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RFE/RL Iran Report - 09/20/2005

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  • RFE/RL Iran Report - 09/20/2005

    _________________________________________ ____________________
    RFE/RL Iran Report
    Vol. 8, No. 37, 20 September 2005

    A Review of Developments in Iran Prepared by the Regional Specialists
    of RFE/RL's Newsline Team

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    Ahmadinejad left for New York on 13 September, state television
    reported. Before leaving Tehran, Ahmadinejad suggested this would be
    an opportunity to discuss the contentious nuclear issue, saying: "We
    believe that nuclear energy is a divine gift. It...belongs to all
    nations and all people. All of the people on the surface of the Earth
    have the right to use this clean energy."
    Supreme National Security Council official Ali Aqamohammadi
    said on 13 September that Ahmadinejad would probably submit his
    suggestions on how to proceed on the atomic front, the Iranian
    Students News Agency (ISNA) reported. "Naturally we cannot know what
    promises to be an innovative idea, but we have heard a few things and
    have an idea what the framework of his talks will be. However, he
    will reveal the plan," Aqamohammadi said, adding that rejection of
    the plan will hurt those who have benefited from dialogue with Iran.
    In his speech to the UN General Assembly in New York on 14
    September, Ahmadinejad criticized the United States, saying the host
    of the event should not have special privileges. Two channels of
    Iranian state television, as well as Iranian satellite television and
    state radio, broadcast the speech live. Ahmadinejad complained that
    neither an Islamic nor an African state has a permanent seat on the
    UN Security Council. He also expressed concern about a breakdown in
    spirituality and morality, and described unilateralism as a "vicious
    malady." "Unilateralism, production and use of weapons of mass
    destruction, intimidations, resort to the threat or use of force, and
    imposition of destructive wars on peoples for the sake of security
    and prosperity of a few powers" mean that the UN must try to
    institutionalize justice, Ahmadinejad said.
    The U.S. delegation was not in the assembly hall to hear
    Ahmadinejad's stinging comments, news agencies reported.
    Ahmadinejad announced the Iranian position on the nuclear
    issue in a 17 September speech to the General Assembly (for the full
    text of the speech, see
    Predictably, he preceded the discussion of the nuclear issue by
    denouncing the United States. "The Islamic Revolution toppled a
    regime, which had been put in place through a coup, and supported by
    those who claim to be advocates of democracy and human rights,
    thwarted the aspirations of the nation for development and progress
    for 25 years through intimidation and torture of the populace and
    submission and subservience to outsiders."
    Ahmadinejad accused the United States of violating the
    Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, arming "the Zionist occupation
    regime with WMDs [weapons of mass destruction]," and trying to block
    other countries' access to nuclear technology.
    Ahmadinejad accused the United States of supporting Al-Qaeda
    and hinted at a conspiracy in which the United States was behind the
    terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001.
    After going on in this way for some time, Ahmadinejad got to
    the point. "Peaceful use of nuclear energy without possession of
    nuclear fuel cycle is an empty proposition," he said. "In accordance
    with our religious principles, pursuit of nuclear weapons is
    prohibited." He went on to express concern about the creation of a
    nuclear "apartheid." He called for a nuclear-weapons-free Middle
    As a confidence-building measure, Ahmadinejad said, Iran is
    willing to partner with public and private groups in its
    uranium-enrichment program. He added that Iran will continue to
    cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency. However, he
    dismissed promises that other countries will be the source of fuel
    for the Iranian nuclear program.
    Ahmadinejad returned to Iran on 18 September. (Bill Samii)

