
    Not exactly a Christian name. Is it?
    Again for your and your readers' information
    Armenia was the first nation in the world to adopt Christianity in
    301 A.D. and no
    Armenian child is named Mehmet or Mohammad.

    You owe an apology to all Armenians who are outraged by this
    disgraceful error .

    Arpie Margorian

    ************************************************** ******************

    Pope shot by Armenian gunman
    Arsen Kalaidjian
    Saturday, 6 August 2005

    Yes, everyone knows that Armenians shot JF Kennedy, crucified Jesus
    Christ, genocided 1500000 turks and shot John Paul II

    ************************************************** ******************

    Armenian or Turk? know your facts!!
    Vartex Nicolian
    Saturday, 6 August 2005

    We're still waiting for a public apology by The Canberra Times to
    Armenians for the article about Pope's assassination attempt, and an
    acknowledgement about the shameful error on the publication.

    ************************************************** ******************

    Armenian disgrace
    Maria Boyadjian
    Saturday, 6 August 2005

    In reference to your article "Pope shot by Armenian gunman", any
    decent journalist would have checked the facts before printing such
    an important information....
    Armenians cannot be called Mehmet or Ali...
    This journalist is a disgrace to her profession.... I wonder what
    would her professor say....

    ************************************************** ******************

    Saturday, 6 August 2005

    I would like to congratulate you for your article about the
    assasination attempt of the Pope by an Armenian.

    "Pope shot by Armenian gunman"

    We must never forget this kind of teachery by people from a country
    that pretends being the first christian country of the world.

    Marc Mardirossian

    ************************************************** ******************

    Armenian mistake
    Kiffer Louise
    Saturday, 6 August 2005

    There is a big mistake in your article "Pope shot by Armenian gunman"
    Australasia Aug. 4th 2005
    Mehmed Ali Agca was not Armenian.
    He was Australian, everybody
    will know that.

    ************************************************** ******************

    A grevious error!
    Dennis R. Papazian, Ph.D.
    Saturday, 6 August 2005

    On August 4, 2005, your esteemed newspaper published an article by
    Roslyn Beeby carrying the libelous title, "Pope Shot by Armenian

    A modicum of research would show Ms. Beeby that Mehmet Ali Agca was a
    Turkish national and a Turkish citizen. All contemporary reports
    presented that factual information.

    Mehmet Ali Agca is a Turk and a Muslim. He is not Armenian nor is he
    a Christian. 99.999% of Armenian are Christians, and 99.9% of Turks
    are Muslims.

    The editor who let this grevous error remain in the story owes the
    public a correction, and Ms. Beeby owes Armenians an apology!


    Dennis R. Papazian, Ph.D.
    Professor of History
    Director, Armenian Research Center, The University of Michigan,

    ************************************************** ******************

    Article: Armenian Shot The Pope
    Albert Peltekian
    Saturday, 6 August 2005

    In your August 4, 2005 issue you have a ridiculous article that the
    man who shote Pope Paul II was an Armenian.
    Armenians became Christians in 301 AD and the name Mehmet is a
    derivative of the name Mohammed, the prophet of Islam. No Armenian
    could carry two distinctive moslem names, "mehmet" and "Ali". The
    whole World knows that Mehmet Ali Agca is Turkish, but the exception
    seems to be your own journalists.
    Please correct the mistake; an apology to the Armenian people would
    be quite in order.

    ************************************************** ******************

    Respect to your readers demands journalistic integrity
    Dickran Malatjalian
    Friday, 5 August 2005

    In the story "Pope shot by Armenian gunman", Canberra Times, August
    4, 2005, your reporter rosslyn.beeby made a serious error by
    identifying Mehmet Ali Agca as an Armenian. You owe it to your
    readers to publish informed and accurate facts. The names "Mehmet"
    and "Ali" are Islamic names pure and simple. Armenians are
    Christians, and they have been so since Armenia became the first
    nation to adopt Christianity as the official state religion in 301
    AD. No Christian, whether Armenian, Australian, Italian, or Lebanese,
    would use the names "Mehmet Ali". Memhet Ali had been identified as a
    Turk ever since the incident with the Pope John Paul II.
    "rossyln.beeby" is the first and only person to erroneously referred
    to him as "Armenian". This might have been be a simple ignorance on
    her part, but it might also have been a malicious act to discredit
    Armenians. Ignorance is not an excuse for lack of journalistic
    integrity, and if for any reason she dislikes Armenians please make
    sure not use your media to disseminate falsehoods against them.

    Dickran Malatjalian, MD
    Halifax, Nova Scotia,