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RFE/RL Iran Report - 09/27/2005

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  • RFE/RL Iran Report - 09/27/2005

    _________________________________________ ____________________
    RFE/RL Iran Report
    Vol. 8, No. 38, 27 September 2005

    A Review of Developments in Iran Prepared by the Regional Specialists
    of RFE/RL's Newsline Team

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    parade marking the beginning of Holy Defense Week, which commemorates
    the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War, took place in Tehran on 22 September,
    state television reported. Hardware on display included: Mobarez,
    Zolfaqar, and T-72 tanks; M-113 and BMP-2 armored personnel carriers;
    and artillery pieces. The missiles on display included: Hawk,
    Shihab-3, Tondar-69, Zelzal-1 and -2, as well as antiship and
    antiarmor missiles. Among the personnel participating in the parade
    were handicapped veterans, a brass band, cadets, paratroopers,
    commandos, military police, air-force personnel, and sailors, as well
    as Revolutionary Guards from infantry, naval, and armored units.
    Basij members also participated in the parade.
    President Mahmud Ahmadinejad gave a speech before the parade
    began, state television reported. Twenty-five years ago, he said, "a
    front comprised of arrogant powers and some of the regional countries
    started the most widespread attack on the Iranian nation." Iran, he
    said "humiliated and embarrassed its enemies." Ahmadinejad said Iran
    wants friendly relations with other countries, and history shows a
    powerful Iran is the "best friend" of its neighbors and the region.
    Those who test Iran should know that "the flames of the Iranian
    nation's wrath are very destructive." He attributed continuing
    insecurity in Iraq to its occupation, adding, "We want a popular
    government, security and peace to be established in oppressed Iraq
    and we want the occupation to end so that the way is paved for
    progress and development." Ahmadinejad also called for the departure
    of foreign forces from the Caspian Sea. (Bill Samii)

    Iran's annual commemoration of the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War, began
    on 22 September. The first day featured a military parade marking the
    armed forces' role in protecting the country from former Iraqi
    President Saddam Hussein's aggression. As Iran marks the end of
    one conflict involving Iraq, it faces accusations of contributing to
    an ongoing one. The situation in Iraq is so convoluted at the moment
    that blaming just one party does little to clarify or resolve the

    Tensions In The South

    British officials believe Iran is behind increasing violence
    in southern Iraq, London's "The Times" reported on 20 September.
    The report connected violence in Al-Basrah the previous day with the
    arrest by British military personnel of leading figures in the Imam
    Al-Mahdi Army of radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. The report went on
    to link Iran's purported actions against the British with
    London's toughening stance on the Iranian nuclear program.
    Asked if he believes Iran is behind tension in southern Iraq,
    U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said on 20 September: "Iran
    has been busy in southern Iraq for years and years and years," reported. "They've sent pilgrims back and forth across
    that border into those Shi'ite holy sites on a regular basis. The
    borders are porous." Rumsfeld was not certain about an Iranian role
    in the previous day's incidents, but he added, "They're
    interested, they're involved, and they're active." Rumsfeld
    continued: "And it's not helpful. You know, you can overplay your
    Speakers at the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) on 14
    September also discussed the Iranian role in Iraq (see Ken Pollack, the
    director of research at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at
    the Brookings Institution, said the establishment of safe houses and
    networks are just some of the suspicious Iranian activities in Iraq.
    Another speaker, USIP senior fellow Babak Rahimi, noted that by dint
    of proximity it would not be difficult for Iran to interfere in
    southern Iraq. These two, as well as the Nixon Center's Geoffrey
    Kemp and Georgetown University's Daniel Brumberg, concurred that
    Iran is very sensitive to Iraqi affairs and U.S. actions there.
    However, none of them described how extensive Iranian interference in
    Iraqi affairs might be at the moment.
    There is little question of an active Iranian presence in
    southern Iraq specifically or of Iranian involvement in its
    neighbor's affairs since at least March 2003. Tehran's stand
    towards events in Iraq has developed against a backdrop of continuing
    hostility to what it perceives as its greatest enemy -- the United
    States. Iran also is faced with the possibility of Kurdish autonomy
    and being surpassed by Iraq as the center of Shi'a Islam (see
    also "The Nearest and Dearest Enemy -- Iran after the Iraq War,"

