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Market Elections

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  • Market Elections


    | 14:12:09 | 25-09-2005 | Politics |


    At about 12:00 the electoral area N9/15 of the Kentron community reminded a
    medieval market. The chairs for observers were taken by young people without
    certificates. When the «A1+» journalist tried to find out who they are, the
    Committee head explained that the «voluntary observers» do not feel well.

    There was a huge queue in the electoral area, and one could not understand
    who was an elector and who was not. Hence there were disagreements between
    the members of the Committee and the confidants of the candidates. For
    example, the confidant of Rouzan Khachatryan was not allowed to observe the
    passports. About 20 young people tried to fulfill their civic duty twice,
    member of the Committee, representative of the Justice bloc Anahit Gasparyan

    A 17-year-old boy who does not have suffrage also tried to participate in
    the elections.

    According to the head of the Committee David Tovmasyan, there were mistakes
    in the electoral rolls: 14 citizens did not find their names in the rolls,
    ad 15 were not residents of the community.

    The situation was soothed in the electoral area in an hour only, when the
    confidant of Rouzan Khachatryan complained of the situation and left the
    area without realizing who was an elector and who was not.