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America's Inheritance in the Caucasus

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  • America's Inheritance in the Caucasus


    September 24, 2005

    America's Inheritance in the Caucasus
    by Christopher Deliso

    While intervention is never praiseworthy, the one thing that can be said
    about international involvement in the Caucasus is that it has at least been
    fairly cosmopolitan, marked by a wide variety of voices and nations, and
    less prone to polarizing truisms than in, say, the Balkans, where the
    unchallenged ascendancy of the "Milosevic is guilty for everything" line has
    basically eliminated the possibility of a more nuanced discourse and
    contributed so much to the domination of US/EU single-track ideological

    Indeed, as the Christian Science Monitor recently put it, "the region is a
    patchwork quilt of warring ethnic groups and rival religions that makes
    Europe's other tangled knot, the Balkans, look tame by comparison."

    At least with the Caucasus, one encounters more reasoned analyses and a
    wider variety of organizations, governments and individuals championing a
    much more complex bundle of interests. Cut-and-dried conclusions appear less
    frequently, and when war and ethnic cleansing is brought up, there is guilt
    enough to go around on all sides. The Western mass media, despite its
    unfortunate adulation of Georgia's "Rose Revolution," has been fairly
    even-handed, though perhaps unintentionally. This is because a large part of
    their "objectivity" owes to the region's great distance, mentally and
    geographically, from the average Western reader; whereas the Balkans was
    more or less in Europe's backyard, the Caucasus is on the edge of the
    property - or maybe even on the other side.

    Turbulence in the North

    Meanwhile, on the other side of the other side, in the North Caucasus,
    tensions have been rising as a murky web of secessionists, Islamists and
    common criminals provoke an already tense situation with renewed violence.
    The goal, boasts a Chechen commander, is to provoke a region-wide war that
    would see the definitive exodus of Russia from the Caucasus. In an interview
    with a Polish newspaper posted on the pro-Chechen site Kavkazcenter Chechen
    "President" Abdul Sadulayev stated:
    "We cannot doubt our victory. It is enough to look at the situation which is
    taking shape in Chechnya for that. The Russians started this war, hoping to
    make a 'local conflict' out of it. They have been pursuing their 'wise
    policy' here, and as a result Dagestan has turned into a military front, as
    has the whole of the Caucasus. A Caucasus front has been organized including
    all the areas (sectors) of Ingushetia, Kabarda-Balkaria,
    Karachay-Cherkessia, Adygeya, Stavropol Territory, Krasnodar Territory and
    North Ossetia."

    Unrestricted Attacks, Expanding Fronts

    While Sadulayev's familiar if disingenuous logic of blaming everything on
    Russia should be taken with a grain of salt, it is true that the violence
    has been spreading.

    Last week, four explosions hit Ingushetia, targeting a cargo train, court
    building, bus stop and military column. While damage was small, the bombings
    rattled an already tense republic whose Muslim population has been aiding
    the fighters of neighboring Chechnya. And, since the terrorist attack on a
    school in Beslan a year ago, tensions have dramatically increased between
    the Ingush Muslims and Orthodox Christians of North Ossetia to the west,
    where Beslan is located. The two republics fought a brief war shortly after
    the break-up of the USSR and it cannot be ruled out that they will not clash
    again. According to Russian police, the four bombings were the Muslim
    terrorists' choice of "revenge" against the government, which had "recently
    conducted successful operations against several groups of local militants."

    Meanwhile, a police officer in the truly multiethnic (over 30 indigenous
    groups) Dagestan was shot, and several Russian troops have been killed in
    fighting as well, reports the BBC. Another recent article, reporting an
    attack on a Russian oil pipeline in North Ossetia, claims that "Moscow
    controls this area in name only. In reality the news has admitted that a lot
    of the violence is not even being reported. Police and troops die daily
    across the North Caucasus to the Caspian... The area is completely up for

    Finally, according to the CSM, Ingush President Murat Zyazikov, who
    "narrowly escaped assassination at the hands of a suicide car-bomber and a
    sniper," is being targeted by Islamic militants loyal to Basayev, who last
    year briefly captured the capital, Nazran, "killing almost 100 police
    officers and government officials" in the process. While Zyazikov put out a
    brave face for the newspaper, claiming that things are basically peaceful,
    locals aren't so sure: "'everyone here is always talking about getting ready
    for war with the Ingush, to get even with them,' says Madina Pedatova, a
    teacher at Beslan's spanking new School No. 8. 'I'm terrified of it, but I'm
    sure it's coming.'"