    Tehran Blames Washington

    Tehran rejects links with the violence in Iraq and attributes
    it to the United States. Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Assefi
    said on 21 September, "Publishing such reports is aimed at concealing
    the incapability of the occupying forces in restoring security to
    Iraq," the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported. If anything,
    Assefi said, Iran has contributed to stability in Iraq by working
    with the central government and other parties.
    The day before, Supreme National Security Council Secretary
    Ali Larijani told a Tehran press conference that Iran has tried to
    bring stability to Iraq, state television reported. Larijani, like
    Assefi, pinned the blame on the United States. He said, "We believe
    that the occupation of Iraq and the bases they are setting up there
    and their humiliating behavior towards the Iraqi people have resulted
    in an extreme reaction."
    The 14 September bombings in Baghdad, which killed hundreds
    of people, also were blamed on the United States. Guardians Council
    Secretary Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati said in his 16 September
    Friday-prayers sermon in Tehran that the violence is harmful to all
    Muslims and all Iraqis, state radio reported. He went on to say that
    the United States has more plots for the region and is "constantly
    causing insecurity." Jannati claimed, "They want to poison the minds
    of the Shi'ia that the Sunnis are behind these incidents. They
    want to create discord and distrust among Shi'a and Sunnis. They
    have various political objectives with these tensions and killings."
    Ayatollah Ebrahim Amini-Najafabadi said in his 16 September
    Friday-prayer sermon in Qom that the people responsible for the
    bombings are targeting Shi'a and are "knowingly or unknowingly"
    harming Iraq, state television reported on 17 September. He
    explained: "Apparently there are certain hands which want to put the
    Iraqi people against each other. The aim is in fact to rationalize
    the foreign occupation. Obviously when the country is not safe, the
    occupiers have the pretext that 'if we leave, the country will
    fall apart, Iraq will fall apart.' This is the pretext for
    remaining." He added: "The main responsibility for all these crimes
    lies with the aggressors, led by America and Israel. They entered
    Iraq with the excuse that they want to bring security and justice. Is
    this security?"

    A Difficult Situation

    The situation in Iraq is so complex at the moment that to
    attribute the violence to just one or two actors would be woefully
    simplistic. Several reports on 21 September in "The Wall Street
    Journal," "The Guardian," the "Financial Times," and "The Christian
    Science Monitor" carry interviews with experts from across the
    political spectrum, as well as diplomats and locals, who note that
    Shi'ite militias -- most notably the Badr Corps and the Al-Mahdi
    Army -- are active in the south and have infiltrated the police and
    other institutions. Therefore, the primary loyalty of individuals in
    the security agencies and local government is to these Shi'ite
    organizations. An anonymous Baghdad-based "Western diplomat" told
    "The Guardian" after a visit to Al-Basrah that the militias are
    involved with smuggling, as well. Moreover, there are rivalries
    between the different Shi'ite militias. A clash occurred in
    Al-Najaf in August when the Al-Mahdi Army tried to reopen its office
    in the city (see "RFE/RL Iraq Report," 26 August 2005).
    The Sunni-Shi'a rift is widening, too. Fugitive Jordanian
    terrorist Abu Mus'ab al-Zarqawi's 14 September declaration of
    war on Shi'a came on the heels of his July announcement that the
    newly established Umar Brigade's sole function is to kill Badr
    Corps personnel (see "RFE/RL Iraq Report," 19 August and 19 September
    2005). Other Sunni groups, including the Ansar Al-Sunnah Army and the
    Victorious Sect Army, claim to have killed Badr Corps personnel.
    Resolution of the tense situation in Iraq through the
    give-and-take of civilized political discourse is possible and is
    clearly the desire of most Iraqis. Bringing about an atmosphere in
    which this dialogue can take place requires the elimination or at
    least neutralization of extremists like al-Zarqawi and his followers.
    (Bill Samii)

