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Finnish leader favours Armenia's European integration

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  • Finnish leader favours Armenia's European integration

    Mediamax news agency, Yerevan, in Russian
    24 Sep 05


    Yerevan, 24 September: "Following the path of democracy and rapid
    economic development, Armenia could ensure a more integrated European
    future," Finnish President Tarja Halonen has told Mediamax in an
    exclusive interview.

    Tarja Halonen, who will visit Armenia on September 26-28, gave an
    exclusive interview to Mediamax news agency and Armenian Public TV

    "Both Finland and the European Union are interested in the entire
    region, and Armenia has many possibilities for developing relations
    with Finland and the EU. In many terms, you have a European history,
    and following the path of democracy and rapid economic development,
    Armenia could ensure a more integrated European future," Halonen

    "The possibilities offered by the European Neighborhood Policy could
    really become a step forward. Every country in the region is of
    interest to the EU and it depends on you how this interest will
    materialize," she said.

    "Armenia has a rich history and you had difficulties as well, but you
    could have a better future if you actively develop democracy, human
    rights, the supremacy of the law and efficient management. So, I
    strongly encourage you to study and explore the possibilities offered
    by the European Neighborhood Policy," Halonen said.

    Asked about the prospects of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict
    settlement, she said: "I consider it is very important that a
    presidential election was held in Armenia in 2003 and the next
    presidential election will be in 2008. I hope you will use the time
    left to the next election to solve the problem. You should encourage
    yourselves to make decisions and move forward."