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System Of A Down Calls On Speaker Hastert

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  • System Of A Down Calls On Speaker Hastert


    | 13:06:07 | 22-09-2005 | Politics |

    Thousands of Fans Respond to Alert on News Section of

    Within hours of posting a notice last night on the System of a Down
    website, thousands of fans from across the United States have sent
    ANCA WebFaxes urging Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert to schedule
    a U.S. House vote on legislation recognizing the Armenian Genocide,
    reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA). The
    letters, sent through the ANCA's free WebFax system, urge the Speaker
    to honor his pledge, made in October of 2000, to hold a vote on the
    Armenian Genocide Resolution. The WebFaxes stress that, "The Armenian
    Genocide is a clear-cut moral issue.

    Our government's failure to stand up to Turkey's denial is an outrage.

    Today, the fate of this human rights issue rests in your hands. Do
    the right thing - keep your pledge. Serve U.S. interests and American
    values by allowing this legislation to reach the floor for a vote
    at the earliest possible opportunity." On September 15th, the House
    International Relations Committee overwhelmingly approved legislation
    properly recognizing the Armenian Genocide. During the course of a
    three-hour meeting, 21members of this 50-member panel spoke in favor
    of H.Res.316 and H.Con.Res.195, which were adopted by bipartisan
    majorities of 40 to 7 and 35 to 11, respectively.

    Similar legislation was adopted by the Committee in 2000, but was
    withdrawn by Speaker Hastert, at the urging of President Clinton,
    only moments before it was to reach the House floor for a vote. In the
    aftermath of his withdrawal of the measure, Speaker Hastert pledged
    to hold a vote on the Armenian Genocide Resolution, but has, in the
    five years that have followed, failed to honor this promise.

    In May of this year, Mezmerize, the first half of the band's two-part
    album Mezmerize/Hypnotize, debuted as the number-one selling CD in
    the United States. On April 24th of this year, System held a sold-out
    "Souls 2005" benefit concert for the ANCA and other groups working
    to prevent genocide and counter genocide denial. The band has sold
    nearly 10 million CDs worldwide. A Google search for "System of a
    Down" returns over 1.6 million hits. The ANCA, at the invitation of the
    band, has worked alongside Amnesty International and Axis of Justice at
    activist tables at concerts to distribute educational materials, secure
    signatures on petitions, field questions, and promote discussion about
    the Turkish government's ongoing denial of the Armenian Genocide. For
    information about System of a Down, including a full listing of their
    remaining tour dates, visit: The full
    text of the System of a Down action alert is provided below. It can
    be viewed on-line by visiting and clicking on

    9.20.05 - STAND WITH SYSTEM:


    Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House, has it in his power to
    accomplish one of System's goals - official U.S. recognition of
    Turkey's destruction of 1.5 million Armenians between 1915 and
    1923. On September 15th, a major Congressional committee - rejecting
    attacks from Turkey and the Bush Administration - approved legislation
    recognizing the Armenian Genocide. The next step is for the full House
    of Representatives to take a final vote on this legislation. But
    this is only possible if Hastert lets it happen. The choice is in
    his hands. By allowing Congress to vote on this legislation, Hastert
    can end U.S. denial of this crime and open the doors to justice - to
    the restoration, reparation, and restitution owed to the victims of
    genocide. By continuing to block a vote on this legislation, Hastert
    effectively joins in the denial of this crime against humanity, and
    the denial of justice to an entire nation. Join with System. Click
    HERE to take action and send a free WebFax urging Hastert to hold a
    vote on the Armenian Genocide Resolution.