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Turkish press hail Armenia congress amid protests

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  • Turkish press hail Armenia congress amid protests

    Turkish press hail Armenia congress amid protests

    By Gareth Jones

    ANKARA, Sept 25 (Reuters) - Turkey's press hailed as a victory for
    democracy a controversial conference on the massacres of Armenians 90
    years ago but nationalists protesting outside Sunday's gathering
    called it a betrayal of the nation.

    The conference, twice cancelled due to the acute sensitivity of the
    Armenian question, has been billed as a litmus test for freedom of
    expression in Turkey just days before it begins long-delayed European
    Union membership talks.

    Nationalist demonstrators hurled eggs and tomatoes at participants as
    they arrived at Istanbul's private Bilgi University to discuss claims
    that Ottoman Turks committed genocide against Armenians during and
    after World War One.

    Protesters waved Turkish flags and chanted slogans accusing the
    conference participants of betraying the nation.

    But the mere fact that the conference had gone ahead prompted strong
    praise from local media.

    "Another taboo is destroyed. The conference began but the day of
    judgement did not come," said the Milliyet daily.

    The liberal Radikal newspaper took a similar line.

    "Even the word 'genocide' was uttered at the conference, but the world
    is still turning and Turkey is still in its place," its front-page
    headline said.

    "Free discussion, free protest," said Turkey's top-selling Hurriyet
    newspaper, noting that both conference participants and demonstrators
    were freely expressing their opinions.

    Armenia and its supporters around the world say some 1.5 million
    Armenians perished in a systematic genocide committed by Ottoman
    Turkish forces between 1915 and 1923.

    Ankara accepts many Armenians were killed on Turkish soil, but says
    they were victims of a partisan conflict that claimed even more
    Turkish Muslim lives as the Ottoman Empire was collapsing. It denies
    any genocide.


    In a message to the conference, Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul
    expressed Turkey's official view that many citizens of the Ottoman
    Empire suffered terribly during the war but that claims of an Armenian
    genocide were false and politically motivated.

    "The Turkish people are at peace with themselves and with their
    history," Gul said.

    Deniz Baykal, leader of Turkey's main opposition Republican People's
    Party, said on Sunday he thought the conference was too one-sided in
    its approach to the Armenian issue, but he defended the right of
    academics to debate freely.

    The conference had originally been scheduled for May but was cancelled
    after a government minister accused those backing Armenian genocide
    claims of "stabbing Turkey in the back."

    After a storm of criticism from the EU and elsewhere, the government
    agreed to let the conference go ahead, but a last-minute court order
    prevented it from opening on Friday, to Prime Minister Tayyip
    Erdogan's acute embarrassment.

    The organisers then circumvented the court ban by moving the two-day
    conference to a third venue, Bilgi University. It opened on Saturday
    to noisy nationalist protests.

    Despite a flurry of EU-inspired liberal reforms in recent years,
    promoting certain interpretations of Turkish history can still be
    deemed a criminal offence under the revised penal code.

    Turkey is due to begin EU entry talks on Oct. 3, though it is not seen
    joining the bloc before 2015 at the earliest.

    09/25/05 06:46 ET