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Is today better than yesterday?

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  • Is today better than yesterday?


    | 15:28:41 | 16-09-2005 | Politics |


    «What does rejecting the Constitution mean? It means that the 1995
    Constitution will continue in vigor», this perspective does not please the
    secretary of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation Parliamentary fraction
    Hrayr Karapetyan.

    The members of the ARF have their subjective attitude towards the first
    Constitution, «We all know that the Constitution was made for the
    authorities only, let alone the conditions in which it was adopted - closed
    newspapers and prohibited opposition (ARF)».

    Today the ARF which forms part of the coalition think that it is the most
    convenient moment to realize the Constitutional reforms. «Both Manouk
    Gasparyan and Artashes Geghamyan think it is a good version, the only
    problem is that we should not adopt it under Robert Kocharyan. Everyone says
    that we should adopt it as quickly as possible», said Mr. Karapetyan
    forgetting that the year 2005 is somehow like the year 1995: there are
    parties which are suppressed in a more «civilized» way by the authorities,
    and there are closed TV Companies - «A1+» and «Noyan Tapan».

    Nevertheless, according to Mr. Karapetyan, there is a weak point in the
    draft resolution: the main aim of Armenia, that is the creation of a United
    Armenia, is not stipulated, «After the Great Patriotic War Germany announced
    its main aim - two unite the two Germanys, and they reached their aim»,
    added the ARF fraction secretary.