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Armenia Dispatch: 4 A Bit Of A Primer

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  • Armenia Dispatch: 4 A Bit Of A Primer

    by Erik Olsen

    Gadling: Engaged travel for adventurers
    Sept 21 2005

    So I left off saying that Armenia is a country that is only beginning
    to recognize its promise as a travel destination. My guess is that
    many people don't even know where Armenia is, and so I figured I'd
    talk a little bit about the country.

    Well, the fact is that Armenia is surrounded by a lot of folks
    you probably HAVE heard of. Namely, Iran, Turkey, Azerbaijan,
    and Georgia. And my guess is that with the exception of Turkey,
    these countries are also not on the top of your travel list (although
    perhaps we should all expand our horizons a bit...I am told that Iran,
    for example, is a superb place to see). But Armenia especially deserves
    consideration. Why? Because there are some things happening here right
    now that are changing the face of the country, and because Armenia has
    some unusual characteristics that make it a very appealing destination,
    even if you're just stopping by on the way to some place else.

    The first big thing happening is modernization and Westernization. As
    a former Soviet republic that only gained independence in 1991,
    Armenia has been locked in a post-Soviet stupor that it is only now
    emerging from....or so the folks I've been talking to tell me. Basic
    democratic freedoms that are less vibrant in other countries nearby
    are alive and well here. People feel free to speak their minds,
    and they are building a culture of tolerance and freedom. People are
    building successful businesses, examining their place in the world.

    They want to play a larger role, and their culture It is a very
    exciting time for Armenia.

    Another thing is that Armenians (already very friendly and welcoming)
    are particularly fond of Americans. They are a Christian nation
    surrounded by Muslim nations. Many people speak English and/or
    several other languages. I was out last night with a couple of guys
    who between them spoke German, Spanish, French, Armenian, English
    (perfectly), Japanese and Italian. The fact is, more Armenians live
    outside of Armenia than inside the country. The reasons for this are
    several, but include the genocide around the First World War, the
    Soviet occupation and to seek a better life in general. Many of these
    Diaspora Armenians, as they are called, ended up in the US, mostly
    California, and so they are completely versed in American culture.

    And now many of these so-called Diaspora Armenians are heading back
    here to live and build up the country, to make it a viable Western
    democracy, which, although there are some problems (corruption and
    so forth) it is doing.

    Anyway, I don't want to speak in such detail about a place I've only
    been visiting for a short time. What I write here is based partly on
    what I've read, but also significantly on what I've learned in talking
    to people on the streets and while hanging out in Yerevan. As I said,
    I am impressed and excited for this small country. It is very much
    the kind of place that Americans should celebrate and support.

    Western-looking, entrepreneurial and enterprising, rich in culture,
    friendly and open...I honestly think you should check it out. (and
    if any of this seems rambling and nonsensical...forgive me. I was
    out until 2 am last night and just woke up)