    ...AFTER RECEIVING U.S. VISA WAIVER. The State Department announced
    that the United States had waived regulations banning suspected
    terrorists from entering its territory and given Iranian President
    Ahmadinejad a visa to attend the UN General Assembly in New York,
    Radio Farda and the "Los Angeles Times" reported on 8 September.
    State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said in Washington
    on 7 September that Iran's UN mission applied for a visa on 5
    August, allowing Ahmadinejad to attend events around the opening of
    the 60th session of the UN General Assembly on 13-18 September, and
    the U.S. consulate in Berne, Switzerland, issued the visa on 6
    September, the State Department website reported.
    McCormack added that while Ahmadinejad would have been
    refused a visa for what the United States suspects are past
    terrorism-related activities, in accordance with the Immigration and
    Nationality Act, his ineligibility has been waived by the Department
    of Homeland Security at the request of the State Department. The visa
    "in no way indicates a change of U.S. views or policy toward the
    Iranian government," McCormack stressed. U.S. officials believe
    Ahmadinejad might have been among a gang of radical students who took
    U.S. diplomats in Tehran hostage in November 1979, a charge Iran
    A number of expatriate Iranians protested outside the UN
    building on 14 September against Ahmadinejad's presence, Radio
    Farda reported. Approximately 1,500 people from various exile
    opposition groups -- royalists, constitutionalists, the Mujahedin
    Khalq Organization, the Green Party of Iran -- waved placards and
    chanted different slogans. The protesters expressed opposition to the
    Iranian nuclear program and the country's purported support for
    international terrorism, and they called for political prisoners'
    freedom. Their overriding sentiment was that they do not accept
    Ahmadinejad as Iran's representative, Radio Farda reported.
    Among the protesters outside the Iranian mission to the UN in
    New York were Barry Rosen and Kevin Hermening, Radio Farda reported
    on 15 September. Rosen is a former U.S. government official and
    Hermening is a former U.S. Marine who were held hostage in Iran when
    the U.S. Embassy was seized by militants. In a press conference the
    day before, former UN Rapporteur on Human Rights Manuchehr Ganji said
    that President Ahmadinejad was involved in the interrogation of the
    hostages, as did another former hostage, Colonel Dave Roeder. (Bill
    Samii, Vahid Sepehri)

    TEHRAN DENIES PURSUIT OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Nuclear weapons do not have
    a role in Iranian defense policy, Minister of Defense and Armed
    Forces Logistics Mustafa Mohammad Najjar said on 15 September, state
    radio reported. Najjar explained that Iran insists on the acquisition
    of nuclear technology so it can produce energy.
    In New York, President Ahmadinejad told Turkish Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan that Tehran is willing to transfer
    nuclear technology to other Islamic states, the Islamic Republic News
    Agency (IRNA) reported. Ahmadinejad insisted that Iran has no
    interest in nuclear weapons. (Bill Samii)

    director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), is
    asking the United States to give Iran another opportunity to cease
    alleged nuclear-weapons-related activities, AFP reported on 15
    September, citing anonymous diplomats. Reuters reported the day
    before that the IAEA suspects that referring Iran to the UN Security
    Council will lead to divisions within the council. An anonymous
    diplomat suggested a three-to-four-week delay would be "in
    everybody's favor." El-Baradei reportedly told U.S. Secretary of
    State Condoleezza Rice that the IAEA governing board could set a
    deadline for Iran to resume the suspension of its nuclear activities.
    Tehran, however, has told the IAEA it will cooperate only if it can
    enrich uranium, Reuters reported.
    The United States would like to see immediate action by the
    UN Security Council, but its efforts to persuade other countries are
    not going well, the "Financial Times" reported on 15 September.
    Neither China nor India have made any commitments in this regard,
    according to the newspaper.
    Earlier in the week, U.S. Energy Department officials made a
    presentation to IAEA officials and governing board members that
    purportedly shows evidence of Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons,
    "The Washington Post" and ABC News reported on 14 September (to view
    the presentation, go to
    The presentation describes Iran's violations of nuclear
    safeguards and a pattern of concealment. The U.S. presentation
    rejects Iranian claims that the nuclear program is for power
    generation and argues that it is on the scale of a weapons program.
    Furthermore, Tehran has submitted a 131-page response to
    el-Baradei's earlier report on the Iranian nuclear program, IRNA
    reported on 13 September. The IAEA report called for greater
    cooperation and transparency on Iran's part, and it referred to
    some specific concerns (see "RFE/RL Iran Report," 5 September 2005).
    The Iranian response stressed Tehran's belief that the issue has
    become politicized and said the IAEA is being swayed by a propaganda
    campaign. The response referred to efforts to divert attention from
    recent violations of the Nonproliferation Treaty by other countries,
    the proliferation of nuclear warheads, and the purported Israeli
    IAEA spokeswoman Melissa Fleming told Radio Farda on 7
    September that its recent report will be a reference for the IAEA
    board of governors when it meets on 19 September to discuss
    Iran's program. She said Iranian officials have cooperated with
    IAEA inspectors, but they should cooperate more, and give the agency
    access to all "places, documents, and people" able to clarify
    persistent questions such as the source of traces of highly enriched
    uranium found on certain nuclear components in Iran. Iran has said
    they came from Pakistan with the equipment. Fleming said this cannot
    be ascertained, adding that there has been much progress made on
    discovering the source of the traces, Radio Farda reported. (Bill
    Samii, Vahid Sepehri)

