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<< Balzac was my teacher>>

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  • << Balzac was my teacher>>


    | 17:20:55 | 19-09-2005 | Politics |

    A week ago member of the Justice bloc Aram Sargsyan, son of Gaspar,
    started a collection of signatures and turned to all the NA groupings
    and fractions to create a committee investigating the course of
    realization of the Cognac Factory privatization contract.

    He has not received an answer yet and he is sure there will be none,
    as the deal was made under Robert Kocharyan and now no one wants to
    revise the contract. Aram Sargsyan announced that the organization
    which privatized the Cognac Factory has used half of the stored
    spirit of the factory. "It is a violation of the contract, that's
    why we want to investigate the matter", announced Aram Sargsyan today.

    Aram Sargsyan informed that he will go till the end and he will either
    learn that he is wrong, or prove that he is right. "Tomorrow we will
    not be able to produce "Nairi" as 20 years are needed to have spirit
    of that quality", he announced.

    Aram Sargsyan considers the attempts to qualify his action as one
    against France totally meaningless, "I have always respected the
    country, Balzac was one of my first teachers, and I consider de
    Goll one of the best politicians in the history of the humanity. So,
    France has nothing to do with what I want to find out".

    The deputy reminded that the company was sold for 28 million, and
    now it costs 770 million. He also did not exclude the possibility
    that it can be sold, "Buying for 8 million and selling for 1 billion:
    who wouldn't like that? " he asked.