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Piece of Paper Instead of Document

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  • Piece of Paper Instead of Document


    | 15:32:54 | 24-09-2005 | Politics |


    The parliamentary opposition states that no single independent commission
    functions presently for the sake of the nation.

    Name one commission the decision of which improved the living conditions of
    the people», National Unity factor secretary Alexan Karapetyan said.

    In his turn Justice faction secretary Victor Dallakyan characterized the
    situation that was created within the so-called independent commissions with
    a well known phrase «Òhe one, who pays, establishes the rules». In the
    opinion of the oppositionists, the draft constitutional amendments do not
    guarantee independence of the commissions. «How can a commission appointed
    by the President be independent?» Victor Dallakyan says. Alexan Karapetyan
    fully shares this opinion. «Unfortunately, any commission formed at the
    incumbent authorities will be dependent regardless of the amendments
    adopted», he notes.

    Oppositionists have some remarks on the formation of the independent
    commissions. Fisrt of all, they say, the law should rule. «We lack the habit
    of obeying to the law. Today we face the problem of formation of traditions
    and civic institutes», Justice faction representative says.

    There is no doubt that the correct formation order is the most important
    factor for the independence of the commission. Victor Dallakyan offers to
    use the experience of other states. «While forming the NCTR 3 nominations
    are proposed by the NA, 3 - by the President and 3 - by public
    organizations. For example, in France 6 candidatures are appointed by the
    National Assembly and 3 - by the President,» he says.

    Alexan Karapetyan has a different proposal, though, in his words, it is not
    finite. «The commission members can be elected like deputies. Or the
    composition of the commission can be appointed by the NA.

    The real independence of the commission depends on one more important
    factor: what state body should they be subordinated to? «These commissions
    should be subordinated to the parliament. Annually each commission should
    submit its report to the NA. If the parliament does not approve the report,
    the commission members should resign', Justice faction members consider.

    Representatives of National Unity insist the report be presented to the
    people as well.

    Lena Badeyan