    negotiator, Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Larijani,
    stressed in Islamabad on 7 September that Iran will not halt its
    nuclear program, but it is prepared to hold talks to alleviate
    international concerns, news agencies reported the same day. On his
    return from Pakistan, Larijani said that Iran "is not trying to
    expand" the number of parties negotiating over its nuclear program,
    and the IAEA remains its formal negotiating partner, ISNA reported on
    8 September. He said third-party proposals "can be useful or
    helpful," but "Iran's conduct is that everything should be in its
    place, and we face the [IAEA] in this case," ISNA reported.
    In meetings with Pakistani officials, Larijani said, they
    stated their acceptance of Iran's "natural right" to have a
    peaceful nuclear program. "I have no doubt that brotherly and Muslim
    Pakistan is by our side," he said. But Larijani also conveyed
    "concern" to Pakistani officials over their recent contacts with
    Iranian foe Israel. "I stated my concern" at the contacts, Larijani
    said according to ISNA, and "stated my reasons, and I think they have
    taken on board our perspective." The foreign ministers of Pakistan
    and Israel met in Istanbul on 1 September in the first high-level
    meeting since those two states emerged in the mid-20th century, AFP
    reported on 7 September.
    In Tehran on 7 September, Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki
    said that "nobody" should overlook "the rights of the Iranian people"
    in negotiations over Iran's contested nuclear program, ISNA
    reported. He said after a meeting with foreign envoys that "no
    organization can deprive us of our rights, against international
    laws," referring to Western pressures on Iran to once more suspend
    all nuclear-fuel production and related activities, and negotiate
    over its program. He said that "there is a rational and clear view
    based on international laws that one cannot tell a country its
    duties, but deprive it of its rights."
    Iran says that, within the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty,
    it has the right to make fuel for what it says is a civilian program.
    Mottaki said the Ahmadinejad government gives great importance to
    justice, and in foreign relations that means "a balance between
    rights and duties" for countries signing up to international
    treaties. Iran may reconsider certain bilateral agreements, he added,
    as some parts have yet to be implemented, ISNA reported.
    Mottaki told the press in Tehran on 11 September that Iran
    will not reseal a uranium-ore-conversion plant in Isfahan, central
    Iran, in response to Western demands to halt all fuel production and
    related activities, and he warned that nobody will win if Iran's
    dossier is referred to the UN Security Council, agencies reported the
    same day. Given Iran's "transparent activities and clear
    cooperation" with the IAEA, he said, "we see no juridical or legal
    reasons" for a UN referral, and "our positions will be clear in that
    regard," ISNA reported. Going to the UN Security Council would be
    "political," he said, and would initiate "a lose-lose game, and we
    prefer this not to happen." He described a "win-win" situation as an
    international community assured of the peaceful nature of Iran's
    nuclear program, and Iran being able to exercise what it says is the
    right to make nuclear fuel for power stations it has yet to build.
    Iran, he said, welcomes the "unconditional" resumption of talks on
    its dossier, ISNA reported.
    Mottaki said on 12 September that Iran's nuclear policy
    is entirely clear, and if its "natural right" to have a peaceful
    program is recognized, "we respect the right of the international
    community to be assured of the peaceful nature" of its activities,
    ISNA reported the same day, citing an interview with Turkish
    television. He dismissed as unlikely the threat of U.S. strikes on
    Iranian nuclear installations. "The Americans threaten all the
    world.... We do not believe a military attack is likely, but if that
    happens, our response will be firm and painful."
    Mottaki said Western concerns about Iran's program are
    only partly to do with fears over its abuse for military objectives.
    "The second part of the issue is that they are not inclined to have a
    developing state become a first-class state" and attain advanced
    nuclear technology "with numerous applications" for a country, he
    said. Mottaki said Iran's nuclear policy is based on the "duty"
    it feels to reassure the international community that its program is
    strictly civilian, ISNA reported. (Vahid Sepehri)

