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Turkish academics break genocide taboo

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  • Turkish academics break genocide taboo

    Turkish academics break genocide taboo



    Turkish academics break genocide taboo

    By Jonathan Gorvett in Istanbul

    Tuesday 27 September 2005, 15:21 Makka Time, 12:21 GMT

    The recent conference in Istanbul on the controversial killing of Ottoman
    Armenians in the closing stages of first world war has been widely lauded as
    a breakthrough event which could strengthen accession talks with the
    European Union.

    "It was a major shift in the understanding here of the importance of freedom
    of expression," Ferai Tinc, a leading columnist with the Turkish daily
    Hurriyet, told "It showed a transformation in mentality."

    Others see it as a major step too on Turkey's rocky road to European Union
    membership, with talks on this due to start in just one week's time.

    The conference - held on 24 September amid cries of treachery from hardline
    Turkish nationalists and resounding applause from academics, politicians and
    pundits - was the first ever in Turkey to see an open discussion on the
    events of 1915.

    At the turn of the 20th century, Turkey's predecessor, the Ottoman Empire,
    was allied with Germany and Austria (part of the Austro-Hungarian empire)
    against Britain, France and Russia.

    Genocide debate

    The Ottoman government, many historians say, then organised what amounted to
    genocide of its ethnic Armenian population, which was considered pro-Russian
    and disloyal.

    But Turkish authorities have in the past 90 years denied this version of
    events, saying that both Turks and Armenians were killed in chaotic

    While Ankara does concede that the Ottoman government ordered the
    deportation of its ethnic Armenian population to the southeast of the
    country, it insists this did not constitute genocide.

    This controversy has led to heated and often violent disputes, with the
    official Turkish line fiercely defended within the country, effectively
    preventing public discussion of alternative points of view.

    Yet this month, academics met to do just that - and were pelted with eggs
    and tomatoes by hardline Turkish nationalists, who accused the professors of
    betraying the country.

    The conference had already been cancelled in May after the country's justice
    minister described it as a "stab in the back" by Turkish academics who were
    willing to consider claims of a genocide.
    Reset for September 23, at the last minute, hardline Turkish nationalists
    obtained a court injunction preventing the event from being held at its
    original venue.

    Yet this ban was successfully got round by another Istanbul university
    offering its premises - a move also seen by many as deeply significant.

    Important step

    "This was Turkey's academic community asserting its independence," says
    Razmik Panossian, a leading Armenian academic and director of programmes at
    the Canadian Rights and Democracy pressure group.

    "They were saying 'We'll go ahead with this even if people are against us'.
    This was a very important step to take."

    For many then, both in Turkey and elsewhere, the significance of the
    weekend's conference, which saw mainly Turkish scholars debate the record,
    was not 1915, but 2005.

    "The conference was not just about the Armenian issue," says Ekyen
    Mahcupyan, the ethnic Armenian director of Turkish think-tank TESEV's
    democratisation programme. "It was about Turkey showing itself and the world
    that it can discuss issues like who we are and what kind of world we want to
    live in."

    The conference was also taking place at a crucial time in Turkey's bid to
    become a member of the European Union.

    On 3 October, accession negotiations are scheduled to begin, with Brussels
    pushing Turkey to further democratise - and taking a dim view of the
    controversy over the conference.

    Support received

    Turkish Prime Minister Recip Tayyip Erdogan and his foreign minister,
    Abdullah Gul, both gave their support for the event and reacted strongly
    against the court order cancelling it.

    "It is obvious that Europe will be influenced in a positive way by how
    things turned out," adds Mahcupyan. "As soon as the court halted the
    conference, everyone reacted - many people came forward to condemn the court
    and support the event and free speech."

    The message here, many Turks believe, is that the recent democratic reforms
    the current government has introduced are taking hold.

    "After the reforms were introduced, there was a lot of questioning in the EU
    over whether they would be implemented," says Tinc.

    "Now, the ability to hold this conference shows how the mentality has
    changed, enabling the implementation of reform."

    The issue also has wider strategic implications for Turkey's EU accession
    bid. Turkey borders Armenia, yet the frontier remains closed, with no
    diplomatic relations between the two.

    Frozen relations

    The claims over genocide are a key factor in these frozen relations -
    although there is one other major issue at stake.

    "Relations are being held hostage by the Nagorno Kharabakh conflict," says
    Panossian. Since war between Armenia and Turkish ally Azerbaijan resulted in
    the occupation of some Azeri territory by the Armenians, Turkey has shut off
    its links with its Armenian neighbour.

    "Yet, from the moment the EU accession talks start, the Armenian issue will
    keep coming up," says international relations professor Gareth Winrow of
    Istanbul's Bilgi University - where the conference was eventually held.

    "All EU states must have good relations with their neighbours and Turkey
    must therefore find a formula for normalising its relations with Armenia.
    Perhaps the hope of some Turks in the conference was to begin that process."

    That being said, the conference's reception has not been entirely popular in
    Turkey. Some see the Europeans in particular not as pushing democratic
    reform along, but as trying to use the issue against Turkey.

    Pressuring Turkey

    "People in France and Germany and some other countries encourage the
    Armenians to attack Turkey," says Sedat Laciner , director of the
    International Strategic Research Organisation in Ankara.
    "They can't find any other reason to keep Turkey out of the EU so they use
    this. Western countries always used the Armenians - in World War I they did
    the same thing, encouraging them to rise up against the Ottomans."

    It is a view not too dissimilar from Panossian's. "European capitals will
    use Armenia to put pressure on Ankara," he says.

    "This has been a convenient way for them to set up hurdles for Turkey ever
    since the 19th century."

    Meanwhile, ordinary Turks seem largely divided on the issue.

    "I don't think it should have been allowed," says shop worker Mert Aslan.
    "There was no such genocide - it was the Turks who suffered. Nobody ever
    talks about that, and to think that Turkish professors are supporting the
    Armenians is a shame for us."

    By contrast, student Dicile Atacam said: "I think it's a very good thing.
    If we can't talk freely about the past, then how can we ever understand each
    other today, in the present?"