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British baroness vows to continue aid to Nagornyy Karabakh

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  • British baroness vows to continue aid to Nagornyy Karabakh

    British baroness vows to continue aid to Nagornyy Karabakh

    Public Television of Armenia, Yerevan
    15 Sep 05

    [Presenter] More people should visit Nagornyy Karabakh in order to
    understand why the Armenians cannot accept Azeris [forced to leave the
    region during the conflict] back, the deputy speaker of the British
    House of Lords, Baroness Caroline Cox, has said. This is the 60th
    visit of the baroness to Artsakh [Karabakh]. She has visited the
    conflict zone during the most difficult years.

    [Correspondent] Paying 60 visits to the same country means being in
    true love with it. The baroness has been with the Artsakh people
    during the hardest days of the conflict and now she is proud to see
    the development of this liberated country.

    [Caroline Cox, speaking in English with Armenian voice-over] People
    who come to Artsakh for the first time do not believe that there was a
    war a few years ago. I am proud to see that things are being restored
    quickly and a democratic country is being built.

    [Correspondent] The baroness never comes alone. Every time she comes,
    she brings along many people from various countries of the world.

    [Cox] It worries me that the international community does not
    understand why the Armenians cannot accept Azeris back. Every time I
    come, I bring along new guests to introduce them to true history and
    to explain that the Armenians are the owners of this land.

    [Correspondent] Caroline Cox came to Artsakh as part of a pilgrimage
    with a delegation of 20 people from the USA, UK and Switzerland.

    [Passage omitted: guests speak about Karabakh]

    The guests were impressed how war veterans are treated. The
    international Christian peace organization opened a rehabilitation
    centre in Stepanakert seven years ago with the help of Caroline Cox,
    where many war veterans are being treated. The sponsors are working to
    improve the centre and Caroline Cox has a special role in helping the
    centre, which was named after her.

    The baroness said that she will continue to render assistance to
    Artsakh and to pray that the international community finally
    recognizes the independence of Nagornyy Karabakh.

    Narine Agabalyan, Artur Nersesyan, "Aylur", Stepanakert.

    [Video showed the speaker of the Nagornyy Karabakh republic, Ashot
    Gulyan meeting Caroline Cox, Cox's visit to the rehabilitation centre]