    Internal Fractures as Well

    "Our forecasts say that Tatarstan and Bashkortostan will rise up next,
    because Russia's policy there is aimed at suppressing Muslims, and this
    cannot fail to end in an explosion of emotions among the masses," adds
    Sadulayev in the Polish interview. "The role of Islam in the Caucasus is
    huge. The Muslim population is in the majority here. Since we Chechens are
    surrounded by friendly Muslim people, there are friendly traditions and
    kinship links between us."

    However, not all involved see the conflict in such terms. As the situation
    deteriorates further, infighting between the sides continues. According to
    Interfax on Sept. 17, Chechen leader Akhmad Avdorkhanov, "a one-time aide to
    the late Chechen rebel leader Aslan Maskhadov and the commander of the
    so-called Eastern Front of Ichkeria" was killed by militants loyal to rival
    group leader Shamil Basayev.

    Chechnya's First Deputy Prime Minister Ramzan Kadyrov described the slain
    Avdorkhanov as a moderate; he was allegedly "among the most influential
    field commanders, was notable for his particular courage, was categorically
    against Wahhabis (radical Muslims), and did not recognize Basayev." Indeed,
    Sadulayev praises Basayev as "a disciplined amir and mojahed."

    However, according to the deputy premier, while Basayev viewed Avdorkhanov
    as a threat to be dealt with, "the immediate motive behind the murder is the
    1.5 million US dollars recently received by the Chechen separatists. 'The
    incident that led to Avdorkhanov's death was prompted by Basayev's attempts
    to lay his hands on this money... the leaders of illegal armed groups,
    primarily Basayev, have no ideals, but only the desire to make money, kill,
    and please their foreign patrons, despite numerous victims among the Chechen
    people,' the official noted."

    Neocons in the Midst

    Who are these "foreign patrons" of the Chechen cause? Without doubt, wealthy
    Islamic fundamentalists from the Arabic world rank high on the list.
    However, moral support for the Chechen militants can be found closer to
    home. Less motivated by lucre than by a bizarre obsession with reviving the
    Cold War, Washington hawks have taken a prominent position on the Chechnya
    issue, it seems, solely with the aim of weakening Russia. Unfortunately, a
    powerful and influential bloc in Washington - some neoconservative, all
    predatorial - would like to shape events in a way that could have disastrous
    long-term effects for America, guided by a desire to cling to archaic
    antagonisms and to seek vindictive "victories" through extremely
    short-sighted tactics.

    A prime nesting ground for these hawks has been the American Committee for
    Peace in Chechnya (ACPC) Writing a year ago, in the wake of the Beslan
    tragedy, John Laughland stated:
    "The list of the self-styled 'distinguished Americans' who are its members
    is a roll call of the most prominent neoconservatives who so
    enthusiastically support the 'war on terror.'

    "They include Richard Perle, the notorious Pentagon adviser; Elliott Abrams
    of Iran-Contra fame; Kenneth Adelman, the former US ambassador to the UN who
    egged on the invasion of Iraq by predicting it would be 'a cakewalk'; Midge
    Decter, biographer of Donald Rumsfeld and a director of the rightwing
    Heritage Foundation; Frank Gaffney of the militarist Centre for Security
    Policy; Bruce Jackson, former US military intelligence officer and one-time
    vice-president of Lockheed Martin, now president of the US Committee on
    Nato; Michael Ledeen of the American Enterprise Institute, a former admirer
    of Italian fascism and now a leading proponent of regime change in Iran; and
    R James Woolsey, the former CIA director who is one of the leading
    cheerleaders behind George Bush's plans to re-model the Muslim world along
    pro-US lines."

    Unfortunately, the braintrust that brought us the twin "liberations" of Iraq
    and Afghanistan seems to have similar plans for Russia. Their plans proceed
    along two fronts: one, replace Vladimir Putin with a malleable "pro-Western
    reformist" such as the celebrated businessman and former Yukos boss Mikhail
    Khodorkovsky; and two, humiliate the country through its dissolution,
    starting with its Caucasus possessions.