    TEHRAN DENIES ROLE IN IRAQI UNREST. Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim
    al-Ja'fari said on 22 September in London that he is unaware of
    Iranian involvement in recent violence in Al-Basrah, Al-Alam
    television reported. In Tehran, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza
    Assefi said British allegations of Iranian involvement in the Iraqi
    unrest are "categorically baseless" and "superficial," IRNA reported.
    (Bill Samii)

    IRAN TO GET ANOTHER PASS FROM IAEA. The governing board of the
    International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) began a meeting on the
    Iranian and Korean nuclear cases on 19 September, just two days after
    Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad delivered his nuclear proposal
    to the UN General Assembly (see "RFE/RL Iran Report," 20 September
    2005). Disappointed statements from French and British officials and
    others from American ones suggested that the Iranian case might be
    referred to the UN Security Council, which could lead to a range of
    sanctions. By the end of the week, however, it became clear that
    action on the issue will be postponed for a few more months.
    Ahmadinejad's proposal did not impress French Foreign
    Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy, AFP reported on 17 September. He
    said, "What I heard today obliges me to say that the option of the
    International Atomic Energy Agency report to the United Nations is
    still on the agenda." Douste-Blazy noted that Ahmadinejad is ignoring
    the concerns of the international community. Douste-Blazy said Paris
    does not oppose Iran's having a civilian nuclear program, but
    "our position is still firm: Iran must not develop the sensitive
    parts of the [nuclear] process. This would enable it to produce
    fissile materials."
    British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw described the Iranian
    measure as "unhelpful and disappointing," "The Guardian" reported on
    19 September. Washington is organizing a meeting of senior U.S.
    officials and their counterparts from France, Germany, and Great
    Britain to consider their next step, the daily added.
    An anonymous "Western diplomat" told AFP on 19 January that
    France, Great Britain, and Germany are distributing a draft
    resolution at the IAEA meeting in Vienna that calls for Iran to be
    reported to the Security Council. The diplomat said the process is
    informal so far and the resolution will be formalized only after
    consultation with members of the IAEA's governing board.
    U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in a 19 June
    interview with "Time" magazine that Washington believes Iran should
    have been referred to the Security Council "some time ago." The
    reason to refer Iran to the council is that it engaged in
    uranium-enrichment activities, which is permitted under the Nuclear
    Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), without disclosing them or allowing
    their monitoring, which are NPT requirements. Rice indicated that
    most of the IAEA governing board's members would support a
    resolution referring Iran to the Security Council. According to
    "Time," however, China, Russia, and some less-developed countries on
    the board would like to give Iran more time to comply with its NPT
    U.S. Ambassador to the IAEA Gregory Schulte said in an
    exclusive interview with Radio Farda on 20 September that the time to
    refer the Iranian nuclear dossier to the Security Council is overdue.
    He noted that IAEA Director-General Muhammad el-Baradei has said
    questions about the Iranian program remain, and negotiations between
    Tehran and the EU-3 (France, Germany, and the United Kingdom) have
    gotten nowhere. Instead of confidence building, he told Radio Farda,
    Iran has destroyed confidence.
    Ahmadinejad's comments at the UN General Assembly were
    not only unconstructive and worrisome for the international
    community, Schulte told Radio Farda, but they should worry the
    Iranian people as well. That is because the European proposal made in
    July was good for Iran, would have given it access to peaceful
    nuclear technology, and would have helped the Iranian economy. "But
    Iran's leaders did not accept this proposal," he said (see
    "RFE/RL Iran Report," 9 August 2005).
    The EU-3 withdrew on 22 September a slightly amended draft
    resolution that would have referred Iran to the UN Security Council
    for possible sanctions in the future, instead of immediately, Reuters
    reported. The EU-3 and the United States want Iran taken before the
    Security Council due to its inadequate cooperation with the IAEA and
    its history of clandestine nuclear activities. Moscow and Beijing,
    which have veto power in the council, and other less-developed
    countries, opposed the harsher resolution. "We are decisively opposed
    to an artificial exacerbation of the situation, including the
    transfer of the question to the UN Security Council," Russian
    Ambassador to the IAEA Grigorii Berdennikov said according to Reuters
    on 22 September.
    In the face of this opposition, RFE/RL reported, the
    Europeans have opted for continued negotiations until the next IAEA
    meeting in November. Iranian Ambassador to the IAEA Mohammad Mehdi
    Akhundzadeh said in Vienna, "There is no consensus whatever to [refer
    Iran to the Security Council], and I believe that that's a
    message, that if there is to be a solution, that it is to be through
    a consensus." (Bill Samii)

