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Haigazian 50th Anniversary Conference: Past and Present

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  • Haigazian 50th Anniversary Conference: Past and Present

    Haigazian University
    Mira Yardemian
    Public Relation Director
    Rue Mexique-Kantari
    P.O.Box. 11-1748
    Riad El Solh 1107-2090
    Beirut Lebanon

    Haigazian University's 50th Anniversary Multidisciplinary Conference on
    `the Armenians of Lebanon: Their Past and Present'

    Two months after the festive celebratory events of June 2005 marking the
    50th anniversary of Haigazian University, the break was reactivated with an
    academic, multidisciplinary conference, where 16 scholars from more than 10
    countries gathered in the auditorium of Haigazian University to engage in a
    day program of discussions and deliberations.
    This long planned conference, held under the auspices of the Minister of
    Culture, Dr. Tarek Mitri, unfolded on Monday, the 12th of September, 2005
    with a lecture delivered by Dr. Aida Boudjikanian from Montreal, Canada.
    The capacity audience included the representative of the Minister of
    Culture Dr. Fawzi Atweh, the US Deputy Ambassador to Lebanon Christopher
    Murray, the US Public Affairs Officer Juliet Wurr, Minister Jean
    Oghassabian, Members of Parliament Hagop Pakradouni and Yeghia Jerejian,
    and the representative of the Mayor of Beirut.
    In his word of welcome, President Haidostian noted that `despite the
    undisputedly important role that the Armenian community plays both within
    Lebanon and the rest of the Diaspora, its history, culture, and other
    aspects of its community life have not been studied adequately to date
    according to internationally accepted scientific standards'. As to
    Haigazian's role in the Lebanese Academic life, Haidostian considered, `it
    is our conviction that the role Haigazian University can play in research,
    critical study, and free exchange of ideas is a fresh contribution to
    Lebanese academic life in general and a valuable asset for the Armenians in
    Lebanon and abroad.'
    The inaugural speech of Dr. Boudjikanian was entitled `The Armenians and
    Lebanon: Changing Perceptions and Functions (14th-20th cc.)' Among the
    different perceptions of the Armenians, Lebanon represents an open and
    diversified culture, summarized in Pope John Paul II's statement `Lebanon
    is more than a country; it is a living message to the world'. In addition,
    Beirut is the land of refuge after the genocide of 1914, and moreover it's
    the capital of the Armenian Diaspora during the years between 1955 and 1975'.
    During the next 3 days of the conference, the 16 experts coming from
    Canada, the USA, France, Argentina, Egypt, Syria, Armenia, Germany, Italy
    and Lebanon thoroughly covered numerous facets of the Armenian life and
    history in Lebanon. Topics varied from the political history of the
    community within both the Lebanese and pan-Armenian contexts, social and
    economic history, aspects of the influx and exodus of Armenians to and from
    Lebanon, identity, literature, music to the Armenian cause.
    Dr. Claude Mutafian, from Université de Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne, lectured
    on the Armenian Princesses at the Head of Crusader States (13th-14th cc.).
    Dr. Hilmar Kaiser, from Solingen, Germany tackled the issue of the
    Armenians and Lebanon during the Genocide of the First World War.
    Dr. Vahé Tachjian, from the Centre D'histoire Arménienne Contemporaine,
    Bibliothèque Nubar, Paris, talked about the Project and Realization of the
    Final Settlement of Armenian Refugees in Lebanon (end of 1920s-1930s).
    Dr. Ara Sanjian, of Haigazian University, Beirut covered the topic of
    Formulating Strategies of Irredentism at the Crossroads of Nationalism,
    Communism and Diverging Interpretations of the Soviet Experience: The
    Armenian-Language Press of Beirut on the Quest for the `Internal Lands' in
    Soviet Transcaucasia, 1954-1985.
    Dr. Shoghig Ashekian, of Yerevan State University, discussed the issue
    of the Armenian Community of Lebanon and the Armenian Cause, 1965-1975.
    Dr. Aida Boudjikanian, from Montreal, Canada talked about Self-Employment
    amongst the Armenians of Lebanon: From a Community Tradition to a Concept
    of Diaspora Theories.
    Dr. Ohannes Geukjian, of Haigazian University and the Lebanese American
    University covered the topic of the Policy of Positive Neutrality of the
    Armenian Political Parties in Lebanon during the Civil War of 1975-1990s
    Dr. Khatchik Der Ghoukassian, of Universidad de San Andrés, Buenos Aires
    discussed,Lebanon in My Mind: The Civil War and the Centrality of the
    Lebanese Armenian Community in the Making of Armenian Diaspora Nationalism.
    Mr. Roupen Avsharian, of the American Military University presented an
    exhaustive study of the Ta'ef Accord and the Armenians of Lebanon.
    Mr. Armen Urneshlian, of Haigazian University talked about the Arab
    Characters in Lebanese-Armenian Literature.
    Dr. Nora Salmanian, from Beirut, Lebanon, covered the topic of the
    Contribution of Armenians in the Musical Life of Lebanon from 1920 to the
    Mrs. Roubina Artinian of Haigazian University, discussed the Armenian
    Choirs in Lebanon, 1930-1980: A Bridge between the Past and the Present.
    Dr. Verjine Svazlian, of the National Academy of Sciences, Armenia, tackled
    the issue of the Social-Cultural Diachronic and Synchronic Development of
    Lebanese-Armenian Repatriates in the Motherland.
    Mr. Asbed Kotchikian, of Hobart and William Smith Colleges discussed the
    issue of Between (Home)land and (Host)land: Lebanese-Armenians and the
    Republic of Armenia.
    Mrs. Araxy Deronian-Khatcherian, of the Library of Congress, Cairo Office,
    covered the Armenians of Lebanon, the Middle East and North Africa in the
    Library of Congress.
    Dr. Nicola Migliorino, of the University of Exeter, England talked about
    the Lebanese System and Armenian Cultural Diversity between Yesterday,
    Today, and Tomorrow: Opportunities and Limits.The conference ended with
    discussion and recommendations.
    Parallel to the conference, public lectures were held during three
    consecutive evenings, on related topics, by Dr. Vahe Tashjian. Dr. Khatchig
    Der Ghoukassian and Dr. Nicola Migliorino.
    In conclusion, by organizing this groundbreaking, multidisciplinary
    academic conference, the Department of Armenian Studies has contributed its
    share to the 50th anniversary celebrations of Haigazian University. The
    organizing committee hopes that the papers submitted to this conference
    will become an important first step in raising awareness and future
    interest in studying the different facets of the Armenians in Lebanon. It
    is planned that the conference will lead to the eventual publication of a
    respectable volume of collected studies on the subject.