    Richard Perle's championing of the Khodorkovsky cause is well-known; less
    clear is the degree and type of support his bunch provides the Chechens.
    Does it end with providing asylum to Chechen terrorists in America and
    Britain, or are the neocons trying to "give Russia their Vietnam" (as
    cold-warrior extraordinaire and current ACPC Chairman Zbigniew Brzezinski
    once put it) for the second time, and again through more direct support?

    There's little definite proof, but the one thing that is sure is that the
    most fervent supporters of the "war on terror" exhibit a predictable
    schizophrenia in supporting "good" Muslims, as was the case in the Bosnia
    and Kosovo interventions: "In Chechnya, the conflict has created a cultural
    and demographic crisis rivaling the tragedies witnessed in Bosnia and
    Kosovo." Of course, there's no mention of the very real terrorist attacks
    carried out by foreign-backed Chechen and other Islamic fighters, who would
    like to replace Russian rule with "a single Islamist state stretching from
    the Caspian to the Black Sea."

    Indeed, in an unpredictable era of shadowy enemies and "non-state actors,"
    Brzezinski's celebrated 1998 quote now seems even more foolish than ever:
    "What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the
    collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of
    Central Europe and the end of the cold war?"

    Preconceptions, Simplifications and Hard Realities

    Yet apparently the Cold War is not yet over. If Brzezinski and his crew have
    their way, America's inheritance in Russia's final lost provinces of the
    Caucasus will be just as auspicious as it has been in Afghanistan.

    The Cold Warriors' presuppositions seem to rest on the following false
    assumptions: that Russia is the enemy, and harming it in any way is thus in
    America's interests; that Iran is evil and uncontrollable; that the Caucasus
    can be divided into a north and south, meaning that one can be stabilized to
    the detriment or enhancement of the other; and, finally, that America has
    the resources and capabilities to control everything in the world.

    However, the opposite is clear in every case. Russia is not the enemy; it
    has no extra-territorial ambitions, and its delapidated military poses no
    threat. On the other hand, NATO's expanding remit, American bases in Central
    Asia, and the increasingly anti-Russian attitudes of US and EU client states
    in Eastern Europe have pretty much finished off the Russian bear. Much to
    the ire of Perle and Co., the only trump cards Putin's vast nation still
    enjoys are nuclear weapons and a huge supply of oil. However, the Russian
    leader is not averse to involving foreign oil companies, as his recent
    meetings in America indicated. And considering that the US has declared the
    possibility of Russian nukes falling into the wrong hands, there seem to be
    few reasonable arguments for accelerating the country's decline. Expediting
    dissolution in the North Caucasus only increases the risk of Russian nuclear
    materials and other weapons coming into the possession of terrorists.

    Indeed, while the neocons might be gloating when they see Russia fall apart,
    it is hardly likely that successor "republics" such as Chechnya aspires to
    be would be more Jeffersonian than Islamic. No one in Chechnya is going to
    thank a Washington thinktank for championing their cause when it comes time
    to establishing the mores of social life and the rules of the political that
    will govern them. But given the narcissistic delusions of the war/democracy
    party, which have reached glorious fulfillment in Iraq, they are no doubt
    expecting to be embraced as benevolent role models by the Chechens, the
    Ingush and whoever else comes next.

    As for Iran, the destabilization of this charter member of the "Axis of
    Evil," whether under democratic or security pretenses via Iraq, would only
    harm the fragile balance of power in the Caucasus. This perceptive article
    discusses in detail why Iran "has acted as a moderate and balanced player in
    the region by placing the geopolitical, economic, and security aspects of
    its national interests over ideological or religious motives." Yet
    disinterested in seeing the complete picture of rival religious and ethnic
    interests in the Caucasus, an arrogant American leadership has labored under
    the pretense that its multi-colored revolutions and its oil pipelines can be
    the only guarantors of regional "stability." They seldom consider the
    complex web of religious and ethnic relations that go into forming the
    policies of neighboring states which seem "outside" the equation, such as
    Iran. They thus fail to consider how the destabilization of such states
    would have wider ramifications for areas where they had believed everything
    was under control.

    In the present context, this area under control would be what conventional
    wisdom deceptively calls the "South" Caucasus. Despite their very real
    internal antagonisms and frozen conflicts, the countries of Georgia,
    Azerbaijan and Armenia are relatively quiet now, more or less pacified by
    Western largess and (except for the last) a desire to break out of the
    Russian sphere of influence. Contrasting this situation of relative
    tranquility to Russia's ongoing woes on the northern side of the mountains,
    the Bush administration quietly gloats over the Pax Caucasia it has brought
    with the elevation of Mikheil Saakashvili in Georgia, and the recent
    completion of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline.