    TEHRAN HANGS TOUGH ON NUCLEAR ISSUE. Members of the Iranian executive
    and legislative branches remained defiant when faced with the
    possibility of being referred to the UN Security Council. "Our stance
    will not change," President Ahmadinejad said in a 19 September
    interview with Iranian state television when asked about the
    possibility of referral to the UN Security Council over his
    country's nuclear program. He predicted that there will be no
    sanctions. Ahmadinejad implied -- in an interview with "Time"
    magazine that appeared on its website on 17 September -- that Iran
    might deny access to international nuclear inspectors or manipulate
    international oil supplies.
    Parliamentarian Alaedin Borujerdi said in a state television
    roundtable on 18 September that Iran's "aggressive policy" is
    very effective. Borujerdi said the United States should abide by the
    NPT and stop bullying other countries. If the issue is referred to
    the Security Council, Borujerdi said, Iran will close its doors to
    IAEA inspectors. He added that activities at the Natanz enrichment
    facility could begin. Borujerdi encouraged the Europeans to negotiate
    with Iran.
    Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Larijani said
    in a 20 September press conference broadcast on state television that
    the United States and occasionally the IAEA are not standing by the
    articles of the NPT. Larijani said the treaty allows for the peaceful
    use of nuclear technology for power production. He said Iran has not
    violated any laws in developing its nuclear program, has never sought
    nuclear weapons, and has been very cooperative with the IAEA. He said
    Iran is willing to continue negotiations with European countries. He
    advised against bullying Iran and said North Korea withdrew from the
    NPT because of the pressure it faced. Larijani stressed that Iran has
    a right to develop nuclear technology and it refuses to be treated
    like a second-class country. If Iran is referred to the Security
    Council, Larijani said, it will reconsider its accession to the
    Additional Protocol of the NPT and will not "harbor any doubt on
    resuming enrichment."
    Vice President for Atomic Energy Gholamreza Aqazadeh-Khoi
    said in Vienna on 21 September that Iran does not plan to leave the
    NPT and the country remains committed to its obligations, IRNA
    reported. Aqazadeh-Khoi said he briefed members of the Nonaligned
    Movement on Tehran's discussions with the EU-3 (Germany, Great
    Britain, and France) earlier in the week. "These explanations were
    necessary and my sense was that they will have an important impact on
    the decision making at the current meeting of the board of
    Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki, who was in New York to
    participate in a meeting of Nonaligned Movement foreign ministers,
    said on 21 September that Iran has gone far in trying to build
    international confidence in the peaceful nature of its nuclear
    program, IRNA reported. "We have adopted a whole range of measures,
    including signing and implementing the additional protocol,
    voluntarily suspending enrichment activities for nearly two years,
    and facilitating for the IAEA to carry out around 1,200 [man/days of]
    inspection on our facilities," he said. He went on to say that Iran
    is willing to continue its cooperation, but it refuses to give up its
    perceived right to operate a nuclear fuel cycle.
    Islamabad-i Gharb parliamentary representative Heshmatollah
    Falahat-Pisheh, who serves on the National Security and Foreign
    Policy Committee, said on 21 September that Iran should continue with
    its nuclear program and argued against conceding anything in
    negotiations, the Mehr news agency reported. He complained that "the
    IAEA has been turned into an office for monopolistic activities,"
    adding, "We are witnessing a political power game in the IAEA board
    of governors and therefore it is unlikely that [Iran's plan] will
    be accepted."
    Another legislator, Hussein Nejabat, said on 21 September
    that Iran has complied with its NPT obligations and could pull out of
    the treaty if it is referred to the UN Security Council, the Iranian
    Students News Agency (ISNA) reported. He criticized Iran's
    voluntary suspension of nuclear activities. If Iran leaves the NPT
    uranium conversion and enrichment would take place at facilities in
    Isfahan and Natanz, respectively.
    Hard-line Karaj parliamentary representative Rashid Jalali
    said on 20 September that nobody will benefit if Iran is referred to
    the UN Security Council, "Iran" reported. He thought it unlikely that
    Iran will be referred to the council but acceded that a resolution
    might be forthcoming. He added, "Nothing unusual will occur when
    Iran's case is referred to the UN Security Council, because we
    are a signatory of the NPT and they cannot go beyond the treaty and
    take action against Iran." Jalali went on to say that Europe and the
    United States do not want Iran to have access to the fuel cycle and
    they are trying to "initiate a new political movement against Iran."
    (Bill Samii)

