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F18News: Armenia - New wave of Jehovah's Witness sentences begins

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  • F18News: Armenia - New wave of Jehovah's Witness sentences begins

    FORUM 18 NEWS SERVICE, Oslo, Norway

    The right to believe, to worship and witness
    The right to change one's belief or religion
    The right to join together and express one's belief

    Friday 23 September 2005

    Shaliko Sarkissian became the first Jehovah's Witness who abandoned
    alternative service because it remains under defence ministry control to
    be punished. On 15 September a court in the capital Yerevan imprisoned him
    for two and a half years for "desertion". The trial of another, Garik
    Bekjanyan, is imminent, while a further dozen await trial. An OSCE
    official expressed alarm to Forum 18 at the "growing number" of Jehovah's
    Witness prisoners. The Council of Europe and the OSCE have condemned
    Armenia's failure to introduce a genuine civilian alternative to military
    service. But Sedrak Sedrakyan of the Defence Ministry's legal department
    rejects all complaints, insisting that his ministry has "no control" over
    the alternative service. He dismisses all concerns about the Jehovah's
    Witnesses. "We believe all this has been organised to make a show," he
    told Forum 18.


    By Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service

    All 22 Jehovah's Witnesses who abandoned their alternative military
    service because it remains under defence ministry control and does not
    provide a genuine civilian alternative to military service now face severe
    punishment. First to be punished was Shaliko Sarkissian, sentenced to two
    and a half years' imprisonment on 15 September by a court in the capital
    Yerevan, Jehovah's Witness sources told Forum 18 News Service on 20
    September. Most of the others have already been arrested and are awaiting
    trial. But Lieutenant Colonel Sedrak Sedrakyan, head of the Defence
    Ministry's legal department, dismissed concern about their fate. "We
    believe all this has been organised to make a show," he told Forum 18 from
    Yerevan on 21 September. "We did all we could to allow them to serve their
    alternative service quietly." He denied categorically that the alternative
    service is under military control, an assertion rejected by the Jehovah's
    Witnesses and the Yerevan office of the Organisation for Security and
    Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

    Sarkissian was one of two Jehovah's Witnesses doing his alternative
    service at Nork infectious diseases hospital and one of thirteen Jehovah's
    Witnesses to abandon their alternative service in August. He was found
    guilty by Yerevan's Nork-Marash District Court of violating Article 365(1)
    of the Criminal Code, which punishes "desertion".

    "Shaliko Sarkissian was one of our people who had accepted alternative
    service but left when he realised that alternative service came under the
    control of the military," Jehovah's Witnesses told Forum 18. "These
    conscientious objectors are prepared to perform genuine alternative
    civilian service."

    An official of the OSCE in Yerevan expressed alarm at the "growing number"
    of Jehovah's Witness prisoners. "This is a worrying trend as their
    imprisonment violates Armenia's Council of Europe commitment," the
    official, who preferred not to be named, told Forum 18 from Yerevan on 20
    September. "This certainly will not help Armenia's international

    On joining the Council of Europe in 2001, Armenia committed itself to
    adopting a genuine civilian alternative to military service for those not
    able to serve on grounds of conscience, but failed to meet this
    commitment. "The recent steps taken by the Armenian government certainly
    are alarming and show blatant disregard for their adopted obligations
    before the Council of Europe," the Jehovah's Witnesses complain.

    The alternative service law - which came into force on 1 July 2004, and
    was amended by parliament on 22 November 2004 and again on 24 December
    2004 - provides for "alternative military service" of 36 months and
    "alternative labour service" of 42 months, both under the ultimate
    oversight of the defence ministry, thus failing to meet its commitments.

    The OSCE official expressed concern about the law. "We think the
    alternative service law was not drafted and implemented in good faith. The
    OSCE was involved in the drafting process but the Armenian authorities
    disregarded our views." The official said the law must ensure a genuine
    civilian alternative to military service and must not be punitive in

    The Council of Europe agrees. "We believe there should be a clear civilian
    alternative to military service in Armenia," Krzysztof Zyman of its
    directorate general for human rights told Forum 18 from Strasbourg on 20
    September. He regretted that repeated requests to the Armenian government
    and its representation at the Council of Europe for copies of the latest
    amendments to the alternative service law have been ignored. "We are
    urging the Armenian authorities to cooperate with the Council of Europe so
    that the alternative service law meets European standards," Zyman added.

    Article 6 of the law states that issues related to alternative service are
    dealt with by the military. Article 13 mentions that workers are assigned
    by the Military Conscription Committee. Article 14 says that the
    alternative service call-up is organised and supervised by the military.
    Those doing alternative service are required to wear uniforms, are clothed
    and fed by the armed forces, have identity cards reading "Armed Forces of
    the Republic of Armenia", are under military supervision and control and
    subject to military punishment if they fail to meet their obligations.

    However, Sedrakian of the defence ministry denies this. "Those doing
    alternative service are under the control of the Social Care Ministry and
    the Health Ministry," he claimed to Forum 18. "The Defence Ministry has no
    control over them and has nothing to do with them. Passports are routinely
    taken off conscripts when they are called up and the same goes for those
    doing alternative service. But their identity cards make no reference to
    the armed forces. That is impossible." He denied that those doing
    alternative service are fed or clothed by the army, insisting that the
    defence ministry receives no financial allocation for these purposes.

    Sedrakian insisted that army officers have no right to give orders or
    instructions of any sort to those doing alternative service. "In the first
    few days as the system was being established there were contacts with the
    Defence Ministry, but no control," he maintained. "We simply checked where
    they were housed to make sure everything was OK."

    He claimed that for the autumn call-up due shortly, each applicant for
    alternative service will be considered by a commission. "Only one member
    of this commission will be from the Ministry of Defence - the rest will be
    officials of the government administration."

    The first Jehovah's Witnesses to abandon the alternative service quit in
    May (see F18News 17 May 2005

    Of the other Jehovah's Witnesses who abandoned their alternative service
    in August, on 17 August the Republic Court of Appeal reversed the decision
    of the Centre-Marash District Court to release Garik Bekjanyan and ruled to
    arrest him. He faces charges under Article 361(1) of the Criminal Code and
    his trial is expected imminently. On 17 August the Gegarkunik Region
    Prosecutor's Office charged Vagarshak Margaryan, Baris Melkumyan, Gagik
    Davtyan and Artur Chilingarov under Article 361(5). They were arrested the
    same day.

    On 22 August, the Gegarkunik regional prosecutor's office instituted
    criminal cases against seven more, Tigran Abrahamyan, Garazat Azatyan,
    Vahe Grigoryan, Hayk Khachatryan, Gegarin Melkonyan, Henrik Safaryan, and
    Karlen Simonyan. All were charged under Article 361(4). Other regional
    prosecutor's offices have summoned other Jehovah's Witnesses who had
    refused to continue the alternative civilian service to which they were

    Meanwhile, other Jehovah's Witnesses called up since the extent of
    military control over the alternative service became clear continue to be
    sentenced. In the town of Talin in western Armenia, Hakop Muradyan was
    sentenced on 15 September to one and a half years' imprisonment under
    Article 327 of the Criminal Code, which punishes refusal to perform
    military service. Muradyan, who was arrested on 2 August, does not intend
    to appeal against the sentence.

    Other such sentences earlier this year include two years' imprisonment
    handed down to Yenok Ivanyan on 1 July and a prison term of one and a half
    years handed down to Hrachya Sarkissian on 16 August. Both were sentenced
    under Article 327.

    A printer-friendly map of Armenia is available at

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