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A step forward, two steps back

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  • A step forward, two steps back

    Burbank Leader, California
    Sept 24 2005

    A step forward, two steps back

    The fight to prevent future genocides lost one of its greatest
    crusaders this week, but inched forward as a bill acknowledging the
    genocide of 1.5 million Armenians passed the House International
    Relations Committee.

    Simon Wiesenthal, the Holocaust survivor who relentlessly tracked
    down Nazi war criminals after World War II, once said that "When
    history looks back, I want people to know the Nazis weren't able to
    kill millions of people and get away with it."

    Wiesenthal died Tuesday, but his message should resonate in Glendale
    and Burbank and beyond to Washington D.C., where last week a
    resolution to recognize the Armenian Genocide, moved on to the House
    of representatives.

    Embedded in Wiesenthal's message was a need to establish justice and
    moral values for humanity.

    That is why it is so hard to come to grips with why the United States
    government has yet to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, brought on
    at the hands of the Ottoman Turks, although the answer is easy to
    come by: Politics.

    Even with the mark-up last week, passing this resolution will be an
    uphill battle, just like past efforts to push such a resolution

    The next step in that fight is convincing House leadership to commit
    to moving the resolution forward, Rep. Adam Schiff said.

    The resolution's backers will have to convince House Majority Leader
    Tom DeLay (R-Texas) to allow the resolution on the House floor for a
    vote. That will be difficult given what we know about the politics of
    officially recognizing the genocide.

    It was DeLay who once released a statement with Reps. Dennis Hastert
    (R-Ill) and Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), saying that such an acknowledgment
    would upset the U.S. relationship with Turkey, which has been a
    reliable ally of the United States for decades.

    Germany, too, has been an ally. Yet, the Holocaust, is recognized,
    much because of Wiesenthal's dogged efforts to bring its perpetrators
    to justice, as a specific historical moment with devastating

    Why is it that this nation's leaders -- who tout freedom of religion,
    speech and the need to transform despotic nations states into
    democracies -- cannot collectively agree that the Armenian Genocide
    is just that: a genocide?

    What good are Wiesenthal's efforts against prejudice against all
    people if because of politics, the killing of 1.5 million people
    cannot be officially recognized by the United States?

    Rep. Brad Sherman, who sits on the committee, said the denial of a
    genocide is a genocide's last act.

    Wiesenthal must have known that. Why doesn't our government?

    Maybe this time, the push of local representatives, the e-mails, the
    faxes and the letters to legislators will make a difference.

    Let's hope so. Unfortunately, no timetable has been set for even the
    possibility of a floor vote, leaving the possibility of yet another
    push for recognition falling through the cracks.

    Recognition of the Armenian Genocide should not be a game of
    politics, up for a battle every so often. These killings were real.
    And it is a horrific moment in history that needs to stay in living
    memory, just as Wiesenthal kept the horrors of the Holocaust in the
    collective memory.

    "If we pardon this genocide, it will be repeated, and not only on
    Jews," Wiesenthal said of the Holocaust. "If we don't learn this
    lesson, then millions died for nothing."