    International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) 35-member board of
    governors contemplates the Iranian nuclear program this week, the
    United States -- and reportedly, France, Germany, and the United
    Kingdom -- are calling for Iran's referral to the UN Security
    President Ahmadinejad threatened in a 19 September interview
    with Iranian state television that Tehran would take unspecific
    actions should the case go to the Security Council. In a 17 September
    interview with "Time," Ahmadinejad hinted at denial of access to
    international nuclear inspectors or the reduction of oil supplies.
    While the international community considers issues such as
    the extent of Iran's cooperation with the IAEA and the
    possibility that the country is trying to develop nuclear weapons,
    the safety of the Iranian nuclear program has gotten less notice. Any
    accidents at the nuclear reactor being built in Bushehr in
    southwestern Iran could have an international impact, and the issue
    therefore deserves international attention.

    Regional Concerns

    IAEA Director-General Muhammad el-Baradei said in his opening
    remarks at a 6-7 September conference in Vienna marking the nuclear
    disaster in Chornobyl: "The first lesson that emerged from Chernobyl
    was the direct relevance of international cooperation to nuclear
    safety. The accident revealed a sharp disparity in nuclear design and
    operational safety standards. It also made clear that nuclear and
    radiological risks transcend national borders -- that 'an
    accident anywhere is an accident everywhere'" (for the full text,
    At least two of Iran's neighbors -- Kuwait and Saudi
    Arabia -- have already expressed their concerns about safety issues.
    When Hojatoleslam Hassan Rohani, who was secretary of the Supreme
    National Security Council at the time, visited Kuwait and other
    Persian Gulf states in June it was to assuage these countries'
    fears, "Sharq" reported on 7 June.
    Rohani said at the time, "I also made clear to our Kuwaiti
    brethren that Iran's peaceful nuclear programs would be fully run
    under the close supervision of the [IAEA], and therefore, they should
    not be the source of any fear for the regional, or international
    circles," the IRNA reported on 7 June.
    Iran awarded the Bushehr safety contract -- worth some $20
    million -- to the Bezopasnost (Safety) enterprise of Rostekhnadzor,
    Russia's Federal Service for Environmental, Technological, and
    Nuclear Oversight, "Sharq" reported on 19 April.
    "Kuwait's or Saudi's concern over the safety of the
    Bushehr nuclear plant is understandable, because the Russians
    don't have such a stellar track record and reputation in nuclear
    safety around the world," Najmedin Meshkati, a professor of
    civil/environmental engineering and industrial and systems
    engineering at the University of Southern California and an
    international nuclear safety expert, told Radio Farda. "We --
    Iranians -- are also aware of these facts, and that's why we
    should try to get other qualified safety-related service and
    technology provider companies from Europe and the United States to
    participate in Bushehr." Meshkati told Radio Farda that this is the
    only logical way Iran can convince its neighbors that the Bushehr
    facility is as safe as a Western one.
    Meshkati stressed that experts working at Iran's Atomic
    Energy Organization are competent, but nuclear power plant safety is
    complex and multifaceted. Therefore, he said, several companies with
    expertise and knowledge in different areas should complement each
    other. "How can they put all their eggs in one basket?" Meshkati
    asked. "There is no single company that possesses all that needed
    expertise in-house."
    Meshkati asked how an individual Russian company with an
    unknown history can execute such a big job, adding that independent
    Western firms should participate in the project so the different
    companies can cross-check each other. "However, because of sanctions,
    Iran does not have access to the Western companies that could take
    care of Bushehr's safety," he said.
    The safety issue is so serious, Meshkati said, that it should
    be kept distinct from political considerations. He said Iran should
    initiate a parallel line of negotiation for obtaining
    nuclear-safety-related services and technologies from the West.
    Meshkati also expressed concern about the safety culture in
    general. He noted that culture and an emphasis on secrecy were
    factors that contributed to the disasters at Three Mile Island in the
    United States in 1979 and at Chornobyl in the Soviet Union in 1986.

    The IAEA And Bushehr

    Ken Brockman, IAEA director of nuclear safety and nuclear
    installation, seems more confident about safety at Bushehr. He told
    Radio Farda that the Iranians are very involved with their Russian
    counterparts. He said they have a "long-term vision" of achieving
    independence in safety. Brockman said he has visited Bushehr "many
    times" and has seen the Iranian dedication to quality control. He
    stressed that Iran has the primary responsibility for safety and the
    Russians are there to provide support in that area.
    Brockman went on to explain that the IAEA is involved with
    the Bushehr project. "We have an active program under technical
    cooperation and initiative with Iran working both with the operators
    and with the regulatory body there. There have been numerous
    peer-review missions." Brockman said experts from other countries
    come to Bushehr and to the Iranian regulatory agency to ensure that
    activities there benefit from global expertise. Brockman said the
    situation at Bushehr is satisfactory. "From my tour there, visiting
    the plant, I would say I am very comfortable with the commitment that
    Iran has in that regard recognizing their responsibilities." (Fatemeh
    Aman, Bill Samii)

    IRANIAN DIPLOMAT ARRESTED IN IRAN. Judiciary spokesman and Justice
    Minister Jamal Karimirad said on 19 September that an Iranian
    ambassador was arrested four or five days earlier on financial
    corruption charges, Fars News Agency reported. Karimirad said the
    amount of money in the case is 16 million euros ($19.2 million) and
    it is connected with an official who served under former Foreign
    Minister Kamal Kharrazi. Karimirad did not identify the individual,
    and earlier news reports asserted that Cyrus Nasseri, a senior
    representative to the IAEA, refused to go home to face corruption
    charges (see "RFE/RL Iran Report," 29 August and 12 September 2005).
    However, Nasseri appeared in photographs of the Iranian delegation at
    the IAEA meeting in Vienna on 19 September. (Bill Samii)

    from the Association in Defense of Prisoners' Rights to the head
    of the judiciary, Ayatollah Mahmud Hashemi-Shahrudi, calls for a
    review of the cases of 34 prisoners, "Aftab-i Yazd" and "Etemad"
    reported on 18 September. Most of the named individuals are being
    held for political offenses -- this includes student activists Ahmad
    Batebi and Manuchehr Mohammadi, as well as Abbas Amir-Entezam.
    Iran's longest-serving political prisoner, Amir-Entezam was
    sentenced to life imprisonment in December 1980. "Sharq" reported on
    18 September that Hashemi-Shahrudi has ordered an investigation into
    these cases.
    Sohrab Suleimani, the Tehran Province prison chief, said on
    17 September that dissident journalist Akbar Ganji's health is
    improving, the ILNA reported. Ganji recently ended a 70-day hunger
    strike. Suleimani denied that Ganji is in solitary confinement and
    said he is in Evin Prison's medical quarantine section, as are
    several other prisoners. Meanwhile, "Iran News" on 15 September cited
    the wife of imprisoned lawyer Abdolfattah Soltani as saying that her
    husband is in a shared cell but is not allowed to make telephone
    calls or have access to newspapers. Soltani is the attorney for the
    accused in a case involving nuclear espionage, and he also faces
    espionage charges. (Bill Samii)

