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Armenia: Can Lake Sevan Rise to the Challenge?

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  • Armenia: Can Lake Sevan Rise to the Challenge?

    24 Sept 2005
    Armenia: Can Lake Sevan Rise to the Challenge?

    Trees and summerhouses disappear from view as lake waters rise. Photo by
    Ruben Mangasaryan/patkerphoto.
    Ecologists fear a rare environmental triumph is in danger of going wrong.

    By Arevhat Grigorian in Sevan and Yerevan

    Buildings and beaches around Lake Sevan are rapidly disappearing under water
    as efforts by scientists and environmentalists to reverse the decline of
    this huge freshwater reservoir pay off more quickly than expected.
    Despite the fact the encroaching waters could soon be lapping at their
    windows, many who live and work around the Armenian lake are delighted to
    see it returning to former levels.
    "I'd like to see the water rise as much as possible, and if necessary, we'll
    just move the building to another place," said Norik Simonian, a bookkeeper
    at a motel located on the lake.
    Azat, who rents part of the beach, where he has set up cafes and other
    visitor attractions, agreed, "What would happen if the water level did not
    rise, and the lake turned into a swamp? There'd be no business then anyway."
    Lake Sevan, one of the highest altitude lakes in the world, began dwindling
    in the 1930s under a ruthless plan to use its waters for irrigation and
    hydroelectricity. A paradise of beach resorts and holiday villas sprang up
    along the lake's edge.
    But as the water levels began to fall, changes in temperature and oxygen
    supply depleted fish reserves. In particular, several varieties of trout
    vanished and other species are on the verge of extinction. Birds also
    abandoned the area as the nests they had once built close to the water's
    edge were left stranded far from the newly exposed shoreline. The lake
    itself was used as a waste dump.
    Faced with this ecological disaster, environmentalists have been campaigning
    for years to get the government to take action to restore the water to its
    former levels.
    The government stopped using Sevan for energy in 1999 and two years later
    parliament passed a law decreeing the water should be raised to 1,903 metres
    above sea level, the height at which experts say it will be possible to
    regulate the temperature and oxygen levels and restore the ecological
    "Beginning in the 1930s we 'borrowed' 26 billion cubic metres of water from
    Lake Sevan in order to satisfy our energy and food production needs," said
    Vladimir Movsisian, vice-president of the Expert Commission on Lake Sevan
    and a member of the National Council of Water. "We should now return at
    least eight billion to the lake so that we can take water from it in the
    future if the needs arises."
    Water is now flowing in through tunnels from the Arpa and Vorotan rivers,
    and 410 hectares of land have already disappeared.
    By the time the lake hits its target level, ten times that amount will be
    under water - 4,427 hectares, of which 3,130 are forest and the rest
    resorts, private mansions, arable land and 30 kilometres of highways.
    But this rare Armenian environmental triumph is in danger of going wrong.
    Scientists had predicted it would take 30 years to refill the lake, but now
    forecast that could happen in just 15, as water pours in faster than
    expected, helped by unexpectedly high levels of precipitation.
    Though they don't know if the water will continue to rise at this rate, it
    seems likely that money will have to be found sooner than expected to carry
    out crucial preparatory work along the shoreline.
    This could be a problem as the government has only a fraction of the
    estimated 30 million US dollars needed to remove trees, shrubs and buildings
    from areas that will eventually be flooded.
    So far, just 150,000 dollars have been allocated to clear an area of 100
    hectares already under water, with work scheduled to begin in November.
    Early estimates suggest another 200,000 dollars will be needed next year.
    Environmental campaigners are worried that if money isn't found to sweep up
    the rest of the rapidly disappearing land, the flooded forests will begin to
    rot and poison the lake.
    "We've seen this since Soviet times when water reservoirs were filled
    without a prior clean-up," said Karine Danielian, chairperson of the
    non-government organisation For Sustainable Human Development.
    "The water became toxic and the reservoirs became useless for drinking
    water. It's those who are responsible for clearing the land, but who don't
    want to take responsibility for it, who say the damage will be minimal."
    Movsisian is also concerned.
    "The rotting of the forest mass is not a danger to the lake now. But if no
    measures are taken in the future and 3,700 hectares of forest go under
    water, then it will become a problem," he told IWPR.
    Boris Gabrielian, deputy director of the Institute of Hydro-Ecology and
    Ichthyology at the Armenian National Academy of Sciences, agrees that
    additional organic matter could harm the lake and cause swamps to form.
    However, he points out, "the raised water level would improve the quality of
    the water, and the benefit from this will be greater than any damage caused
    by the forests going under water".
    Artashes Ziroian, head of the governmental Agency for the Preservation of
    Biological Resources, appeared relaxed about the situation in an interview
    with IWPR, suggesting there is no need to begin clearing trees immediately.
    "Next year the water level might not go up by so much, and the forests will
    have been cut prematurely," said Ziroian.
    Armenia's environment minister, Vardan Aivazian, is also wary of ecological
    doommongers, suggesting the flooded shoreline poses no current threat.
    Environmentalists, however, are suspicious of Aivazian who raised concerns
    in June when he said that new "scientific substantiation of the
    environmental impact of the increase of water in Lake Sevan should be given".
    Some speculated this meant the government wanted to stop the water rising as
    it couldn't afford to clear the shore.
    "To demand new scientific research today for Lake Sevan is like treachery
    for the simple reason that the problem has been painstakingly studied over a
    period of many years by many specialists in all the relevant scientific
    establishments, not only in Armenia but in the Soviet Union before that,"
    said Hakob Sanasarian, chairman of the Union of Greens of Armenia. "Huge
    amounts of government money were spent on this and they all reached the same
    conclusion - that the water levels of Lake Sevan must be raised."
    The former chairman of the environmental committee of the National Assembly
    of Armenia, now permanent member of the European Commission for the Fight
    Against Desertification, Gagik Tadevosian, told IWPR, "The survival of
    Armenia depends on Sevan. Where there is Sevan, there is Armenia."
    Back on the lakeshore, Flamingo Beach has lost half its territory in two
    years. Parts of the aquatic park are now under water though manager Artur
    Avetisian dismantled all metal structures as the water rose.
    He is now cautious about re-erecting them elsewhere as he has no idea how
    fast, or how far, the water is going to rise.
    Vardan Aivazian told IWPR that the Armenian government will compensate all
    those who own property which may be flooded, though he has received no
    requests so far. He added that the silence could be because some of the
    buildings were put up illegally.
    "The increase in the water level of Sevan is more valuable than a few
    peoples' houses," said Aivazian. To bring his message home, he quoted one of
    Armenia's richest businessmen, Gagik Tsarukian, who told Aivazian that he
    would be ready to move his house to another location, "if only, God willing,
    the water level of Lake Sevan increases".
    Arevhat Grigorian is a reporter for the Hetq online newspaper in Yerevan.