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Armenian Issue Conference Started In Istanbul

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  • Armenian Issue Conference Started In Istanbul


    Pan Armenian News
    24.09.2005 06:52

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Two-day international conference titled "Ottoman
    Armenians During the Decline of the Empire: Issues of Scientific
    Responsibility and Democracy" started in the Bilgi University in
    Istanbul September 24. The building is guarded by the police and strict
    security measures have been undertaken. However several hundreds of
    nationalists are holding a protest action in the neighborhood. "The
    meeting is illegal. We will prevent it," a representative of a Turkish
    right wing party stated. To remind, the conference was scheduled for
    September 23. However one of the Turkish courts has complied with
    the suit of the Union of Lawyers and banned the meeting.

    Earlier it was supposed to hold the conference in May but it was
    delayed since Turkish Justice Minister Cemil Cicek called the idea
    "the dagger stuck into the back of the Turkish nation." Some people
    voiced opinion that Turkish historians are oppressed and deprived of
    the possibility to express their scientific viewpoint. The majority
    knows that the conference was barred over the possibility of discussion
    of the Armenian Genocide issue.

    Meanwhile Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemned
    the court resolution and called it incompatible with the norms of
    democracy and civilized society. Spokesperson for the EU Commissioner
    for Enlargement Krisztina Nagy characterized the court decision as a
    "recurrent provocation", IA Regnum reported.