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LGB Elections

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  • LGB Elections


    | 12:56:35 | 19-09-2005 | Politics |

    Yesterday elections were held in 4 communities in Yerevan. In three
    of them the residents were electing heads of community, and in the
    forth they were electing aldermen. Up to now the final results are
    not known, but the preliminary results are.

    It is already clear that the electors were not interested in
    the election process and were not active. For example, in the
    Qanaqer-Zeytun community only 22 796 of the 53 491 registered electors
    participated in the elections, in Noubarashen- only 3900 of 7211
    elections, and in Erebouni - only half of the 87 927 electors. In
    the Norq-Marash region where aldermen were to be elected, 4176 of
    the 8292 citizens participated in the election.

    There have also been problems with the electoral rolls. In the
    Erebouni, Noubarashen and Qanaqer-Zeytun communities 18, 374 and
    540 electors respectively have applied to the court to restore their
    electoral right.

    By preliminary results in the Norq-Marash community all the candidates
    for aldermen are elected. In Noubarashen Mher Hovhannisyan has received
    the majority of votes, and in Erebouni Mher Sedrakyan has been elected.

    As for Qanaqer-Zeytun, two of the candidates have received almost
    equal quantity of votes, and only after a second counting will they
    be able to say who has been elected.