    new government under President Ahmadinejad demonstrate the rightward
    drift in the country's affairs that became apparent in the months
    preceding the June 2005 presidential election. These steps include
    the appointment of provincial governors-general with a security
    background, as well as a crackdown on social malefactors. The impact
    of the provincial appointments will be felt for years to come,
    whereas pressure in Tehran is likely to ease off.

    Provincial Appointments

    Interior Minister Mustafa Purmohammadi said in the 14
    September "Iran" that the selection of provincial governors-general
    will begin the next week and will only take place after consultations
    with legislators and local Friday-prayer leaders. He said most of the
    officials will be replaced. "Iran" reported that definite changes
    include the governors from Fars, Isfahan, Khorasan Razavi, Markazi
    (Central), Mazandaran, Sistan va Baluchistan, and Tehran provinces.
    An anonymous Interior Ministry official said he had no knowledge of
    the possibility that individuals with links to intelligence and
    security agencies will be selected.
    Parliamentarians' reactions to this news varied. On the
    one hand, an unnamed representative from Urumiyeh said in "Kayhan" of
    14 September that Purmohammadi has shown his sensitivity to
    individuals' qualifications rather than politics in making his
    On the other hand, Tabriz parliamentary representative
    Mohammad Hussein Farhangi accused Purmohammadi of appointing former
    officials of intelligence and security agencies as provincial
    governors-general, "Iran," "Aftab-i Yazd" and "Mardom Salari"
    reported on 14 September. "At the present juncture, some intelligence
    and security personalities are among the favorites to become future
    governors-general," Farhangi said. He advised against this, saying:
    "The interior minister must heed the demands of the parliamentary
    deputies about not employing people with intelligence and security
    links and background as government officials [in the provinces],
    otherwise he will certainly encounter problems in the future."
    The issue prompted two legislators to submit their
    resignations. Iranshahr parliamentary representative Golmohammad
    Bameri said on 14 September that he had resigned, ILNA reported.
    Bameri said he was protesting Purmohammadi's failure to
    coordinate his appointment of new governors-general with the
    legislature. Zahedan parliamentary representative Peyman Foruzesh
    resigned the same day to protest Purmohammadi's appointment of a
    new governor for Sistan va Baluchistan Province. Foruzesh complained
    that the interior minister had not fulfilled his promise to
    coordinate his choices with legislators and local Friday-prayer
    The Interior Ministry's appointment of new
    governors-general will have an enduring impact. The new officials
    could stay in place for at least eight years -- the length of two
    presidential terms. The Interior Ministry runs the elections, so the
    new officials could have a profound influence on voting for members
    of the Assembly of Experts (2006 and 2014), legislature (2008 and
    2012), executive branch (2009 and 2013), and municipal councils (2007
    and 2011). Even though President Ahmadinejad has promised to
    decentralize governmental affairs, these appointments suggest an
    effort by the central government to exert greater influence in the

