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Armenian FM, US Senator discuss expansion of ties

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  • Armenian FM, US Senator discuss expansion of ties

    Public Television of Armenia, Yerevan, in Armenian
    22 Sep 05


    [Presenter] The Foreign Affairs Commission of the US Congress has
    already adopted two resolutions condemning the Armenian genocide and
    efforts to recognize the Armenian genocide will continue, Californian
    Senator Jack Scott said at a meeting with Armenian Foreign Minister
    Vardan Oskanyan in Yerevan today.

    The American senator also spoke about the opening of a regional trade
    and investment centre of California in the Armenian capital.

    [Correspondent] The regional trade and investment centre of
    California will open in October, Californian Senator Jack Scott said
    today. He did not hide his joy in this connection since he has spent
    five years on the implementation of this programme.

    [Jack Scott speaking in English with an Armenian voice-over] Why
    should the regional trade and investment centre of California open in
    Armenia? Because more than 50,000 citizens of Armenian origin are
    living in California. Californian Armenians are very devoted to their
    motherland and are doing their best to help Armenia's development.
    The opening of the office is the beginning of increasing trade
    relations between Armenia and California. I am sure that the project
    will be of benefit to both sides.

    [Correspondent] At present, the trade turnover between Armenia and
    the USA is 60-70m dollars with California having a big share in it.
    Jack Scott said that thanks to the trade and investment centre, the
    trade turnover will increase noticeably. He added that Armenians
    living in California will be interested in agricultural produce,
    fruits and vegetables from Armenia.

    In turn, California will offer biological and information
    technologies, engineering and agricultural produce. The trade and
    investment centre will boost Californian export not only to Armenia,
    but also to Ukraine, Georgia and Russia.

    [Vardan Oskanyan] The senator is a good friend of Armenia. He has
    made an important contribution to the promotion of the Armenian
    question in California. Thanks to his efforts, the Armenian genocide
    has been recognized in California.

    [Correspondent] Speaking about the recognition of the Armenian
    genocide, Senator Jack Scott said that they will continue their
    struggle for its approval by Congress.

    [Jack Scott] The resolution concerning the Armenian genocide was
    passed at the Californian Congress with great difficulty because we
    encountered a strong Turkish lobby. We will make every effort to have
    the US Senate adopt a resolution on the Armenian genocide.

    [Correspondent] Jack Scott noted that Turks are trying to persuade
    them that there was no genocide. He said that he had met some Turkish
    scientists and used facts and photos to prove the Armenian genocide.

    Lilit Setrakyan, Arman Garibyan, "Aylur".