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Kocharyan: Republic of Armenia has powerful foundations

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  • Kocharyan: Republic of Armenia has powerful foundations

    DeFacto Agency, Armenia
    Sept 23 2005


    The Republic of Armenia celebrates its fourteenth year of
    independence as a steadily developing country. We continue to
    successfully implement pervasive programs of amendments. RA President
    Robert Kocharyan stated it speaking at the reception organized on the
    occasion of RA Independence Day.
    `For the last four years Armenia's economic growth has been showing
    double-digit numbers. First of all, this is a result of our people's
    diligent work as well as of the effective policies of the
    authorities. It has also become possible through the internal
    political stability, which is a necessary precondition for the
    country's advancement', said RA President.
    `It is important that the results of this progress are channeled
    predominantly into the social sphere. The economic growth should have
    a direct impact on the well-being of our citizens, and we are
    resolute to fully implement the plan on Reduction of Poverty. Work
    and social protection - this should be our dictum for the coming
    years. The guarantees of overcoming challenges faced by our country
    are strengthening of the rule of law, more efficient administration
    and civil accord', stated Robert Kocharyan.
    Touching upon the forthcoming constitutional amendments referendum
    Armenian President stressed the people had already made their choice
    to build a free, democratic and prosperous country.
    As for foreign policy, RA authorities go on deepening the country's
    international involvement taking an active part in the discussions
    and resolutions of the problems. `We consider cooperation of all the
    countries of the region to be the best way for the gradual solution
    of the existing conflicts. We are committed to a peaceful resolution
    of the Nagorno Karabakh issue, which must be built on the actual
    existence of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh and right of people to
    self-determination', stressed Robert Kocharyan.
    `Our state is safe and secure thanks to Armenia's armed forces, which
    were born by our independence and have now become its shield. Our
    army was formed by the heroes, who shed blood to create powerful
    foundations for the Republic of Armenia - the motherland of all
    Armenians', noted the President.
    `Independence Day is a holiday, which the best sons of our people
    have dreamed of and made possible through the centuries-long
    endeavors. I am confident that present and future generations will
    continue this sacred task in the name of strong and prosperous
    Armenia', stressed the Head of the state.