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Who Should Form NCTR?

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  • Who Should Form NCTR?


    | 16:19:06 | 24-09-2005 | Politics |


    April 2, 2002 the «independent» Commission on TV and Radio deprived
    independent A1+ TV Company of air. Taking into account the fact that all 9
    members of the commission were appointed by the President the event could
    not be rated as unexpected. How should the body regulating the activities of
    broadcasting media be formed? We addressed this question to 100 Yerevan

    15% of the respondents consider that the members of the NCTR should be
    appointed by the President. 44% voiced opinion that NCTR members should be
    appointed by the National Assembly. 32% stated that the commission should be
    appointed by the President and the National Assembly. 9% found it hard to

    It should be also noted that all the survey participants were unanimous in
    the opinion that the formation of this regulating body should be fixed in
    the Constitution.

    The correspondent item of the draft constitution says: «To secure freedom,
    independence and variety of the broadcasting mass media an independent body
    appointed by the President and the National Assembly for a term of 6 years
    should be formed. The national assembly elects the members of the above
    mentioned body with the majority of votes.»

    However after the referendum on the constitutional amendments the NCTR
    headed by Grigor Amalyan will not be dissolved, since Article 83.2 of the
    draft says, «Members of the independent body preserve their posts until the
    term provided by the law expires. Afterwards the President and the National
    Assembly in turns appoint the commission members.»

    To note, NCTR Chairman Grigor Amalya refrained from expressing his opinion
    on the issue. He refused to give interview.

    Karine Asatryan