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Police arrest dozens of Azerbaijani opp parties amid protest

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  • Police arrest dozens of Azerbaijani opp parties amid protest

    Associated Press Worldstream
    September 25, 2005 Sunday

    Police arrest dozens of Azerbaijani opposition parties amid attempted
    unauthorized protest

    AIDA SULTANOVA; Associated Press Writer

    BAKU, Azerbaijan

    Opposition activists clashed with riot police Sunday as Azerbaijan's
    largest opposition alliance defied authorities' refusal to allow a
    protest rally - fueling fears of growing unrest in the Caspian Sea
    nation just weeks before parliamentary elections.

    Opposition leaders said dozens were beaten and arrested in the
    confrontations, which were abruptly suspended after authorities
    called for surprise negotiations to try and calm spiraling tensions
    in the oil-rich former Soviet republic that borders Iran.

    "Our goal is free, democratic elections," party leader Ibraghim
    Veliyev said, adding that he was hit by police truncheons during
    Sunday's rally. "In spite of everything, we will continue our
    struggle. Authorities must understand that the country needs

    Rising tensions before the Nov. 6 vote have led some observers to
    predict that Azerbaijan could see a mass uprising similar to those
    that brought opposition leaders to power in Georgia, Ukraine and
    Kyrgyzstan. The mostly Muslim nation of 8.3 million is the starting
    point for a pipeline that will ship oil and gas from Azerbaijan's
    huge offshore reserves to a Turkish Mediterranean port.

    Though the opposition has held nearly weekly demonstrations, Sunday's
    was the first mass protest to be held without official permission
    since the October 2003 presidential election, which the opposition
    said was rigged and which sparked rioting.

    President Ilham Aliev, who succeeded his late, strongman father in
    that election, has pledged repeatedly that the November elections
    would will be free. Opposition leaders said, however, they strongly
    doubted the vote would be fair.

    Hundreds of activists on one Baku street chanted "Resign!" and "Free
    Elections!" and carried red carnations as they confronted a row of
    riot police. As they tried to break through the cordon, officers
    using truncheons beat them back and forced them to flee.

    Isak Avazogli, a spokesman for the People's Front of Azerbaijan, one
    of three parties making up the Azadlig opposition alliance, said more
    than 100 people were detained. City police officials said 15 officers
    were injured in the clashes and 42 activists were detained.

    "This is an unsanctioned action, and police were performing their
    duties," deputy city police chief Yasar Aliyev said.

    Appealing for calm, opposition leaders held 30 minutes of closed door
    negotiations with authorities - an unprecedented decision by a
    government that has kept the opposition at arm's length.

    "It's clear that authorities, on the eve of parliamentary elections,
    fear they will find themselves in an unpleasant situation before the
    world community," political analyst Rasim Musabekov said. "There is
    not the slightest doubt that the elections will be falsified; the
    question is will it be completely falsified."

    One opposition party spokesman said Laura Scheibe, a political
    officer with the U.S. Embassy in Baku, had participated in the talks.
    Scheibe could not be located for comment, and no one answered phones
    at the embassy Sunday.

    Party leader Ali Kerimli said the law stipulates that the opposition
    must only notify authorities before staging rallies. Government
    officials disagreed, but said they would hold further discussions
    Monday about the legality of future rallies, he said.

    "We are not the same opposition as before; we are more united in our
    strength," he said.

    More than 2,000 candidates are running for 125 seats in parliament.
    Even before the formal beginning of the election campaign earlier
    this month, allegations that authorities were trying to discredit the
    opposition had arisen.

    Two activists with an opposition youth organization were arrested
    last month, accused of receiving money from Armenian agents in
    exchange for organizing an uprising in Azerbaijan. The two deny the
    charges and say Azerbaijan's secret service was responsible.

    Authorities have also vowed to arrest former parliament speaker Rasul
    Guliyev, who has lived in self-imposed exile in the United States
    since 1996, should he return to Azerbaijan. Guliyev is running for
    parliament, as is another opposition figure, Ayaz Mutalibov, a former
    president who also lives in self-imposed exile in Moscow.