    In The Capital

    While events affecting the provinces are still developing,
    security measures in the capital are already under way. Justice
    Minister and judiciary spokesman Jamal Karimirad told reporters on 6
    September that a crackdown on people who disrupt security in Tehran
    has begun, "Jomhuri-yi Islami," "Aftab-i Yazd," and Radio Farda
    reported. "This plan, which has been put together by the office of
    the Tehran prosecutor-general, will be implemented for a period of 20
    days with the cooperation and coordination of the relevant organs,
    such as the Law Enforcement Force, the Intelligence Ministry, the
    Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, and the Basij force.
    Karimirad described the individuals who would suffer as a
    result of this campaign: "The elements who flex their muscles and
    show off their power by the use of knives and daggers; the thugs and
    the mob engaging in extortion and bullying; threatening actions and
    behaviors; attempts to create fear and tension in the society;
    disruption of public order and safety; acts of sabotage; those
    involved in selling, buying, possessing, or carrying unlawful
    weapons; abduction; and gang interfighting and violence." The
    harassment of women, sexual assaults and other sorts of lewd
    behavior, the establishment of brothels and gambling houses, drinking
    alcohol publicly or public drunkenness, and the sales or purchase of
    drugs are to be targeted as well.
    Tehran police chief Morteza Talai described the type of
    criminals one encounters in the capital, "Jomhuri-yi Islami" reported
    on 7 September. One group carries scimitars and goes to different
    parts of the city to commit random acts of aggression. A second
    group, known as "lumpens," gets drunk in public and engages in rowdy
    behavior. A third group, he said, has the talent and potential for
    membership in the second group.
    The judicial police will be tasked with maintaining public
    security in Tehran once it is equipped, financed, and ready to work,
    Radio Farda reported on 10 September. Tehran judiciary official
    Mahmud Mirkuhi said the force enjoys greater powers than the ordinary
    police. Judicial police patrols include a judge who can convict and
    sentence a person on the spot, and oversee his or her punishment,
    Radio Farda reported.
    One of the security measures described by police chief Ismail
    Ahmadi-Moghaddam is action against "joy caravans" -- cars filled with
    celebrating relatives driving behind a newly wed couple, Radio Farda
    reported on 11 September. He termed the celebrants "louts" and a
    traffic nuisance. Radio Farda cited Moghaddam as telling the daily
    "Jomhuri-yi Islami" that such celebrations block Tehran traffic and
    lead to acts of "moral corruption" like dancing and alcohol
    Tehran's provincial judicial chief Abbas Ali Alizadeh
    told the press on 12 September that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali
    Khamenei has ordered the judiciary to give a "firm response" to
    "louts" and criminals, Fars reported the same day. Khamenei has
    ordered "God's laws" to be implemented against criminals, after
    reading a report on crime that he found "shocking," Fars reported. In
    an undated letter to judiciary chief Ayatollah Mahmud
    Hashemi-Shahrudi, Khamenei ordered authorities to combat crime "as
    vigorously as possible," and to give "mischievous" people "the
    harshest punishments set by God."
    Alizadeh said he showed Khamenei's letter to a judge who
    recently asked him what to do with a man charged with forcibly taking
    money from people and cutting off someone's hand. That
    "criminal," Alizadeh said, must be considered a man "spreading
    corruption on Earth," a charge applicable to various activities and
    possibly punishable by death in Iran.
    Just as legislators have mixed responses to possible
    security-related assignments in the provinces, their enthusiasm about
    this social crackdown is mixed.
    Musa Al-Reza Servati, a member of parliament's Social
    Affairs Committee, has urged Iranians to show a certain "balance"
    when celebrating, "Aftab-i Yazd" reported on 12 September.
    "Unfortunately in Iran people go beyond accepted norms for the
    slightest celebration," he said, adding that the Islamic Culture and
    Guidance Ministry should define what type of celebrations are
    But Social Affairs Committee head Abdolreza Mesri said that
    "it is much more necessary" for police to deal with armed criminals
    that block city streets than with "joy caravans," according to
    "Aftab-i Yazd." People can wait a little for a street celebration,
    and "share in the joy of people around them, but waiting in traffic
    for hours because a man with a knife has blocked the street is
    impossible," "Aftab-i Yazd" quoted him as saying.
    The security-related developments in Tehran will not have as
    enduring impact as those in the provinces. The crackdown in the
    capital is scheduled to last just 20 days. Furthermore, the
    government routinely implements such measures, especially at the
    beginning of the school year. Therefore, there could be an easing of
    pressure over time. (Bill Samii, Vahid Sepehri)

    Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in a 14 September speech in Tehran
    at a conference of Islamic Revolution Guards Corp (IRGC) commanders
    that everybody is expected to be pious and patient when confronted by
    hardship, IRNA reported. He added that one must resist temptation and
    show restraint when one is trying to fulfill the obligations defined
    by God. The country's officials, he continued, must be
    spiritually pure and morally upright.
    IRGC commander Yahya Rahim-Safavi told the audience
    beforehand that the June presidential election showed that the nation
    supports revolutionary values, state television reported. Discussing
    Iraq and regional developments, Rahim-Safavi said, "America's
    incompetence in crisis management in the region has become more
    obvious recently." He described the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza as a
    defeat for the United States.
    Speaker of parliament Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel spoke on the
    afternoon of 14 July, IRNA reported, saying U.S. policy is demagogic
    and hypocritical. Its hidden objective is to control world oil
    resources, he said, and its strategic aim is world domination. Talk
    of spreading democracy is just a cover for these goals. He said the
    United States uses cultural tools -- books, films, NGOs, satellite
    television -- as well as economic and military ones to influence
    other countries.
    The next day, Minister of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics
    Mustafa Mohammad Najjar told the conference that his ministry has
    presented its plans to the legislature, ILNA reported. Among the
    objectives in the plan are budget increases, a stronger air-defense
    capability, attention to the ministry's research and industries,
    and information security. He also mentioned greater unity between the
    armed forces headquarters and the ministry, as well as the
    elimination of duplication. To compensate for budget shortfalls, he
    said, Iran will export more goods. Najjar said some of the military
    industries will be relocated in order to create jobs.
    Brigadier General Ali Akbar Ahmadian said in a 15 September
    speech at the IRGC conference, "We have formulated a new and
    evolutionary strategic management system in the corps," ISNA
    reported. Once Supreme Leader Khamenei approves this system, relevant
    plans will be distributed to all branches of the armed forces.
    Ahmadian mentioned long-term plans and programs, and added that the
    IRGC's Imam Hussein University will implement the strategic
    training programs. He did not provide any details on the system,
    plans, or programs. (Bill Samii)

    Ali Khamenei said in Tehran on 8 September that senior clerics and
    politicians must support the government and end outstanding rivalries
    that stem from the June presidential polls, given what he described
    as foreign hostility to Iran's government, ISNA reported the same
    day. Khamenei told the Assembly of Experts, a body of clerics
    ostensibly charged with supervising Khamenei's performance, that
    the primary duty of politicians is to preserve "unity and cohesion"
    and end "the disagreements and offenses" of the elections. He added
    that "this duty pertains above all to those with a higher status in
    society, and those who work against society's unity cannot be the
    friends" of Iranians and their government, ISNA added.
    The election results upset some candidates, including
    Expediency Council Chairman Ali-Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani, who alleged
    he was the victim of a campaign of vilification, and Mehdi Karrubi,
    who denounced malpractice at polling stations. Former President
    Hojatoleslam Mohammad Khatami has also recently warned that
    unspecified reactionaries and religious bigots are returning to
    positions of power.
    Khamenei said the government should not be undermined "for
    certain expectations or grudges," while "religious elites" must
    counter the "organized effort" of "the enemies of the revolution" to
    weaken Iran's religion and political system. (Vahid Sepehri)

