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Turkish Young Generation Knows Nothing About Armenian Genocide

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  • Turkish Young Generation Knows Nothing About Armenian Genocide


    Pan Armenian News
    26.09.2005 03:06

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ "Turkey's aspiration for the European Union demands
    considerable democratic processes. But in Turkey like in any other
    society there are forces not wishing this democracy proceeding from
    their principles", Murad Begle, said one of the initiators of the
    "Ottoman Armenians During the Decline of the Empire: Issues of
    Scientific Responsibility and Democracy" international scientific
    conference held in Istanbul today. In his words, "some of them fear to
    lose power." "This way a front wishing to prevent Turkey's integration
    into the European structures is being formed. As for the Armenian
    issue, the Turkish young generation is absolutely unaware of it over
    the operating system of education. The Armenian issue is one of the
    darkest pages of the Turkish history and no one wants to recognize
    it. That is why education is used as an instrument. The reason of
    the constant postponement of the conference lies not in the Armenian
    issue only. This is the issue of democracy as well. People, who wish
    to review and discuss the problem, gathered in the university today,"
    he said. Murad Begle also gave a report titled "The Armenian issue from
    a democratic viewpoint". Meanwhile several hundreds of nationalists
    gathered in front of the university shouting out slogans "Betrayers",
    "It's Turkey - love it or leave it". To remind, the conference
    was scheduled for September 23. However one of the Turkish courts
    has complied with the suit of the Union of Lawyers and banned the
    meeting. Earlier it was supposed to hold the conference in May but it
    was delayed since Turkish Justice Minister Cemil Cicek called the idea
    "the dagger stuck into the back of the Turkish nation." Some people
    voiced opinion that Turkish historians are oppressed and deprived
    of the possibility to express their scientific viewpoint. The
    majority knows that the conference was barred over the possibility
    of discussion of the Armenian Genocide issue. Meanwhile Turkish
    Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemned the court resolution
    and called it incompatible with the norms of democracy and civilized
    society. Spokesperson for the EU Commissioner for Enlargement Krisztina
    Nagy characterized the court decision as a "recurrent provocation",
    IA Regnum reported.