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Much Ado About Turkey

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  • Much Ado About Turkey

    By Tulin Daloglu

    Washington Times, DC
    Sept 20 2005


    Last Thursday in the House International Relations Committee, Rep.

    Dan Burton, Indiana Republican, opposed two resolutions dealing with
    the alleged Armenian genocide. "This thing happened almost 100 years
    ago, and we're still beating on it 20 some years after I first got
    involved in the debate on the floor of the House," he said. "We ought
    to get on with problems facing this country and the world today:
    terrorism, Katrina, and other things, instead of rehashing this
    thing over and over and over again at every anniversary of it." Yet
    both resolutions passed, and once again, Turkey's present and past
    "image problem" in the United States resurfaced.

    In New York the next day, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
    called the bills "completely political," and Rep. Tom Lantos -
    California Democrat, the ranking Democrat at the committee - admitted
    as much. Mr. Lantos voted against a similar bill five years ago. This
    time, although he explained in detail that what had happened to
    the Armenian people is not technically genocide, he said he changed
    his position because Turkey refused to open its northern front to
    U.S. troops going into Iraq.

    While committee Chairman Henry Hyde, Illinois Republican, said the
    alleged genocide was the work of the Ottoman Empire, which was and is
    distinct from the Republic of Turkey, Rep. Adam Schiff, Californian
    Democrat, the sponsor of both measures, wrote, "The resolution urges
    Turkey to go beyond recognition of genocide and reach a just resolution
    with the Armenian people."

    The efforts on behalf of these congressional resolutions are not
    solely about a duty to the past, but about demands from the present
    and the future of Turkey. The question, then, is what exactly makes a
    "just solution." Armenian activists have over the years made their
    three goals clear: recognition of the genocide, reparations for the
    victims and return of the land.

    If so, Gunay Evinch, a Turkish-American lawyer and Fulbright scholar,
    compares the matter of compensation and return of property to the
    Japanese-American relocations during World War II. In Korematsu
    vs. United States, the Supreme Court held that treating all Japanese
    Americans as a security threat and interning them was constitutional
    for national security purposes. Fifty years later, however, the
    Supreme Court reversed Korematsu (in Korematsu II), and held that
    U.S. authorities did not have sufficient information to justify such a
    relocation. But not only did the United States not return property to
    the wrongfully relocated and dispossessed, it also did not compensate
    them at the properties' real value.

    In the meantime, Mr. Schiff discussed the case of Turkey's most popular
    novelist in the West, Orhan Pamuk. Mr. Pamuk has been charged with
    insulting Turkey's national character and could be imprisoned for his
    comments on Turkey's killing of Armenians and Kurds. "Thirty thousand
    Kurds and one million Armenians were killed in these lands and nobody
    but me dares to talk about it," Mr. Pamuk was quoted as saying in an
    interview with a Swiss newspaper in February. Yet, Mr.

    Schiff forgot to mention that Mr. Pamuk is neither a historian nor
    an expert on the matter.

    But in June, a Swiss prosecutor started investigating comments made
    by Yusuf Halacoglu, president of the Turkish Historical Society,
    who in a speech in the Swiss city of Winterthur last year denied the
    "genocide." As denial of "Armenian genocide" is a crime according
    to Swiss law, Mr. Halacoglu also faces possible imprisonment. Both
    cases look equally disturbing and absurd.

    Stanford Shaw, a lecturer at Ankara's Bilkent University, called the
    accusation against Mr. Halacoglu a "violation of academic freedom
    and freedom of expression." Mr. Shaw learned first-hand about the
    consequences of denying the "Armenian genocide" when a bomb exploded
    in front of his house in Los Angeles in 1977, and an Armenian terrorist
    group called for his assassination.

    Congress forgets in these bills that the Secret Army for the Liberation
    of Armenia (ASALA) has killed more than 50 Turkish diplomats, and
    makes no mention of the Muslims killed during the Armenian revolt.

    Clearly, Mr. Lantos made a bad judgment call last Thursday if his
    priority is the U.S. national interests. No one should forget the
    challenge of history to the Turkish Republic in the region and its
    geostrategic location in this very rough neighborhood. Iran is a
    serious matter in terms of world peace, and no country would be happy
    about a neighbor's emerging nuclear power. The United States should
    also realize that this is not the time to send the message that
    Congress may allow Armenians to use the Diaspora to get what they want.

    The people who believe that genocide occurred will believe it no
    matter what. This is not about recognizing whether there was an
    Armenian genocide; but this is about whether to seek compensation
    and land from Turkey.

    One should no wonder why every U.S. administration opposes similar
    bills. But now, when the future of Iraq's territorial integrity is
    unprecedented, does Congress really want to send Turks the message
    that it's willing to divide up their country?

    Tulin Daloglu is the Washington correspondent and columnist for
    Turkey's Star TV and newspaper. A former BBC reporter, she writes
    occasionally for The Washington Times.