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Oil-for-food: Far from a failure

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  • Oil-for-food: Far from a failure

    International Herald Tribune
    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2005

    Oil-for-food: Far from a failure

    by Benon V. Sevan

    After nearly a year and a half and more than $35 million spent, the
    Independent Inquiry Committee Into the United Nations Oil-for-Food
    Program (IIC), led by the former Federal Reserve chairman Paul
    Volcker, has faulted the management of the program, which I ran for
    six years. It is easy to apply formal management and audit criteria
    after the fact to a massive multibillion-dollar humanitarian program,
    but as the recent crisis in New Orleans shows, what is critical when
    people are dying is to bring food and medicine to affected
    populations as quickly as possible. This we accomplished. There are
    many thousands of people alive today because of the oil-for-food

    There is a misconception, reinforced by the familiar echo chamber of
    the Murdoch press, The Wall Street Journal, the UN bashers in the
    U.S. Congress, and neocon think tanks, that the program was a failure
    of epic proportions, riddled with corruption and pliant to Saddam
    Hussein's every manipulation. The reality is that the oil-for-food
    program was highly successful in its fundamental mission of
    addressing the acute humanitarian crisis caused by sanctions imposed
    on Iraq, in channeling all but a very small percentage of Iraqi oil
    revenues into food, medicine, and other approved humanitarian
    supplies, and in helping to maintain international support for
    sanctions, which in turn prevented Iraq from developing weapons of
    mass destruction during the course of the program.

    Volcker's 'public' and other political constituencies are
    nevertheless demanding heads on a platter, and the latest IIC report,
    sadly, appears to capitulate to that pressure by unfairly targeting
    the Secretariat, including the Office of the Iraq Program (OIP) and
    me, for problems that were essentially inherent in the design of the
    program and in the inevitable reality of politics among member

    The program was created by a series of Security Council resolutions
    that carefully defined - and limited - the role of the Secretariat.
    In particular, the Office of the Iraq Program did not have
    responsibility for monitoring, policing or investigating sanctions
    violations. That role was specifically reserved to the Security
    Council; its so-called 661 Committee, which monitored the overall
    sanctions regime and oil-for-food; and member states. The IIC knows
    or should know this. Yet the IIC insists repeatedly on blaming the
    OIP for functions, such as investigating sanctions violations, that
    lay beyond its mandate.

    The IIC also faults the secretary general, the deputy secretary
    general and me for failing to provide information regarding Iraqi
    demands for illicit kickbacks and surcharges to the Security Council
    through formal rather than informal channels. But in setting forth
    its charges, the IIC seems to confuse the decision not to convey
    information through official channels with a decision not to convey
    the information at all. On no occasion did OIP or I personally
    withhold material information from the Security Council members, the
    secretary general and his deputy. OIP informed the 661 Committee not
    only on surcharges but also on at least 70 occasions of contracts
    reflecting suspicious pricing (and hence possible kickbacks), yet the
    committee declined in every instance to act. Similarly, I informed
    the U.S. government, effectively the policeman for sanctions
    violations in the Gulf, of maritime smuggling on a massive scale that
    was occurring, to no avail.

    It is now known that the United States and other member states
    purposefully allowed this smuggling to occur, in addition to the
    massive daily shipment of oil by land routes, putting billions of
    dollars directly into Saddam's pockets in violation of sanctions in
    order to support Iraq's trading partners, Turkey and Jordan, which
    are also U.S. allies. It smacks of hypocrisy to criticize OIP for a
    political compromise made to help the economies of American allies.

    The IIC also engages in a lot of second-guessing as to whether I
    delegated too much authority to senior managers on the ground in Iraq
    instead of to bureaucrats in New York. I disagree with these
    criticisms. Micromanagement from 8,000 miles away would have been a
    recipe for disaster in an immense and complex program like

    It is important to consider what those, including Security Council
    members, who were observing our performance in real time had to say
    about its management. Among others, in October 2003, Ambassador John
    Negroponte of the United States, the president of the Security
    Council (and now President George W. Bush's director of national
    intelligence), speaking in his national capacity, commended "the
    outstanding work" that we had "done both in New York and in the
    region over the years in the implementation of the program, as well
    as the "exceptional professionalism and thoroughness" of OIP staff
    "despite the obstacles and challenges that they face daily."

    The program was not perfect, nor was it ever expected to be. It was
    implemented within the context of a very rigorous sanctions regime,
    carried out in six-month extensions (and hence always on the verge of
    closing down), beset by conflicting political pressures, situated in
    a country in crisis and hindered by fundamental design problems -
    most notably, the Security Council's decision to allow Saddam to
    select his own contractors for oil exports and imports of
    humanitarian supplies, as well as to implement the program in the 15
    governorates in the center and south of Iraq, which all but
    guaranteed political manipulation.

    At the same time, my colleagues and I were faced with the grave
    responsibility of providing basic life necessities to a highly
    vulnerable population. We took that responsibility both seriously and
    personally. As the recent tragedy in New Orleans demonstrated, there
    is a cost to overly bureaucratizing a crisis relief effort that the
    IIC chooses to ignore. The people of Iraq desperately needed
    humanitarian relief in real time. Thanks to the oil-for-food program,
    they received it. That is the essential purpose of a humanitarian
    program, and we accomplished that purpose, in nearly impossible
    circumstances. Despite its shortcomings, the program made a major
    difference in the lives of the Iraqi people.

    (Benon V. Sevan is former director of the oil-for-food program for