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Qatar: Summit on Armenian massacres goes ahead

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  • Qatar: Summit on Armenian massacres goes ahead

    Gulf Times, Qatar
    Sept 24 2005

    Summit on Armenian massacres goes ahead

    Published: Saturday, 24 September, 2005, 10:37 AM Doha Time

    ISTANBUL: A conference on the massacres of Armenians under the
    Ottoman Empire will go ahead, despite a delay following a court
    ruling that drew criticism from the Turkish government and the
    European Union as Ankara seeks to join the bloc.
    The controversy came just days before Turkey is to start accession
    talks with the EU on October 3, keen to avoid any move that might
    cast a pall on its commitment to democracy and human rights.
    The conference, already postponed once in May, was to have opened
    Friday to question Ankara's official version of the 1915-1917
    massacres, but a court suspended the event late on Thursday following
    a complaint by a group of nationalist lawyers who called the
    organisers `traitors'.
    But the two universities organising the conference, Bogazici and
    Sabanci, refused to back down, rescheduling the event for today and
    The conference is to be held at another university which opened its
    doors for the event out of solidarity in order to circumvent the
    court ruling that barred the event from taking place at the original
    `Our university decided to offer its halls for the conference in the
    name of freedom of expression and thought,' Bilgi University
    president Aydin Ugur said.
    The academics and intellectuals who would attend the conference
    dispute the official version of the killings whose discussion in
    Turkey remains largely taboo and which several countries, to Ankara's
    ire, have recognised as genocide.
    `The court has cast a shadow on the process of democratisation and
    freedoms in my country,' Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said
    late on Thursday.
    Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul put the blame on opponents of Turkey's
    EU bid.
    `As October 3 approaches, those at home and abroad who want to
    obstruct us are making their last efforts ... there are few nations
    that can inflict such damage upon themselves,' Gul said in New York,
    Anatolia news agency reported.
    The EU also condemned the court decision as a `provocation'.
    `We strongly deplore this new attempt to prevent the Turkish society
    from discussing its history,' said the European Commission's
    spokesman on enlargement, Krisztina Nagy.
    She warned that if the conference does not go ahead, the situation
    would figure in the commission's annual report on Turkey's EU
    membership aspirations.
    Turkey categorically denies that the Ottomans committed genocide
    against the Armenians and has reacted angrily against countries which
    recognised the killings as such.
    The government, however, has encouraged researchers to discuss the
    issue, arguing that it is a matter for historians and not
    Armenians claim up to 1.5mn of their kin were slaughtered in
    orchestrated killings.
    Turkey argues that 300,000 Armenians and at least as many Turks died
    in civil strife during World War I, when the Armenians took up arms
    for independence in eastern Anatolia and sided with Russian troops
    invading the crumbling Ottoman Empire, the predecessor of modern
    Organisers first postponed the conference in May after Justice
    Minister Cemil Cicek branded the initiative `treason' and a `stab in
    the back of the Turkish nation'.
    Erdogan, however, called Cicek's outburst `a personal statement' and
    encouraged researchers to carry out their work.
    The ruling against the conference came under fire from the media and
    non-governmental organisations.
    `Court blow against freedom of expression,' trumpeted the liberal
    daily Milliyet, while the left-leaning Radikal said: `Justice
    padlocks science.'
    The History Foundation said the significance of the event had now
    exceeded its original objective.
    `What is being debated is in fact whether Turkey will be governed by
    taboos or democracy ... whether we will turn to history for peace and
    understanding or for rejection and hostility,' the statement said.
    Several nationalist groups backed the court ruling and activists
    pasted pictures of Turks killed by Armenians outside the Bogazici
    University, Anatolia reported.