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Speech By President Kocharian On The Occasion Of Independence Day

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  • Speech By President Kocharian On The Occasion Of Independence Day



    Your Holiness,
    Dear Compatriots,
    Esteemed Guests,
    I congratulate all our people and all those present on the occasion
    of Independence Day. The Republic of Armenia celebrates its fourteenth
    year of independence as a steadily developing country. We continue to
    successfully implement pervasive programs of reforms. These programs
    practically encompass all the spheres of the Republic's life.

    It's been the fourth year that Armenia's economic growth shows
    double-digit numbers. First of all, this is a result of our
    people's diligent work as well as of the effective policies of
    the authorities. It has also become possible through the internal
    political stability, which is a necessary precondition for the
    country's advancement. It is very important that the results of this
    progress are channeled predominantly into the social sphere. The
    economic growth should have a direct impact on the well-being of
    our citizens. We are resolute to fully implement the plan on the
    Reduction of Poverty. The guarantees of overcoming challenges faced
    by our country are strengthening of the rule of law, more efficient
    administration and civic accord.

    Very soon a referendum of Constitutional changes will be held in

    People of Armenia, who fourteen years ago this day made their historic
    choice to build a free, democratic and prosperous country, must take
    their next step on this road. This will provide for an opportunity
    to have an improved, more balanced Constitution. By accepting it we
    will record significant political progress and will reinforce the
    international prestige and image of our country. It will also be
    the best guarantee of the irreversibility of the reforms which are
    currently underway.

    In foreign policy we will continue to work for Armenia's deeper
    international involvement by our active participation in the discussion
    and resolution of the problems, which concern the humankind. We think
    that the best way for the gradual solution of the existing problems is
    the cooperation of all the countries of the region. We are committed
    to a peaceful resolution of the Nagorno Karabagh issue, which must be
    built on the actual existence of the Republic of Nagorno Karabagh and
    right of people to self-determination. Our state is safe and secure
    thanks to Armenia's armed forces, which were born by our independence
    and have now become its shield. Our army was formed by the heroes,
    who shed blood to create powerful foundations for the Republic of
    Armenia - the motherland of all Armenians.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I once again congratulate all of us on the
    occasion of Independence Day.

    This is a holiday, which the best sons of our people have dreamed of
    and made possible through the centuries-long endeavors. I am confident
    that present and future generations will continue this sacred task
    in the name of strong and prosperous Armenia.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress