| 13:14:14 | 27-09-2005 | Politics |
Contrary to foreign observers Electoral Systems public organization
has fixed various violations during the election held in Kentron
and Arabkir.
The observers visited 12 out of 49 polling stations of Arabkir
community and 7 out of 54 polling stations of Kentron community. In
Arabkir the observers fixed violations such as group voting, refusal
to accept complaints, propaganda attempts. Similar violations were
observed in Kentron community.
The observing group of the Electoral Systems will issue the final
report within a month upon completion of the election to the local
| 13:14:14 | 27-09-2005 | Politics |
Contrary to foreign observers Electoral Systems public organization
has fixed various violations during the election held in Kentron
and Arabkir.
The observers visited 12 out of 49 polling stations of Arabkir
community and 7 out of 54 polling stations of Kentron community. In
Arabkir the observers fixed violations such as group voting, refusal
to accept complaints, propaganda attempts. Similar violations were
observed in Kentron community.
The observing group of the Electoral Systems will issue the final
report within a month upon completion of the election to the local