    However, such a north-south distinction cannot realistically be supported.
    Throughout history, the Caucasus has been characterized by its singularity,
    its wealth of disparate ethnic and religious groups, and by its geography -
    simultaneously impassable and yet everywhere vulnerable to intrusion. For
    the most part, the region's formidable mountains make a joke out of all
    attempts to impose state controls. Clan and ethnic groups straddle national
    and sub-national boundaries, adding to this tendency to make the latter
    irrelevent. Terrorist groups "safely" ensconced in Chechnya can and do spill
    over into Georgia. Ossetians view their national territory - memorably
    described by the Economist as "a smuggling racket with a patch of land
    attached" - as unfairly divided between Russia and Georgia, and support the
    former in its own interventionist policies against Georgia. Meanwhile,
    foreign Islamic groups trained in Chechnya and Dagestan have penetrated
    "pro-Western" Azerbaijan, and are starting to agitate for the overthrowing
    of the state. And the list goes on.
    That said, America's pride and joy for "regional stability" - the BTC
    pipeline - has a better chance of emerging as a gigantic target for various
    groups of malcontents. In an appropriately titled article called "The
    Pipeline from Hell,"'s Justin Raimondo draws a likely conclusion
    of this "strategic investment":
    "If American oil companies are due to make mega-profits in the Caspian
    region, then the U.S. military will be doing guard duty along every inch of
    the BTC pipeline, ensuring 'stability' in a land of nomadic herders and
    exporting 'democracy' to a region formerly ruled by pashas, sultans, and
    various and sundry dictators."

    Yet while it is true that this new asset will increase the US military
    commitment to the region, it is also probable that the job of providing
    "security" for the pipeline will also be taken over by various local lords
    and chieftans along the route - some of whom, like the recently reactivated
    Kurdish rebels in Turkey, might ask a price for their cooperation that is
    exceedingly high. Unfortunately, the "or else" clause is likely to become a
    part of the vocabulary of all such local security providers. America and its
    Western co-investors are likely to be in for an expensive and all-consuming
    headache, rather than a neat global solution to their energy and security

    And this is just considering the largely subjugated "South" Caucasus. How
    much more can these headaches be compounded, if you consider a post-Russian
    "North" Caucasus, characterized by tiny and volatile statelets run by
    dueling local chieftans, most of them under some variant of Islamic law? Are
    the democracy proliferators of the ACPC prepared for what they are about to
    get in a post-Russia Caucasus? While they hate Russia's perceived
    interventionism in the Caucasus, they fail to consider what the ensuing
    power vacuum will look like, deprived of all counterbalancing forces.

    A Sobering Conclusion

    In the end, there is a comparison to be made here with another
    neocon-inspired war. Back in March 2003, when America's invasion of Iraq
    began, syndicated columnist Charley Reese drolly congratulated the American
    people on their imminent "adoption" of 22 million Iraqi citizens. We've now
    seen just how much the Iraqi inheritance has benefited America. The worst
    thing about the situation in the Caucasus is that no one, not even the
    enthusiastic expansionist leadership, is aware of what they will be
    inheriting there.

    Yet as Gabriel Kolko predicted in Another Century of War?, America's
    resources are not unlimited. Heavily in debt, with foreign nations funding
    43 percent of its wars, and unable to react to simple natural disasters at
    home, it is clear that the imperial ambitions of the neocons are simply
    neither sustainable nor realistic. The desire to replace Russia as imperial
    power in the Caucasus is a case in point.
    In short, there are no indications that America has the resources, will or
    intelligence to "manage" this convoluted region any better than the Russians
    have. In fact, they will likely do much worse - Russia, at least, had the
    benefits of geographical proximity, thousands of years of intermingled
    cultures, a long-term institutional presence, etc. America has none of
    these. Its pretensions to rulership are largely based on the airy platitudes
    of armchair strategists in Washington, who have little or no appreciation
    for the local realities on the ground, counting on abstract values to see
    them through.

    In the end, the American supporters of expanding the empire to the Caucasus
    should be careful what they wish for. They have yet to show an interest in
    reading Russia's will, though the document is right in front of their eyes.

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