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Baghdad Patriarch Warns Against Iraqi Constitution

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  • Baghdad Patriarch Warns Against Iraqi Constitution


    ChristianToday, UK
    Sept 26 2005

    Iraqi bishops have warned that the draft constitution "opens the door
    widely to passing laws that are unjust towards non-Muslims".

    Catholic bishops in Iraq are growing increasingly fearful that the
    draft Iraqi constitution "opens the door widely" to discrimination
    against Christians and other non-Muslims, the patriarch of Baghdad
    for the Chaldeans has told Iraqi officials.

    The Prime Minister of Iraq, Patriarch Emmanuel III Dely, pushed for a
    last-minute change to the constitution in a meeting with the president
    after bishops argued that the constitution contradicts itself on the
    issue of religious rights for minorities.

    According to Internation Christian Concern, President Jalal Talabani
    and Dely discussed a recent statement by the country's 12 bishops,
    including prelates from the Chaldean, Armenian, Latin and Assyrian
    Churhces, in which they voiced fears for the future of the Christian
    community in Iraq.

    In the statement, the bishops praised Articles 2.1(b) and 2.2 which
    provided for freedom and religious rights but denounced Article 2.1(a)
    which states: "No law can be passed that contradicts the undisputed
    rules of Islam."

    The bishops concluded in the statement: "The bishops' conference
    expressed a grave concern and fear...about Article 2.1(a). This opens
    the door widely to passing laws that are unjust towards non-Muslims.

    The conference insists that this clause be amended or deleted."

    On the release of the statement to the international charity Aid
    to the Church in Need, Auxiliary Bishop Andreas Abouna of Baghdad
    stressed that the problem was not the propagation of Islam as the
    majority-religion: "We are definitely not against the fact that in
    Iraq Islam is the religion of the state.

    "We know that the majority in Iraq is Muslim but the problem is that
    the constitution is not clear. There are parts of the constitution
    that are good but what about the other parts? For example, would
    Christian women have to wear the veil?"

    The bishops remain fearful that the "vague" constitution will fail
    to protect Christians if the Iraqi government becomes less tolerant.

    A referendum will be held on the constitution on 15 October.