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BAKU: Kocharyan Softened After Rice Called Him,But Still Not Enough

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  • BAKU: Kocharyan Softened After Rice Called Him,But Still Not Enough


    Azerbaijan News Service
    Sept 3 2005

    "Azerbaijan is very strong and Armenia will not withstand its
    pressure. Nevertheless, we do not want war, as a great number of
    people may die. I believe, earlier or later we will return our lands.

    Let nobody has doubts in this respect", the interview of the President
    of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev with the Turkish "Hurriet" newspaper,
    published on 2 September. "Each Azerbaijani is deeply confident, the
    day will come, when the occupied lands will be freed, and the banner of
    Azerbaijan will flutter again over Karabakh", President Ilham Aliyev
    emphasized, having also commented on the results of the meeting with
    the Armenian President Kocharyan in Kazan. "There are no results so
    far. The Armenians expect we will give them independence. However,
    it is impossible. The first priority for us is to preserve the
    territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. I told Kocharyan, we are ready
    to guarantee the security of the Armenian community of Karabakh. I
    stressed, Baku will not allow the community to face any danger", Ilham
    Aliyev said and added, "however, they (the Armed Forces of Armenia)
    do not want to free our lands". At the same time President Ilham
    Aliyev noted, that during the recent telephone talk the US State
    Secretary Condoleezza Rice stated, Washington wants the sides to
    come to the conflict settlement. "I do not understand, why Armenia,
    being an occupier country is not punished, although, undoubtedly,
    I also understand, the Armenian lobby is rather strong.

    The present situation is extremely unfair", Aliyev said. He noted,
    after this conversation I felt some softening in the position of
    Kocharyan, although it is not sufficient for the problem settlement.

    "We took all possible moves. However, Armenia did not take heed
    of the world public opinion. Over 1 million citizens of Azerbaijan
    remained homeless. The West stands for the soonest settlement of the
    conflict. We will do our utmost for that", Aliyev summarized. The
    Turkish "Hurriet" newspaper's issue of 2 September placed an
    interview of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev with the
    newspaper's director on the informational matters, a journalist Tufan
    Turenc. According to Trend, the interview notes, that President of
    Azerbaijan put aside without opening a letter of the President of
    the Greek Cyprus Papadopulos, in which there was a sharp criticism
    of actions of the official Baku in regard to setting up the economic
    relations with the Northern Cyprus. Furthermore, the author cites
    the President of Azerbaijan: "The first moves towards Azerbaijan
    were taken by the leadership of Greece, which called our Ambassador
    to the Foreign Ministry and handed in the note to him. However, we
    did not pay attention to it. Then came the letter from the Cypriot
    Republic, which I put aside without opening. Nobody is entitled to
    exert pressure on Azerbaijan". President Ilham Aliyev underlined,
    he ignores the international pressure in this issue. The head of the
    state reminded, many people did not believe his statements to disrupt
    the isolation regime of the Northen Cyprus. "There were many critical
    articles to my address. But I kept my word. The time came for other
    Turkish states to support the position of Azerbaijan on this issue.

    "Now it is their turn to take similar steps', Aliyev said. Responding
    the question, whether new initiatives from Azerbaijan follow in
    this direction Ilham Aliyev replied "We will do everything possible,
    as we believe, the isolation of the Northern Cyprus must be eliminated.

    There must be an end to injustice. Why is the side, which supported
    the UNO plan on the island's unification punished? It is not possible
    either understand or accept".