    appointed his brother, Davud Ahmadinejad, as his adviser and chief of
    the presidential inspectorate, state radio reported on 13 September.
    State radio noted that presidents tend to appoint close relatives to
    this position -- Hojatoleslam Mohammad Khatami selected his brother,
    Ali, and Ayatollah Ali-Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani selected his son,
    In addition, Ahmadinejad has selected Fada Hussein Maleki as
    secretary of the Drug Control Headquarters and Tehran municipal
    council head Mehdi Chamran as a special adviser, IRNA reported on 13
    Ahmadinejad will appoint Tehran municipal council member
    Masud Zaribafan as his spokesman, Mehr News Agency reported on 12
    September, citing an anonymous "informed source." Zaribafan is a
    member of two hard-line political organizations, the Islamic
    Revolution Devotees Society (Jamiyat-i Isargaran-i Inqilab-i Islami)
    and the Islamic Iran Developers Coalition (Etelaf-i Abadgaran-i
    Iran-i Islami). Zaribafan was mayor of Mahabad and deputy governor of
    Kurdistan Province.
    Ahmadinejad appointed Parviz Davudi as his first vice
    president on 10 September, IRNA reported.
    Separately, Foreign Minister Mottaki appointed Muhammad Reza
    Baqeri as deputy foreign minister for Arab and African affairs; Mehdi
    Safari for Asia, Pacific, and Commonwealth of Independent States
    affairs; and Said Jalili for European and American affairs, "Aftab-i
    Yazd" reported on 12 September. (Bill Samii, Vahid Sepehri)

    Khamenei appointed Major General Ataollah Salehi the head of
    Iran's regular ground forces on 11 September, replacing Muhammad
    Salimi, "Aftab-i Yazd" reported the next day. Salehi entered the army
    in 1967, helped organize revolutionary "committees" in Isfahan during
    the 1979 revolution, and more recently ran the personnel and
    inspectorate departments at the armed forces joint headquarters, Fars
    reported on 12 September. Salimi now serves as a "special adviser" to
    Khamenei, IRNA reported on 11 September.
    Meanwhile, Hojatoleslam Seyyed Mohammad Ali Al-e Hashem has
    been appointed deputy head of the armed forces'
    political-ideological department, "Iran" reported. The former head of
    the department, Seyyed Reza Akrami, will serve as a senior adviser to
    the political-ideological department. (Bill Samii, Vahid Sepehri)

    Tehran bus drivers were arrested after driving on 7 September with
    their lights turned on to protest against unpaid or insufficient
    wages, Radio Farda and "Aftab-i Yazd" reported on 8 September.
    Company managers said they have paid wages owed to drivers and blamed
    the drivers' union for fanning discontent, Radio Farda reported.
    Union member Mansur Hayat-Gheibi told Radio Farda that managers have
    had some protesting drivers arrested and others sacked.
    Separately, a journalist is in jail in Arak, central Iran,
    for charges relating to previous press activities even though the
    plaintiffs have withdrawn their original complaint, Radio Farda
    reported on 8 September. Masud Bastani is being kept in the general
    criminal population, and the Arak judiciary has rejected his request
    for transfer to a Tehran jail where political and press prisoners are
    kept, Radio Farda reported, quoting Tehran-based journalist Muhammad
    Reza Ruhbakhsh.
    Ruhbakhsh said the Arak judiciary has also convicted Bastani
    of violating an earlier conviction, which carried a five-year ban on
    press activities, by recently reporting on a Tehran protest, and the
    court is expected to hand him another sentence. This conviction and
    Bastani's detention are illegal, Ruhbakhsh claimed, but he
    currently has no attorney.
    Meanwhile, Justice Minister Jamal Karimi-Rad said in Tehran
    on 6 September that the judiciary is ready to present parliament with
    a bill to define political offenses, "Aftab-i Yazd" reported on 7
    September. Iran often jails dissidents or politicians on charges such
    as subversion or making false allegations, and is unlikely to
    consider them political dissidents. Karimi-Rad said the five-year
    development plan starting in 2006 requires the judiciary to define
    political offenses. A similar bill was passed by the last parliament,
    but rejected by the Guardians Council, a body of mostly conservative
    jurists that confirms the legality of legislation (see "RFE/RL Iran
    Report," 31 December 2001). (Vahid Sepehri)

