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Tigran Torosian Notes Two Circumstances Among Paris Discussions

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  • Tigran Torosian Notes Two Circumstances Among Paris Discussions


    the NA Deputy Chairman, the head of the Armenian delegation at the
    PACE, attaches importance to two circumstances at the September 12
    hearings in Paris concerning the Nagorno Karabakh issue within the
    framework of the Ad hoc Committee created for using the PACE 14-16
    resolution. As Tigran Torosian informed the NA Public Relations
    Department, the first of them is that in such structures the Minsk
    Group Co-Chairmen and not only they but the Ad hoc Committee members
    as well have already started to speak about the necessity of using the
    principle of nations' self-determination. The second important
    circumstance is that the opinion that mandates of the Council of
    Europe and the OSCE must be separated was predominant.

    At the hearings, Denis Samouth, the representative of the British NGO
    Links, who is famous among the society for his activity within the
    parliamentary initiative of the South Caucasus as well, presented a
    historic review concerning the pre-history of the conflict and the
    present state. According to Tigran Torosian, the report was
    interesting and balanced and creating an objective idea about the

    Varuzhan Nersisian, the head of the OSCE Department of the RA Foreign
    Ministry, presented positions of Armenia concerning the process and
    prospects of settlement. Araz Azimov, the Foreign Minister of
    Azerbaijan was to do the same, who, however, presented his owm notions
    instead of presenting the viewpoint of his country.

    Then, OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen Bernard Fassier (France) and Yuri
    Merzlyakov (Russia) as well as the representative of Steven Mann (USA)
    made speeches. The main idea expressed by the Co-Chairmen was the
    following: it's impossible to give a solution based only on the
    principles of territorial entity or nations' self-determination, both
    principles of the Helsinki Agreement should by used: the territorial
    entity related to so called "occupied territories," and the right of
    self-determination in the issue relating to the status.

    Andrej Kasprczik, the personal representative of the OSCE
    Chairman-in-Office, and Goran Lenmarker, the special representative on
    the Nagorno Karabakh issue of the OSCE Parlaimentary Assembly made
    speeches. The latter repeated the ideas of his famous report,
    emphasizing the solution of the issue by giving Nagorno Karabakh wide
    self-governance in the structure of Azerbaijan.

    Heads of delegations of the Minsk Group in the South Caucasus and
    other members of the Committee, Heiki Talvitie, the EU special
    representative in the South Caucasus made their speeches as
    well. Among them, the NA Deputy Chairman pointed out the speech of
    Konstantin Kosachev, the head of the RF delegation. The latter
    mentioned that conflicts have different reasons and pre-histories and
    should have different solutions, at the same time emphasizing that the
    Council of Europe shouldn't duplicate the OSCE activity, and the
    solution should take into account both territorial entity and right of
    nations to self-determination.

    The head of the delegation of Turkey attempted to repeat Azerbaijani
    legend concerning 20% of the Azerbaijani territory, but tangled and
    then attempted to present other numbers.

    The head of the Armenian delegation at the PACE and another Committee
    member from Armenia, Shavarsh Kocharian, the representative of the
    opposition made speeches from Armenia. Tigran Torosian emphasized that
    there are some very important foundamental issues concerning the
    problem settlement. The first of them is a clear separation of
    differences of mandates by the PACE and, in general, the Council of
    Europe and by the OSCE Minsk Group: the Minsk Group should undertake
    problems of the conflict settlement, and the CE should undertake
    creation of an atmosphere necessary for the problem settlement. This
    issue fully meet both CE mandate in general and obligations of Armenia
    and Azerbaijan before the Council of Europe. At the same time,
    deepening of the European integration in the region is of upmost
    importance for securing a peaceful solution of the conflict. It was
    mentioned that there should be a clear notion on the fact that it
    would be impossible to secure in any way a positive result of that
    process without representatives of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh
    during the settlement process and making decisions. At the same time,
    there should be a clear notion on the fact that the solution of the
    Nagorno Karabakh conflict is impossible without using the principle of
    the self-determination of nations. It was specially emphasized that
    creation of obseving mechanisms for implementation of proposals of
    14-16 resolution is too important in order that it is clear which of
    the parties carries out those proposals and which of them neglects

    In respond to Azeris' questions, Shavarsh Kocharian presented numerous
    facts concerning the war propaganda, thus, concerning those points
    which obviously oppose the spirit of 14-16 resolution.

    Few times there were questions relating to settlement of the Nagorno
    Karabakh problem by the example of Aland Isls. Concerning to this, the
    head of the Armenian delegation presented that when Arkadi Ghukasian,
    the President of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh was asked such a
    question, he clearly answered that just now we are ready to sign an
    agreement concerning upmost possible self-governance, only ... in the
    structure of Finland.

    There were numerous questions connected with Azerbaijani approaches,
    particularly, concerning increasing of military expenses and martial

    After the discussion, the Committee continued its work. It was decided
    that the next meeting will take place in December but before that,
    during the the October session, a meeting of delegations of Armenia
    and Azerbaijan is necessary for discussing further activity.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress