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BAKU: Mahmudov met with Dep. Exec. Dir. of UNO Office on Drugs/Crime

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  • BAKU: Mahmudov met with Dep. Exec. Dir. of UNO Office on Drugs/Crime

    Today, Azerbaijan
    Sept 15 2005

    Eldar Mahmudov met with deputy executive director of UNO Office on
    Drugs and Crime

    14 September 2005 [10:44] - Today.Az

    Minister for National Security, lieutenant-General Eldar Mahmudov
    today met with deputy executive director of UNO Office on Drugs and
    Crime Ms. Sumru Noyan.

    APA was informed from the center of public affairs of the National
    Security Ministry (MNS). E.Mahmudov informed the visitor about the
    measures taken by the MNS for guaranteeing security of our country,
    preserving stability, in the field of fighting against criminality,
    its dangerous forms and appearances in detail, he said that,
    structural reforms are held in the Ministry successfully.

    Stating that as the result of the measures taken by the MNS during 8
    months of the current year, more than 100 kg narcotic drugs were
    found and this was four times more in comparison with the
    corresponding period of last year, the Minister emphasized that the
    Ministry possesses acts and evidences on the occupation of one part
    of Azerbaijan by the Armed Forces of Armenia and narcotic drugs are
    grown in Nagorno Karabakh and there is network of illicit trafficking
    of narcotic drugs and these territories turned out to be one of the
    main routes of illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs.

    The Minister also noted that, borderline of our country with Iran
    remained out of defense in 132 km part due to the same reason and
    stressed the importance of interference on the UNO level.

    He said that our republic rapidly develops from the economic view
    point, realization of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil and Southern
    Caucasus Gas pipelines and TRACECA project also made Azerbaijan the
    focus of attention of transnational criminals and creates condition
    for increasing of illegal migration and noted importance of
    cooperation with international organizations and regional states in
    the struggle against such cases.

    Lady S.Noyan, in her turn, informed that UNO attaches much
    significance to the struggle conducted against transnational
    criminality in the whole world and positively valued strengthening of
    the struggle against drug addiction, illegal turnover of drugs and
    realization of measures in this field in Azerbaijan recently.

    She noted that holding of the 40th session of the UNO auxiliary
    commission on questions concerned with illegal turnover of drugs in
    Near and Middle East in Baku is an obvious proof of it and stressed
    her assurance that cooperation between UNO and law-enforcement organs
    of Azerbaijan will strengthen after this as well. Other questions of
    mutual interest were also discussed in the meeting.