    Without Borders on 6 September criticized the Iranian judiciary's
    decision to send back to jail dissident Akbar Ganji, who was on
    hunger strike to protest his detention , Radio Farda reported on 7
    September. Ganji ended his 70-day hunger strike on 22 August and left
    hospital on 3 September, Reporters Without Borders reported on its
    website. The judiciary, it added, has apparently broken a promise to
    let Ganji recover at home.
    Masumeh Shafii, Ganji's wife, told Radio Farda on 11
    September that she has not been allowed to visit her husband or speak
    to him for a week. She said she now believes he is being kept in a
    special wing outside the prison chief's authority, though prison
    authorities have told her he is being held in an ordinary cell. Every
    time she calls, she said, she is told "he is in a meeting, or in the
    wing, unavailable, or call in half an hour...tomorrow morning, or in
    the afternoon." She said she would "no longer keep quiet," and has
    written a letter to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan urging him to ask
    visiting President Ahmadinejad "to respect justice regarding
    [dissident prisoners], including Mr. Ganji." She handed the letter to
    the UN representative office in Tehran on 11 September, Radio Farda
    Shafii told Radio Farda on 13 September that she has not seen
    or heard from her husband for 18 days. Justice Minister Jamal
    Karimirad, who serves as the judiciary spokesman, said on 12
    September that Ganji is being kept in a shared cell at Evin prison
    while he recuperates, Radio Farda reported on 13 September. However,
    Tehran prisons chief Sohrab Suleimani has said that Ganji is in
    medical quarantine. If Ganji is in quarantine, Shafii asked, what
    kind of quarantine does not allow him to use the telephone? Shafii
    told Radio Farda that prison authorities have sent Ganji to solitary
    confinement. Whenever she asks about her husband, she continued, the
    authorities refer her to Tehran chief prosecutor Said Mortazavi.
    (Bill Samii, Vahid Sepehri)

    Minister Armen Movsisian announced on 13 September that the
    government has formally granted permission for the Iranian company
    Sanir to continue construction of the second section of a natural-gas
    pipeline connecting Armenia and Iran, Arminfo reported. Construction
    of the first section of the new Armenia-Iran gas pipeline is under
    way and the Armenian government is still engaged in an
    environmental-impact study of the full route. Energy Minister
    Movsisian also reported that the Iranian MAP group will complete the
    fifth energy unit of Armenia's Razdan thermal power plant. The
    first significant bilateral agreement on the 140-kilometer
    Armenia-Iran gas pipeline was reached in September 2001 (see "RFE/RL
    Newsline," 13 September 2001). (Richard Giragosian)

    Jihad leader Ramadan Abdallah Shallah met in Tehran on 13 September
    with Expediency Council Chairman Hashemi-Rafsanjani, Mehr News Agency
    reported. Hashemi-Rafsanjani told his guest that the provision of
    spiritual and political support is part of Iranian policy. He added
    that the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza is a sign of Israeli weakness
    when confronted by Palestinian resistance, and warned of anti-Islamic
    U.S. and Israeli conspiracies. Shallah said resistance will continue.
    Shallah met with Hassan Khomeini, grandson of Ayatollah Ruhollah
    Khomeini, in Tehran on 9 September, IRNA reported on 10 September.
    Khomeini said the Palestinian issue was a major concern of his
    grandfather's. (Bill Samii)

    ************************************************** *******
    Copyright (c) 2005. RFE/RL, Inc. All rights reserved.

    The "RFE/RL Iran Report" is a weekly prepared by A. William Samii on
    the basis of materials from RFE/RL broadcast services, RFE/RL
    Newsline, and other news services. It is distributed every Monday.

    Direct comments to A. William Samii at [email protected].
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