    Friday-prayer sermon in Tehran, Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati demanded to
    know why nothing has been done about the case of the American
    University in Hawaii. Approximately one year ago, Iranian legal
    officials reported that the American University of Hawaii, a diploma
    mill with headquarters in the United States, was issuing degrees that
    the government did not recognize (see "RFE/RL Iran Report," 27
    September 2004).
    This institution granted degrees in exchange for the payment
    of fees, and it did not require class attendance. On 15 September,
    "Iran" newspaper criticized the judiciary for its failure to take
    In August, the university case was referred to the judiciary
    for action. But since then, according to a 7 September "Jomhuri-yi
    Islami" report, there has been a bureaucratic tie-up. When the case
    first came to light, Iranian newspapers noted that a number of
    government and judiciary officials had gotten their credentials from
    the American University of Hawaii.
    Justice Minister and judiciary spokesman Jamal Karimirad
    tried to allay in early September any concerns about the possibility
    of a conflict of interest. According to the "Jomhuri-yi Islami"
    report, he said, "Some media organs have suggested that since a
    number of individuals who are currently working in different parts of
    the judiciary are graduates of that university, the judiciary as a
    whole does not intend to investigate and process this legal dossier
    seriously." He continued, "Full investigative and judicial work on
    this dossier will commence during the coming month."
    According to its website, the American University of Hawaii
    has campuses in 19 countries, and Iran is not the only place where it
    is having problems. The U.S. state of Hawaii's Department of
    Commerce and Consumer Affairs has filed several injunctions against
    the institution. The founder of the institution, Hassan Safavi, will
    go on trial in the state on 7 November. The complaint against the
    institution notes that it is not accredited by any recognized agency
    or association, is "engaged in the operation of the unaccredited
    degree-granting institution," and "offered to sell and sold
    postsecondary degrees."
    This is not the only Iranian case involving a diploma mill.
    When Ali Saidlu was being considered as the prospective oil minister
    in President Ahmadinejad's government in August, it was revealed
    that he had received a doctorate in strategic management from
    Hartford University (see "RFE/RL Iran Report," 29 August 2005 ).
    Hartford University is registered on the Pacific island of Vanuatu
    and offers degrees in exchange for money, according to "Time"
    magazine on 5 September.
    There are other diploma mills operating in Iran. The Russian
    Voronezh State University's branch in Iran was fined and closed,
    and the Eastern Studies Institute, which is affiliated with
    France's Sorbonne University, was investigated.


    The appeal of such institutions reflects a phenomenon called
    "madrak gerayi," roughly translated as "degree-ism." This phenomenon
    also is referred to as "credentialism," which is an excessive
    emphasis on formal educational qualifications in employment. Some see
    a higher degree as an entree to a higher position and the
    commensurate increase in salary, benefits, and prestige. Others just
    want a higher degree to satisfy their egos.
    Credentialism and the related problem of diploma mills are
    not peculiar to Iran. A May 2004 report
    ( by the U.S. General
    Accounting Office (GAO) found that some U.S. government officials
    have enhanced their resumes by getting degrees from diploma mills.
    Such institutions "require no academic work at all and merely sell
    degrees for a fee." The GAO investigation found that in some cases
    these institutions structured their charges so the federal government
    would pay the students' fees.
    A second GAO report
    ( showed that a diploma
    mill can be created with relative ease. The main requirements for
    creating a diploma mill are a website, a telephone number, and a post
    office box.
    The outcome of the Iranian case involving the American
    University of Hawaii is far from obvious. Legal cases in Iran
    sometimes just fade away without being resolved. But as long as
    Iranians retain the hope that academic credentials could lead to
    jobs, when the country is experiencing double-digit unemployment, the
    problem of credentialism is unlikely to disappear. (Bill Samii)

    SUPREME LEADER PROMISES SALVATION. In a speech commemorating the
    anniversary of the birth of the 12th Imam (Muhammad al-Mahdi),
    Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said salvation will occur if
    people wait and do not succumb to despair, "Hamshahri" reported on 21
    September. He said the United States tries to fool Islamic
    countries' officials into believing that they are incapable and
    must surrender to the United States. Khamenei praised President
    Ahmadinejad's speech at the UN and said the speech pleased
    Iranians. "This means that the Iranian nation will not surrender to
    threats, force, and pressure," he said. (Bill Samii)

    ************************************************** *******
    Copyright (c) 2005. RFE/RL, Inc. All rights reserved.

    The "RFE/RL Iran Report" is a weekly prepared by A. William Samii on
    the basis of materials from RFE/RL broadcast services, RFE/RL
    Newsline, and other news services.

    Direct comments to A. William Samii at [email protected].
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