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Nuclear disputes, democratic change in FSU top Bush-Putin agenda

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  • Nuclear disputes, democratic change in FSU top Bush-Putin agenda

    Nuclear disputes, democratic change in ex-Soviet states top Bush-Putin agenda

    .c The Associated Press

    WASHINGTON (AP) - President George W. Bush and Russian President
    Vladimir Putin agree on how the world should confront the development
    of nuclear weapons in North Korea, an original member of Bush's ``axis
    of evil.''

    They disagree over how to address Iran's nuclear ambitions and have
    long-running differences over the U.S. led invasion of Iraq. Bush's
    famous list of international outlaws included those nations, too.

    Bush was expected to argue at his meeting with Putin on Friday that
    Iran deserves to be summoned to the U.N. Security Council to account
    for what the United States contends is a record of nuclear deceit.

    Putin has grievances over what Russia views as U.S. slights and double
    standards in its support for democracy movements on former Soviet
    turf. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the Russian leader was
    getting a view of the U.S. in a vulnerable moment.

    Putin was quoted soon after the flooding in New Orleans as saying he
    could not believe the images he saw came from the powerful United

    At their first meeting in months, Bush and Putin also were expected to
    raise their differences over what the Americans consider the creep of
    authoritarian rule in Russia and discuss Putin's current leadership of
    the Group of Eight industrial nations.

    Bush and Putin call one another friend. Their bond was forged largely
    after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, when Russia delivered help in the
    fight against terror.

    The political relationship has frayed with each passing year. Nuclear
    nonproliferation, however, has proved an area of considerable

    On North Korea, the United States and Russia are among five nations
    negotiating in unison to persuade the communist North to give up its
    declared nuclear weapons in return for energy and security guarantees.

    The current round of talks has come to a standstill in
    Beijing. U.S. and Russian diplomats agree that North Korea cannot be
    trusted with the civilian nuclear power plant it seeks.

    The story is different on Iran, which insists its nuclear program is
    solely for peaceful energy production. Russia is helping Iran develop
    nuclear energy, and the Russian Foreign Ministry recently said it sees
    no basis for referring Tehran to the Security Council.

    When the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency meets next week, it could vote
    to send Iran's case to the Security Council for possible
    penalties. The International Atomic Energy Agency could put off a
    vote, despite the Bush administration's preference for a quick

    Bush's hand may have been strengthened by statements from Iran's
    president on Thursday.

    Iran's state-run news agency said President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in
    New York to attend the U.N. world summit, said his country is willing
    to provide other Islamic nations with nuclear technology.

    The European Union has taken the lead in trying to persuade Iran to
    halt development of nuclear activities that could be used to make
    weapons. In exchange, Iran would win economic concessions.

    If the case does end up before the Security Council, Russian
    cooperation could be critical. As a permanent member of the Security
    Council, Russia could veto any resolution punishing Iran unless it
    decided to abstain.

    China also could veto any possible punishment. The White House
    acknowledged Wednesday that Bush was unable to get a commitment on
    Iran during his meeting with Chinese President Hu Jintao.

    Iran has said it does not fear the Security Council.

    Washington does not have diplomatic relations with Iran and must apply
    pressure through international organizations or allies with political
    and economic ties to Tehran.

    State Department spokesman Adam Ereli tried to play up a bright spot
    in U.S.-Russian dealings over Iran on Thursday. Russia has agreed to
    impose controls on its joint nuclear operations with Iran that will
    keep nuclear fuel out of direct control by the Iranians.

    ``I think that's very clear evidence of the concern that Russia has
    about Iranian activities and the measures that they are prepared to
    take in response to those concerns,'' Ereli said.

    Ahmadinejad is expected to make new proposals by the weekend at the
    U.N. summit in hopes of defusing the nuclear standoff.

    09/15/05 20:51 EDT